Late at night, in the suburbs.

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Pei Qian and Pei Li stared at Muyu who was walking ahead.

"That woman looks like her mother." Pei Li said faintly.

"As like as two peas!" Pei Qian nodded.

"But he dared to control his mother and hurt her..." Pei Li's eyes showed a violent color.

"Hurt your mother is the most hateful!" Pei Qian nodded in agreement.

"However, when we hid outside the window, I seemed to hear that she was my mother's sister... Just like us... In this way, it should be our aunt." Pei Lidao.

Pei Qian: "

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"It's my aunt." Pei Lidao.

"In that case, it's even more hateful, but after all, it's our aunt. If you don't kill her, just give her a lesson. Go." Pei Li faces Pei Qiandao.

"Uh huh, I'll go..." Pei Qian subconsciously said, but when he recovered, he frowned: "I'll go, I'll go to you, why don't you go."

"After all, she looks like her mother. I can't teach her a lesson." Pei Lidao.

"If you don't do it, am I cruel?" Pei Qian was puzzled.

"Yes." Peili nodded.

Just as the two quarreled, Peili covered peiqian's chattering mouth, "don't quarrel, someone is coming."

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Pei Qian also felt that an extremely powerful evolutionist momentum was approaching rapidly.

Muyu seems to be aware of it and speed up.

However, for a moment, a dark shadow fell from the void and stopped beside Muyu.

The visitor is an old man with gray hair and bent body. He looks like an ordinary old man, but his terrible evolutionist momentum is as shocking as mountains and seas.

Muyu frowned deeply after seeing the old man, but he didn't speak.

The old man stared at Muyu, looked up and down, and immediately smiled at Muyu and said, "little girl, are you Muyan's sister Muyu or Muyu's sister Muyan?"

"Dharma protector of the Holy Land..." looking at the old man, a cold light appeared in Mu Yu's eyes.

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"The people of the holy land."

In the dark, Peili frowned deeply.

"Holy Land... It's still Dharma protector. It's not easy to provoke. This is the holy land force that opposes my mother and wants to kill my mother?" Pei Qian was surprised.

He had never seen such a terrible evolutionary momentum. To what extent had the little old man evolved.

"What to do." Pei Qian looks at Pei Li.

"Wait and see what happens." Pei Lidao.


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"What's the matter, little girl? Can you answer my little old man's question?" The old man looked at Muyu with a smile.

"I'm your ancestor." Mu Yu sneered.

The old man was not angry, but nodded and continued to smile: "look at your way of speaking. If I guessed right, you should be Muyan's sister Muyu."

"What if I smoke and what if I rain."

The old man shook his head and sighed: "Alas, I was really fooled by your Mu family in those years. This sister and sister, true or false, can't tell whether you are bathing smoke or bathing rain. I'm too lazy to guess. Killing you is the easiest way. Don't blame my little old man for being cruel. After all, I have learned from the past."

"Don't talk nonsense. If you want to kill me, you have to see your strength!"

After Muyu said that, an extremely strange atmosphere of evolution emerged from itself. Immediately, more than ten young men and women rushed here from all around and quickly guarded in front of Muyu.

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