"These are..." the old man looked at the young men and women, and a surprised look appeared in his eyes.

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Mu Yu said coldly, "this is the experimental means you covet in the holy land."

"One of Shang Yuan's experimental techniques... Evolutionary cloning... How can you have Shang's cloning technology..." the old man thought.

These young men and women are produced through cloning technology. They have no thinking, but just some kind of tool.

Before, the holy land had many discussions with the clan leaders of the Shang family, hoping that Shang Yuan would hand over this technology that could affect the world balance of the evolutors, but Shang Yuan refused. Helpless, the Holy Land sent someone to assassinate Shang Yuan, but it failed.

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Unexpectedly, there will be a second person to discuss yuan's technology.

"Little girl, as long as I can make sure you're not smoking, and then you give this experimental technology to the Holy Land and ensure that you don't use this technology to interfere with the balance, then I can consider giving you a way out. What do you think of this deal?" The old man stared at Muyu road.

"Oh, this is the so-called holy land. Relying on your own strength, you force others to hand over their achievements and do things of extortion, but you have to maintain balance and maintain the attitude of the world. It's ridiculous. You're worse than those who make a fool of yourself." The rain disdained the way.

Hearing the sound, the old man smiled and said, "little girl, the world is not black or white. Maintaining the balance between the evolutionist world and ordinary people can not be achieved by full of benevolence, righteousness and morality. Where there is light, there will be darkness."

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Don't give Muyu a chance to speak, the old man continued, "If you let it go, in the future, you or the Shang clan leader, you have used this technology and strength to suppress the holy land. If you are ambitious and want to destroy the balance, at that time, no one can contain it. The world will become a prison because of you. I think at that time, someone will say, why don't we take measures in time Measures. "

"How do you know that we must be ambitious." Muyu road.

The old man sighed, and a helpless color appeared in his eyes, "you're right. It's because we can't be sure that we can only eradicate it by our means."

"Well, I don't expect you to understand. I don't know what happened today. I told you so much... It seems that you won't agree to hand over the technology. In that case, start cleaning it up." The old man shook his head.

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The next second, more than a dozen clone evolutionists rushed to the old man fearlessly.

However, in only half a quarter of an hour, these evolutionists were completely destroyed by the elderly.

Muyu's complexion was very white. He was slapped by the old man just now, and blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

With only one palm, she could not parry, and her internal organs were shattered. The old man's evolutionary power was too terrible.

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Moreover, he is not a power evolutionist. The old man's spiritual field is also very powerful. His heart is powerful like a steel plate, and mental control and mental illusion do not work.

Muyu is proud of experimental techniques. Pure fighting is not her strength. She must return to the laboratory and use the latest perfect body based on Wang Jingyang!

"You can't run away."

It seems that Muyu wants to escape, but the old man blocks Muyu's road and doesn't give Muyu a chance to escape at all.

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