The next day, the hospital.

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Lin Yan thought for a long time and was ready to have a showdown with Pei Yucheng. He made it clear what had happened before, so as to avoid a knot in everyone's heart.

However, yesterday Pei Yucheng said to go to a doctor to check her body. Then he said that there was an emergency in the company. Until now, he hasn't appeared.

Lin Yan is about to call Pei Yucheng. There is a knock at the door. Cheng Mo comes in.

"Assistant Cheng? Where's Mr. Pei? Are you finished? I have something urgent to find him!" Lin Yan asked.

Cheng Mo walks over and hesitates to hand Lin Yan the things in his hand. "Madam, this... Is what brother Yu asked me to give you."

Lin Yan inexplicably had a bad feeling. He frowned and took over the stack of documents.

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The first thing to introduce is the five bold words - divorce agreement.

Lin Yan's pupils shrunk, read all the contents at a glance, and his face became colder and colder.

Finally, Lin Yan sneered and threw the divorce agreement back to Cheng Murray. "Your boss is generous. Give me the whole company?"

"Not only the company, but also Xingshen, Ling Yue and all the people under brother Yu are now under your control."

"Madam? Don't call me madam. I can't afford it!" Lin Yan's tone was mixed with anger.

She thought Pei Yucheng didn't find anything wrong with her at all. Who knows, he had guessed everything in just a few seconds and sent it to her in such a short time. He didn't even give her a chance to speak face to face.

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Did she say she was getting a divorce?

Yes! She was clamoring for a divorce before, but later she was not completely by his routine. This guy's routine was as long as the eastern Tang Dynasty to the western sky, which made her fall in love with him again.

So this guy ran away after pulling up and leaving a divorce agreement?

Lin Yan patted the table and directly cracked it: "what do you mean by giving me this money? Am I the one who likes money so much?"

Cheng Mo was so frightened that he could only explain quickly: "madam, brother Yu didn't mean that. Brother Yu said that he made the money for you."

Lin Yan then picked up his mobile phone and dialed Pei Yucheng. As a result, the other end of the mobile phone actually showed an empty number!

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Lin Yan's face was worse. "Where is he now?"

Cheng Mo looked embarrassed: "well, I don't know..."

Lin Yan was about to speak. At this time, a gentle knock on the door sounded, and two small milk balls came in together.

Seeing the two children, Lin Yan suddenly turned into a continuous drizzle.

"Mom!" Pei Qian was very excited when he saw that Lin Yan really woke up. He stabbed Lin Yan's arms like a small shell.

Pei Li also flushed his eyes. "Sister, you finally wake up! Sister, are you still suffering?"

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Lin Yan listens to his son's "sister", and his heart aches.

She held the little guy in her arms and gently stroked his little face. "Little gift, baby, I haven't heard you call my mother for a long time. Can you call it to my mother?"

At the moment when Lin Yan's voice fell, Pei Li's body suddenly froze and raised his small face, which was unbelievable.

Pei Qian was also surprised.

Pei Li stared at Lin Yan blankly and dared not move. It seemed that he was afraid that everything in front of him was his own illusion. He stared at Lin Yan and made sure again and again that he saw extremely familiar eyes in Lin Yan's eyes.

That's mom's eyes!

No longer the eyes of strangers!

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