"Mom..." the little guy's eyes turned a little red. Finally, he burst into Lin Yan's arms with a cry and called him what he hadn't said for a long time: "Mom... Mom..."

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"Mom, Xiao Li misses you so much, miss Mom so much..." the little guy was out of breath.

"Mom! Do you really think of it? Do you think of your brother and dry?" Pei Qian was too excited to cry.

Although I saw my mother before, my mother was like a stranger. She couldn't recognize them at all, especially Pei Li. She couldn't even say a word to her mother

"Yes, my mother remembered Xiao Li and Gan Gan. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, babies! My mother forgot you, I'm sorry..." Lin Yan held both children in his arms.

The mother and son held together. Lin Yan calmed down his good mood for a long time. He comforted the two children in a soft voice and asked them how they spent these years.

After talking for a while, Pei Qian asked with an awkward expression, "Mom, do you also think of your father?"

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Lin Yan's complexion was complex and nodded, "well, I remember..."

Pei Li was about to speak when he suddenly saw something in Cheng Mo's hand, so he grabbed it, "Mom, what's this?"

The two children saw the words "divorce agreement" at the same time.

Pei Qian exclaimed, "divorce agreement?"

Pei Li looked a little complicated. "Mom, do you want to divorce Dad... Pei Yucheng?"

Pei Li hesitated and said, "Mom, do you want to think about it again? In fact, he seems to have changed a lot this time. He is not as unreasonable as before."

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Pei Qian hesitated for only a second, then nodded again and again, "yes, yes, it has changed a lot."

"Mom, do you want to give him another chance?" Perry spoke carefully.

Pei Qian: "Mom, why don't you give him another chance?"

Lin Yan didn't expect that the two children would help Pei Yucheng speak. He couldn't help but be surprised. "Don't you both hate your father very much? Why did you suddenly speak for him?"

Pei Li: "no! Mom, I'm just telling the truth."

Pei Qian: "yes! We are honest children."

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Lin Yan pretended to be sorry, "Oh, that's right. I was thinking that if you two like him, I'll consider it!"

The two little guys looked surprised and embarrassed at the same time.

Pei Li struggled for a long time before he said, "I don't like it, but..."

Pei Qian: "but I don't hate it."

Lin Yan smiled and teased, "Hey, well, I'll have a look."

Maybe this is a good opportunity to resolve the relationship between father and son

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Lin Yan asks Cheng Mo to call Ling Yue and asks Ling Yue to help her find Pei Yucheng. If she finds it, inform her immediately.

Pei Yucheng on the other side of the company is considerate and has taken care of it well. She found a professional manager. She doesn't need to worry about it. It seems that she has been planning for a long time

Lin Yan has been in a coma for a long time. He claims that he has been injured and is recuperating.

After waking up, she immediately contacted Zhao Hongling and the team and told them that she was fine so as not to worry them.

Mo Shuyun and several team members learned that Lin Yan woke up and immediately came to the hospital to visit Lin Yan. Xiao Yao also came with him.

"Wake up." Xiao Yao said hello.

"Master, are you ready?" Yunxuan walked in the back, as shy and clever as before, as if he was just an ordinary and clever little apprentice.

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