The moment he Lefeng saw the great gods outside the door, he Lefeng was almost blinded by the dog's eyes. He stood where he was, and half of the watermelon he ate fell to the ground with a bang.

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Who could have expected that the people in WZ's melon were so alive in front of us just now.

"But God... Wave God... And... You... Are you...?"

How did these people come to this small apartment in the middle of the night?

Sun Shuo ran said excitedly, "my teacher..." where is Fu?

Before the latter words could be said, King quite skillfully covered sun shuoran's mouth, and then replied without changing his face: "I heard that Miss Lin is ill, let's visit."

Lang Mang, butcher and sun Shuo nodded together.

On one side, the corner of Luzon's mouth twitched. People would believe that there was a ghost.

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Sure enough, he Lefeng's expression was even more incredible.


Even if I was lucky to rub the WZ training ground before, the relationship between us should not be so good.

Besides, the WZ four gods are out at the same time, and even the team manager Lu Sen is there?

Even the president of the international Racing Association may not have such treatment

"Sorry to bother you in the evening. Is Miss Lin there?" Luzon had to bite the bullet.

"Ah... Yes... Sister Yan is here..." he Lefeng can only harden his head and welcome a few people in.

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"Who is it so late?" In the living room, Mo Shuyun turned and asked.

Xiao Yao, Yun Xuan and Qi Feng also looked towards the door.

Then, we saw langmang, king, butcher, sun shuoran and Lu Sen coming in.

Mo Shuyun: "...!"

Qi Feng: "...??"

Although Yunxuan and Xiaoyao knew Lin Yan's identity, they were surprised to see the five people running together, and subconsciously looked in the direction of Lin Yan.

Lin Yan is also full of question marks.

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He Lefeng said, "sister Yan, he... They said they came to see a doctor."

The five people didn't expect someone in Lin Yan's family, but they all came and couldn't go back.

The butcher was so impatient that he couldn't help asking, "Miss Lin, what's going on? How can you get hurt suddenly?"

Langmang's face was dignified: "I heard it was a car accident? Did you find out who did it?"

King: "how is Miss Lin recovering now?"

Lu Sen: "Hey, by the way, Miss Lin, have you heard the big news in the racing circle recently?"

Sun Shuo ran tried to resist the desire to act like a spoiled child and reluctantly said in a restrained tone: "sister Yan, are you all right? You're thin!"

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In front of so many people, he couldn't call Shifu, but he didn't want to call Miss Lin so strange, so he reluctantly changed his name to "sister".

Hearing sun shuoran's "smoke sister", he Lefeng couldn't help shaking his body.

Lin Yan: "

Do you think a different name would make it less abrupt?

Lin Yan's brain hurts when he is stirred by these people, especially sun shuolan's leaky little cotton padded jacket.

Lin Yan: "well, thank you for your concern. I'm all right. I'm recovering well. I'm not injured because of a car accident..."

"It's not a car accident? What's the matter? It's strange that you suddenly suffered such a heavy injury at this juncture. It must not be so simple..." Sun Shuo wrung his eyebrows and muttered.

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