He Lefeng nodded and echoed: "I think so, too!"

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Sun shuoran: "shouldn't it be..."

He Lefeng: "it can't be the thunder and the speed of light who are playing tricks!"

Sun shuoran: "it's not that GD and the international Racing Association are playing tricks!"

He Lefeng and sun Shuo spoke in the same voice.

He Lefeng immediately asked ha: "...??"


The most people who want to engage in cigarette sister are thunder or the speed of light. How can they be related to GD and even the international racing public???

I'm afraid GD and the international Racing Association don't even know who sister Yan is?

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Sun shuoran realized that he had said the wrong thing and wiped his sweat. Pitifully, he turned his head and looked at Lin Yan: "

Lin Yan faces his perforated vest and just wants to throw sun shuolan out.

Lin Yan took a deep breath. "It's my personal affair. It has nothing to do with the things in the racing circle. Don't guess."

Sun Shuo ran immediately followed Lin Yan's words, "ah ha ha, yes, my brain is a little big..."

Mo Shuyun hurriedly asked the WZ people to sit down and pour them tea.

Mo Shuyun just helped several people pour tea, but Sun Shuo immediately took the teapot from Mo Shuyun's hand and poured Lin Yan a cup of tea himself, "cigarette sister, drink water ~"

Mo Shuyun, he Lefeng, Qi Feng: "

Lin Yan: "...?"

Sun Shuo ran received Lin Yan's warning eyes, and immediately reacted that his behavior was inappropriate. He looked guilty and wronged.

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His respect and love for the master has formed a conditioned reflex, which can't be hidden!

The butcher on one side also stared at Sun Shuo: "Miss Lin doesn't drink tea before going to bed at night."

Mo Shuyun, he Lefeng, Qi Feng: "...??" Butcher, why do you know so well?

Lin Yan: "...?"

Yunxuan on one side sighed gently and didn't know what to say. No wonder the master mentioned that these disciples always looked tired

Mo Shuyun felt that the atmosphere at this moment was really a little too strange.

WZ's attitude towards Lin Yan is indeed somewhat unusual, especially sun shuoran.

Sun shuoran's attitude is so attentive. Does he like the goddess?

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However, this is clearly not like the attitude, but looks respectful and afraid

With respect and fear, how could sun shuolan have such an attitude towards Lin Yan?

In order to break this awkward atmosphere, Mo Shuyun changed the topic and enlivened the atmosphere, "ha ha, I heard that Yeva is coming back to participate in the peak competition. Congratulations to WZ! If Yeva really participates in the competition, the champion will probably be WZ!"

Lang Mang: "


Butcher: "

Sun shuoran: "

Luzon: "

At the moment when Mo Shuyun's voice fell, the expressions of the five WZ people were all like sculptures, especially Lu Sen, and even had a feeling of natural and unrestrained autumn wind.

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Mo Shuyun looked inexplicable.


Did he say something wrong?

Just a polite congratulations?

Mo Shuyun coughed softly and said, "sorry, I didn't mean to inquire about the secrets of your team, but it's all over the Internet. I can't help talking. Don't worry, I won't talk outside."

Luzon: "

It really has nothing to do with their team.

Lu Sen looked at Mo Shuyun, the captain of the aurora team, and his eyes were red with envy.

Why is this smelly boy so lucky!

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