"Hello, Miss Lin Yan. It's a pleasure to meet you."

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At the moment, President Qi stood up and opened the chair for Lin Yan very gentlemanly to facilitate Lin Yan to sit at the table.

Lin Yan: "

"Miss Lin Yan, this is not only Shao yuan's father, but also the president of our Chinese Racing Association." One of the elders laughed.

"President of China Racing Association?"

Lin Yan looked at President Qi and looked surprised.

Qi Shaoyuan's father is actually the president of the Chinese National Association?

How come she never heard Qi Shaoyuan mention

"Miss Lin Yan, first meeting."

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President Qi held out his hand.

Lin Yan shook hands with President Qi out of politeness.

"These are senior officials of the China Racing Association. This is vice president Li." President Qi introduced to an old man in a black suit.

"Oh, Hello, vice president Li." Lin Yan nodded to Vice President Li.

"Hello, Miss Lin Yan. It's a great honor to meet you for the first time." Vice President Li nodded again and again.

At the moment, Lin Yan's heart is full of doubts.

Are the senior executives, vice presidents and even presidents of the Chinese Racing Association so polite to her? And invite her to eat in such a hotel. Why?

"Waiter, you can start."

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A high-rise man said to the waiter in the room.

"Yes, Miss Lin drinks? The wine here is very good, Baijiu beer wine..." the senior man asked Lin smoke.

"Er... You're welcome. Just a drink." Lin Yan smiled awkwardly.

"OK." The senior old man nodded, "waiter, add a bottle of your best drink."

This private room is accompanied by three waiters to serve customers.

After the dishes were served, President Qi winked. A senior executive immediately understood and said to several waiters, "it's hard, everyone. We have something to talk about. You can leave first. Please close the door tightly and don't let anyone approach."

After the waiter left, President Qi filled his glass with wine, immediately stood up, raised his glass to Lin Yan and said, "it's the first time for us to have dinner with Miss Lin. in this way, let's give Miss Lin a drink first. Miss Lin, you can have a drink. After we finish, you can feel free."


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Lin Yan looked confused.

What is this situation?

According to her identity, she is just a new racing driver, and these people are the top executives of the China Racing Association. According to their seniority, these people can be their own fathers and grandfathers. How can they drink to her together?

It was too late to think more. Lin Yan immediately drank the drink and immediately filled his drink cup with wine.

Others can respect her like this, but she can't really let so many elders drink. It's impolite to drink by herself.

Immediately, Lin Yan also stood up and drank it with the people.

"Miss Lin, this is the first meeting. I hope you like it."

Immediately, President Qi clapped his hands and looked at the vice president.

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Hearing the sound, vice president Li quickly took out a gift box.

"So polite?"

Lin Yan took the gift box in a confused way.

"Miss Lin, would you like to open it? Maybe you'll like it." The vice president smiled.

Hearing the sound, Lin Yan subconsciously opened the gift box.

The bright light almost blinded her eyes!

There are kittens and puppies made of glass in the gift box. They look lifelike and very cute.

"The glass cat and glass dog are very cute." Lin Yan smiled.

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