Hearing the sound, vice president Li looked embarrassed and said, "Miss Lin, that's not glass."

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"Isn't it?" Lin Yan looked carefully.

"Diamond." Vice President Li said.

As vice president Li's voice fell, Lin Yan shook his hands and nearly threw out the diamond cat and diamond dog.



Lin Yan's face suddenly changed and hurriedly pushed the diamond cat and dog over: "no, no, this is too expensive. I can't accept the reward for no work."

"Alas, only miss Lin can match these things. Miss Lin Yan, you founded a charity such as angel house. We all admire it very much. These should be some of our intentions. Even if it is for the homeless little poor dog food and cat food, how about it." Vice President Li smiled.

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Hearing the sound, Lin Yan thought about entering Europe. If so, it can be accepted

But on second thought, Lin Yan thought something was wrong.

Accept a fart!

How does this feel like a bride price??

Qi Shaoyuan asked himself to come to such a place for dinner, brought his own father and gave her such valuable diamond cats and dogs

This product should not be

Immediately, Lin Yan's eyes fell on Qi Shaoyuan.

As a result, Qi Shaoyuan just touched Lin Yan's eyes, immediately blushed, turned his head, and was full of mood.

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Seeing Qi Shaoyuan's expression, Lin Yan confirmed his guess.

Lin Yan never thought that Qi Shaoyuan would expose his identity.

"Well, uncle, I think there may be some misunderstanding..." Lin Yan thought for a moment and said to President Qi.

"Misunderstanding? Of course not." Qi Huichang smiled.

"Uncle, it's like this. Shao yuan is really excellent. We should find a good girlfriend..." Lin Yan said awkwardly.

Hearing the sound, Qi Huichang sneered: "he's an excellent fart and looking for a girlfriend. He's a fire pit. Which girl jumped into the fire pit blind."

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"Alas, Dad... You......" Qi Shaoyuan looked at his father and twitched slightly at the corners of his mouth.

Did anyone kiss their son like that.

"Hehe, however, Shao yuan's best thing is to know Miss Lin..." Qi Huichang added with a smile.

Lin Yan: "

"Uncle, I have a boyfriend." Lin Yandao.

"Have a boyfriend?" Hearing the sound, President Qi was stunned, "what's the matter with a boyfriend?"

Lin Yan: "

Before President Qi could continue to say anything, vice president Li seemed to realize that he couldn't see it. He went to President Qi and said something softly.

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Immediately, President Qi suddenly realized and hurriedly said, "I'm afraid miss Lin has misunderstood. This time we invited Miss Lin to come, but we didn't propose marriage..."

No wonder there was something wrong with the previous conversation.

"Miss Lin really thinks too much. How can Shaoyuan He De deserve Miss Lin." Vice President Li also spoke quickly.

Qi Shaoyuan: "..." he just couldn't understand what he did and why he stepped on him so fiercely.

"Miss Lin, in that case, let's get straight to the point. We hope Miss Lin Yan can join our Chinese Racing Association. This time, the face of the Chinese Racing Association depends on Miss Lin Yan." Vice President Li said.

"Boss, I lost......" without giving Lin Yan the chance to speak, Qi Shaoyuan embarrassed to Lin flue: "Ma Jia lost......"

Lin Yan: "

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