Before Lin Yan could speak, Qi Huichang glanced at Qi Shaoyuan and frowned, "shut your mouth!"

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Hearing the sound, Qi Shaoyuan was stunned and said inexplicably, "Er, Dad, what did I say wrong?"

"When adults talk, what do you want children to say? Can rice block your mouth? If not, get out." Qi Hui said angrily.

Qi Shaoyuan: "..." is he his own? When I was a child, my parents said they picked it up in the trash can. Is it... Is it true?

Don't interrupt when adults talk. The boss is about his age. He has the ability to keep the boss quiet.

"Ms. Yeva, children don't have to take their words seriously. We don't want your disciples to come to China. It's mainly on your side, Ms. Yeva." President Qi is very sincere towards Lin flue.

"Let me think about it." Lin Yandao.

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Hearing the sound, President Qi and several senior executives looked at each other.

"Ms. Yeva is originally Chinese. The Chinese Racing Association is your home. Ms. Yeva has been wronged outside. Shouldn't she go home? What else can we consider?" Vice President Li said.

Lin Yan looked at vice president Li. That's what he said, but

"Vice president, I have been banned. Even if I agree, you can't violate the treaties between national racing associations." Lin Yan wondered.

"Hehe, Ms. Yeva, we'll deal with this kind of thing. You don't have to worry." Vice President Li is confident.

If yeve is not Chinese, they really have no say, but now the situation is different.

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Our top racing driver, why are you banned?

What kind of international joke?

When they Chinese Racing Association is a decoration, bullying to the end?

"I can promise, but I have conditions." Lin Yan thought for a moment and said.

"Ms. Yeva, please." Chairman Qi said.

"First of all, I don't want my identity to be exposed..." Lin Yandao.

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"That's natural. We know your bottom line, Ms. Yeva, and we fully respect it." President Qi nodded and looked at Qi Shaoyuan: "do you hear me? The identity of Ms. Yeva must not be disclosed, otherwise I will ask you."

The voice fell. Qi Shaoyuan, who was gagging with rice, was stunned.

Who intimidated and lured him to tell the identity of the boss?

I didn't see the benefits. He carried all the pots!

"Dad, I'll just change my name to Qi Shao pot." Qi Shaoyuan thought.

However, no one paid attention to Qi Shaoyuan.

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"Second, I hope to have my own team, not founded by the guild. I have built a new aurora team, but no racing drivers are willing to join..." Lin Yan continued.

It's a fool not to take the opportunity to expand his team.

Hearing the sound, vice president Li wondered, "was the aurora team established in China, or was it a racing team in China?"

"Yes." Lin Yan nodded.

"OK, that's no problem. Ms. yenv, you can freely assign racing drivers to the aurora team. We will grant you such permission. The excellent racing drivers of the guild can be selected at will." Vice President Li smiled.

As long as it belongs to the combat power of the Chinese team, it is not a problem at all.

"At present, for these two conditions, it mainly depends on how you explain with Elvis... After all, I am currently suspended permanently." Lin Yandao.

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