"Miss Lin Yan, you don't need to worry about it. We'll negotiate, but... Can you lend us your ID card?" Vice President Li said.

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Lin Yan did not think much and handed his ID card to Vice President Li.

"Well, welcome the boss to join our big family." A high-rise smiled at Lin Yan.


Hearing the sound, Lin Yan looked strange.

The senior management was puzzled: "isn't it right... I heard Shaoyuan say that Ms. Yeva's fans call you the boss and I'm also a fan."

Lin Yan: "..." always feel strange.

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"You'd better take this gift back. It's really expensive." Lin Yan glanced at the cat and dog made of diamond and said.

"Ms. Yeva, as I said before, this is not for you. It's our support to the angel house. It's our intention for stray pets." Vice President Li smiled.

Lin Yan thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "well, in that case, I'll thank the Chinese Racing Association for those stray pets."

I have to say that the Chinese Racing Association is really good at doing things and being a man. This ginger is still old and spicy. Every word is dripping.

After dinner, because of drinking wine, Lin Yan found a substitute driver to drive the car back.


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Next day

Headquarters office of the Chinese Association

Or some senior executives at yesterday's dinner.

"President, vice president Elvis is is visiting."

A staff member knocked on the door of the office and said to President Qi.

Hearing the sound, President Qi nodded, "take vice president Elvis in."

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A moment later, vice president Elvis walked into the office.

"Hehe, please sit down." President Qi stood up and said to Elvis.

Elvis, with a stiff face, sat down behind him, crossed his legs and stared at President Qi: "President Qi, how's the investigation going?"

Chairman Qi smiled: "Vice President Elvis, the investigation is almost done... However, I'm curious about one thing. The reason why Ms. Yeva was suspended for life is that she took exciting drugs, right?"

"What do you mean?" Elvis glanced at President Qi: "although this matter has not been announced to the outside world, the senior management of racing associations in various countries should be clear. It is true. Do you need to ask again?"

As long as it is banned by the Racing Association, the Racing Association of any country should abide by it, which has long been agreed.

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"I'm just curious. It's the first time for a racing driver to be suspended due to taking exciting drugs, especially a racing driver of Yeva's level." Chairman Qi smiled.

"Hehe, what Qi Huichang said is good. The racing driver takes exciting drugs to race on the track. It's either suicide or death with other racing drivers. Three-year-old children understand this truth." Vice President Li said with a smile: "so, this is also the reason why your Racing Association didn't dare to announce Yeva's lifelong ban to the outside world?"

At the moment, Elvis's eyebrows were deeply locked, and he looked at President Qi and others impatiently: "what do you mean, what is the reason for our suspension of Yeva? Does it have anything to do with you? You have no right to intervene. You just need to abide by the rules!"

"Indeed, of course we have no right to intervene. Just mention it casually." A senior nodded.

"I don't care about you. Yeva can't go on the track in China." Elvis spoke.

“Yeva?” Vice President Li looked surprised: "where did Yeva come from? We don't have Yeva in China."

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