As vice president Li's voice fell, Elvis immediately clapped the case and said angrily, "what are you talking about? Yesterday's woman was Yeva. I have clearly told you that she wants to play tricks?!"

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"Vice President Elvis, what kind of anger is this?"

Immediately, vice president Li and others began to smile and appease Elvis.

"Vice President Elvis, you're unreasonable. The lady yesterday is from China. How can you say she's Yeva from your country? Don't worry. If she's Yeva, we'll never let her race on the track." Chairman Qi smiled.

"She is!" Avisto.

"No, no, no, she's not. She's Chinese. Her name is Lin Yan. She belongs to our Chinese Racing Association. Not only that, she's also an actor and star in China, which we all know." Vice President Li said.

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"Hehe, I see what you mean. Play tricks, right? I want to receive Yeva to the Chinese Racing Association!" Elvis spoke coldly.

"Hahaha, vice president Elvis, what do you say so directly? It's not good for everyone to tear their faces. It doesn't seem to be good for everyone... Oh no, it's the worst, but you."

Vice President Li smiled thoughtfully: "you said that if the reason for Yeva's suspension was known by the public... It was you who judged that she used exciting drugs... Tut Tut, I can't imagine what kind of public opinion would be aroused. I remember Yeva's fans are all over the world."

Hearing the sound, Elvis immediately blushed and his eyes were full of anger.

"Also, as I said, Miss Lin is Chinese. She is a legal resident in China and has an ID card." Vice President Li said and directly threw Lin Yan's ID card on the table: "Vice President Elvis, on this ID card, is her name Lin Yan or Yeva? You are openly banning our excellent racing drivers for life. You are provocative and untenable."

Vice President Elvis clenched his teeth and clenched his fist: "you're making strong arguments!"

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Immediately, several guild leaders in the office looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

They're really arguing. So what?

Yeva was originally Chinese. She should have belonged to the Chinese Racing Association and was the top combat power of China.

Besides, the ID card says Lin Yan. They use Lin Yan, not Yeva. Yeva can be banned for life, and Lin Yan can be banned. Sorry, they don't agree with the China Racing Association!

Even if they tear their face, they are not afraid, and public opinion will stand on their side.

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How dare you stand up to them without any preparation?

They underestimate the Chinese Racing Association!

Watching Elvis leave angrily, President Qi and vice president Li and many other senior executives laughed endlessly.

The resentment I held in my heart before was well vented today.


"Ms. Yeva... No, Miss Lin, come out. I'm gone." A high-rise headed for the inner room road.

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After talking, Lin Yan strode out.

Immediately, Lin Yan gave everyone a thumbs up.

This is so strong.

It's still the sentence of yesterday. These people do things and speak without leakage. They can't refuse. Jiang is still old and spicy. She saw it today.

"Don't worry, Miss Lin. they dare not tear their faces." Vice President Li sneered, "that's only bad for them, not good."

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