Highway of Lamentation

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“They really are……! It’s just women and children!”

As expected, one of the knights leading the carriages exclaimed in surprise.

“You two, if you’re going to Rumina, then take a detour through the wastelands even if the road gets a  little rough. Ahead you will go through the Highway of lamentation and the security is bad. It’s not a place for women and children to go through.”

The knight ojii-sama said that to us with an extremely serious expression.
In contrast to that scary face, it seems he really is worried about us and is advising us to go around through the wastelands instead of following the road.

“Thank you for your kindness.”

Perhaps not wanting to make waves, Envy gave a slightly curt response with a sociable smile and a small nod of her head.

Nanaki thinks it’s okay to be a little more courteous though. In which case, Nanaki should show her an example.

Following Envy’s short bow, Nanaki also lowered Nanaki’s head and gave the kind knights worried about us Nanaki’s wonderful smile as a present.

Nanaki names it, passing Nanakismile. Everyone around the world, It’s Nanaki.

“An, angel……?”

An all out yes to that knight-sama’s mutter. Indeed, I am a ray of hope that has descended in this harsh, severe world. I am archangel Nanakiel.

“B, be careful.”
“Thank you very much. Knight-samas too, please be careful.”

With a bow of the head, we said bye to the knight-samas with a smile.

“……how to say this, that was a fraud.”

What the fuck? (T/N: This was in english)

What is this sister, calling Nanaki’s wonderful smile a fraud. According to the circumstances, even if it is Envy, it must be corrected. Specifically, Nanaki will squeeze your cheeks again tomorrow morning.

“So? What to do, Nanaki? I’m fine detouring through the wastelands.”

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Nanaki responded to Envy’s pointless question with a single word.
Nanaki is apologetic to the knight-sama that warned us, but Nanaki wants to quickly get this mission over with and go back to Freyline. In which case, Nanaki will aim for the shortest path to Freegrant. Intentionally going around the Highway of Lamentation is out of the question. It’s unnecessary.

“Let’s hurry up and go to that Rumina town.”
“Yeah. I won’t ask for something soft, but I want to at least sleep in proper bedding……”

After saying that while cracking her neck, Envy let out a large sigh.

sleep on Nanaki

soft cheeks

“……this is the Highway of Lamentation.”

And thus we finally arrived, to describe it in one word.


It’s so schmelly Nanaki is going to die.
Nanaki couldn’t help covering Nanaki’s nose from the unbelievable stink hanging everywhere. Perhaps because Nanaki lived in the forest, to Nanaki who has a much better nose than others, this place is like hell. It is so bad that Nanaki does not even want to breathe through the mouth.

“Ar, are you okay?”
“Uwah! Don’t grab onto me!”

In this situation, there is no choice but to stick to Envy to breathe.
By doing this Envy’s nice smell mitigates the stink and Nanaki can somehow breathe. Nanaki had not thought the Highway of Lamentation was this bad.

“Le, let’s run Envy. This is impossible.”
“It’s rare for that Nanaki to be whining this much……”
“Impossible. Can’t breath. Hurry.”
“Got it got it. This really is horrible.”

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Nanaki went through the Highway of Lamentation with Nanaki’s face pushed into Envy’s back.
The stink wafting around got worse the further we went, after five minutes of running, it could already be called a stench. Seriously, this is the only time Nanaki hates how good Nanaki’s nose is. Why can Envy breath normally.

“This is horrible.”

As we ran through the Highway of Lamentation, Envy muttered that.
Curious about those words, Nanaki held Nanaki’s breath, looked around a little and immediately understood the meaning of those words. Worn-out clothes. Skin-and-bones bodies. Hair that has been left to grown and lifeless, clouded eyes. The remains of those that were once humans.

Despite ending up like this, they stubbornly refuse to use magic.

The earlier the generation, the less they use magic, the lower their resistance to magic necrosis becomes. The worse cases show signs of magic necrosis after using magic a few dozen times. This must be the place that such people gather.

I see.
No wonder the empire, the empress is scared.

Basically, these are the sacrifices of the ideal the Empire seeks.
If there was science close by. If there was the power of science much longer ago. Thinking that way, the Empire is definitely the enemy of the world, the enemy of humanity. Even if people understand that they cannot resist god with science alone, that the power of magic is necessary as well, they will still seek for the simpler option, for science.

Conversely, master will save all this.
That could become something larger than he is thinking of.

He once said.
He wants to accomplish something in this life.
Like a human, he wants to be greedy.
That’s why, please help.

No, seriously, he really is amazing.
Exactly as he proclaimed, he was greedy. He made an enemy of the Empire, he made the empress agree to certain conditions and finally says he will make a country. Unbelievably greedy. But he did not run from his own words and pursued it without ever turning back. And by the time we realised it, we had already come this far.

“Just possibly……”

The one that saves the world might not be me, it might be him.
I intended to save the world, kill the gods for his sake, but the truth might be the reverse, he might be saving the world by using me. After all, these are not thoughts Nanaki originally had. I simply chose to help in order to get what I want.

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In that case, that might be a little bit cool.
Envy won’t admit it though.


It was as Nanaki was thinking that.
In this place where people that don’t use magic gather, magic came flying.
It wasn’t that powerful and blocking it would be simple, but dodging it is less troublesome. Envy went right, I went left. We each split to each side and avoided it.

“Oh my oh my, nice movements. Did I hold back too much?”

One voice. Seven presences.
The people standing in our way all had on vulgar smiles as they looked at us.

“That’s no good. For women and children passing through here all alone. You can’t complain if you were attacked.”
“……it seems you’re a woman too though?”
“I’m these guys’ boss. And incidentally, I also sell off those with pretty faces like you to some pervert.”
“I see. That must be tough.”

As Envy was talking to the woman that appears to be the head of the lowlifes, Nanaki was only thinking about how to breathe. In another two minutes, even this Nanaki would be out of breath. But if Nanaki were to breathe in the air with the smell of hell, at worst, Nanaki might puke. That alone must be avoided at all costs.

Friend, do you have a good idea?
If possible, within two minutes.

“You’re quite relaxed, onee-san. Could you be relatively skilled?”
“It’s not even worth considering once you ask that though.”
“You speak well. I like you.”
“I don’t want to be liked by someone who sells people. Obaa-san.”
“That’s hypocrisy. It’s the fault of those who are weak enough to be sold. There is no law in this world. There’s no need for rules. The strong can do as they like in this world. The small fry who cannot stop them have no right to live! The strong are right! You just die if you’re weak!”

Oh my, she says good things despite being a lowlife.

The strong can do as they like?

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Small fry have no right to live?
The strong are right?
Die if you’re weak?


Suddenly, Nanaki was laughing.

“Nfu, nhahahaha!”

As a matter of fact, Nanaki thinks that is exactly how it is.
It is a lot more logical than strange pretenses. Nanaki doesn’t hate it. Even if it is hard for kind people like Envy to accept, Nanaki thinks that is definitely true.


“Those words, please don’t forget them.”
“Aahn? What is it, brat?”

Nanaki and the head of the lowlifes glared at each other.
A rare opponent that has a similar way of thinking to Nanaki. Then respectfully crushing her would be the least bit of sympathy Nanaki can offer. Based on what she said, she cannot complain if she is killed by Nanaki here.

By the way Friend, Nanaki’s breath is at its limits.
That obaa-san made Nanaki laugh so it’s not lasting as long as expected. Did you think of a good idea? What? Didn’t think of anything? Then there is no choice but to bury Nanaki’s face in Envy again, but after acting cool like that, Nanaki has doubts about showing such an unsightly thing.

“Haa. It’s troublesome, we’ll finish this up quickly, Nanaki.”

Somehow it seems Nanaki’s sister also intends to end it fast, seems like there really is no choice but to endure.
Yeah, no matter how bad the smell if Nanaki breathes through the mouth, it will be a litt——

“Got i……oeeee!!”
“Daaaaaaaaaa!? Why’re you vomiting!?”


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