Plasma Disco

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After a round of puking, Nanaki felt a little better. Or more like, Nanaki’s nose finally grew numb. Or possibly, got used to it. No, Nanaki does not want to get used to this stink though.

In any case, Nanaki’s condition has stabilised enough to be able to fight. Of course, Envy alone is enough for these guys, but Nanaki would feel a little bad for pushing all the work onto this sister all the time.

“Now then, shall we begin?”

Straighten Nanaki’s posture and coolnanaki.
Come on, come at us as you like. This humble Nanaki shall be your opponent.
“What’re you saying after making us wait so much, puke girl.”

Puke girl.

Hey hey, did you hear that Friend? It is hard to believe, but could that puke girl that shitty woman is talking about be Nanaki? No no, Nanaki thinks it’s impossible for such a cute Nanaki to be called puke girl though.


And why is this sister bursting out in laughter?
Is it that? Even Envy has attached that preposterous stigma to Nanaki? Okay got it. Okay okay, Nanaki is super calm.

I’ll beat you all up.

“Ah well, just do it. Don’t mess up and kill them.”

Thus, the melee began……but, this is quite horrible. Aside from that shitty woman that seems to be their leader, looking at the shoddy footwork of the six of them makes one suspect if they even intend to fight.

It is surprising that there are people who close the distance by running in this age. Could it possibly be that they cannot use body-strengthening magic? If they have no way to close the distance in one step then it won’t even be a fight. Just how much magic do you think can be shot at you while you slowly run towards us?

“Stay still!”

After taking their time to reach Nanaki, they then swung their swords in a confused mess. While dodging those with a step, then another, Nanaki glanced towards Envy to find that she was still laughing, covering her mouth and trembling a little.

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Now then, who was the one that said we would finish up quickly. According to Nanaki’s memory it was a certain red-haired onee-chan. Nanaki will punish you later.

“Y, you! Stop moving!”
“Ca, can’t hit!?”

Swinging around weapons that are not maintained and were basically trash, they looked like they were doing a badly choreographed dance. Please work a little more on improving the quality if you are going to show it to others.

In that case, it wouldn’t be bad for Nanaki to show an example here.
Okay Friend. Let’s party people.


Step to the right.

“This brat!”

Step to the left.

“Got you!”


“This puke girl——guah!?”

Headbutt for this one.

How is it Friend? Nanaki’s splendid dance. Spin to the right, spin to the left in time with the rhythm in Nanaki’s mind. At times swing the body wide and shake the head. Parties are the specialty of this modern, young and cool Nanaki. Come on, Friend let’s dancingnanaki together.

“You all! What’re you doing fighting one brat!”


Raise the right hand high, index finger up to the sky. Pose towards that shitty woman complaining from outside. This is Saturday Nanaki fever. How’s it? Cool right?

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“Ah, big sis! This one’s dangerous!”
“Don’t complain about some brat you miserable fools!”
“Bu, but there’s something wrong with her! She’s not just some brat!?”
“Shut up and just surround her you idiots!”


“Bu, but——”

The man’s head flew off as he was saying that.
A terrifyingly fast slash, it would not have been visible if you’re not Nanaki. The only ones here that can demonstrate such a perfect technique is Nanaki and Nanaki’s sister.

“How long are you going to play around Nanaki. Didn’t I say we’ll finish up quickly?”


Envy said that with a cool expression, but it was this sister that was clutching her sides in laughter just now. Nanaki thinks that such statements that ignores your own faults is not very good.

To say it bluntly, she’s acting so arrogant despite laughing just now.

“Br, brother!?”
“Bi, big sis what do we——”

Envy cut down the confused trash. Despite appearances, Envy’s swordsmanship is second only to Silver, when serious she would be swinging a sun sword that can even burn gods, so its terrifying. Even Nanaki does not want to deal with that a second time.

“What’re you spacing out for. Nanaki, there.”
“Oh my, fast judgement.”

Looking where Envy pointed, there was one that was already running. It is quite a wise decision, but it is a shame that with just that speed you cannot run from us.

“Where may you be going?”

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When Nanaki caught up with one step, the general of those trash backed away as far as she could.

“H, hey, my bad. I’ll apologise for all that I said, so let me go. There’s no benefit to you two by killing me right?”

The very example of small fry.
Even though she had such a big mouth just now, when it comes to it she easily lowers her head. Even if it was a  group of trash, you’re supposed to be their leader, yet you cannot even maintain that pride.

In the end, it is just a bug.

“Yeah? I’m begging you ojou-chan.”

Nanaki does not have a speck of interest in the words of a desperately clinging bug, but Nanaki shall ask, it’s probably useless though.

“Do you know anything about someone called Eltel?”
“El……? A, aah! Eltel! Yeah, I know!”
“……then, please talk.”
“Be, before that,  guarantee my life!”
“Ah, never mind then.”

Nanaki swept out the legs from under the woman who showed a stupid look and kicked her in the face, making her collapse on the ground face up. Then stomp on that defenseless throat. A simple method that can easily kill people without using body-strengthening magic. Most living things will die when their throat is crushed.

“Well then, have a nice day.”

Nanaki bowed with a smile towards the woman pressing down on her throat and writhing.
She is still struggling right now, but she will suffocate and die soon. So Nanaki thought of at least showing her something beautiful in her last moments.

“Now then.”

Envy should have finished up long ago. Letting them go might have been an option for normal Envy, but when Envy is acting as Five Emperor like now, there is no mercy. To fulfill her duty, she will sweep aside all obstacles.

Envy is a very kind person, but on top of that, she is a person that will fulfill her duty. After all, she is the one who raised the Nanaki that did not know anything until now without giving up. It might be strange for Nanaki to say this, but there probably isn’t anyone who could have done that other than Envy.

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That’s why I owe a large debt to this sister.

“Okay, let’s go then…..ngufu”

But that is that, this is this.

“How long are you going to keep laughing, I will punch you.”
“No, sorry sorry. Are you okay breathing? You were avoiding it so much just now.”
“I am not okay but I am used to it. Sadly.”
“Once we get through here, there will be a town called Alteno, endure til then.”
“……I want to go back to Freyline already.”

Even if not at the level of puking, it does not change the fact that it is tough to endure the stink. Also due to this trouble that occurred right after we entered the Highway of Lamentation, Nanaki is drained. So it cannot be helped that Nanaki is feeling homesick.

“Do you want to meet your master so much?”
“Yes, of course.”

Well, it’s not just master though.
By now, Meia-sama, Fio-san and head butler Ridolf are also important people to Nanaki. Nanaki has not known them for long, but there is also Harmy and that impertinent Aiysha.

In the past I tried to live alone, but after meeting this sister, I completely changed. That is a little unsettling yet it is not unpleasant, a feeling that is hard to describe.

In the end, is this a good change for me?

“How about Envy try to talk to master without prejudice? Your impression of him might just change.”

Anyhow, there’s no helping it since Nanaki has changed. It is not for certain whether that is good or bad, but if it is the result of getting involved with this sister, Nanaki has accept and consent to it.

After all, Nanaki loves this sister.

“Yeah. Then I will talk to him about Nanaki puking.”

I’ll kill you.

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