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A while after we finally made it out of the Highway of Lamentation, the situation started to look suspicious.

From what we’ve heard, if we follow the road after exiting the Highway of Lamentation, there should be a town called Alteno. Even if not on the scale of the empire, it is a town with a decent population, so myself aside, Envy has large expectations.

Bedding with a roof. Facilities for washing up. Warm and delicious food. Envy is earnestly yearning for the civilised life that has not been available these few days. If there is a decent population, quality aside, there should be a minimum of civilised facilities, is what Envy is saying.

After these few days of unaccustomed camping, she probably wants to rest her body properly. In which case, our arrival at Alteno is a long-awaited moment for Envy.

But the sight awaiting us was not what we were hoping for.

“What is this……”

In conclusion, there is no town.
Or possibly, it should be said that, the town is gone. Either way, there is no town there. There is just ruins. Collapsed buildings and an endless field of rubble covered the ground. A familiar ending.

Which means this, like the world, has ended.
Was it fighting between humans? Or did a powerful god pass by? The answer is probably the latter. If it was the former there would definitely be something left. Whether it was people or buildings. But gods do not leave anything. Those that are hostile to humanity destroy everything. People, towns, they erase everything.

If there were to be exceptions, it would be gods like the Three Great Gods that use words, or powerful gods like Friend. At the very least, they have emotions. They are fundamentally different from the gods that obey Envy, Silver, Raicou and Salia.

My friend at least, is not a tool that just waits for orders.

“Work of a god……”
“Most likely.”

A short response to Envy’s whisper.
Just by looking at the signs of destruction, it is clear that it was done by power beyond the reach of humans. The problem is, the scale of this destroyed town. If it was a god with enough power to so completely destroy this town which is probably larger than Freyline, then it is fully possible that it is Five Emperor-class.

Which means we should leave this place immediately.

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So far it is not known if there is such thing as territory for gods, but it is certain that something powerful passed by. An encounter with the class of god that obeys the Five Emperors will be nothing but trouble. Our objective is to infiltrate Freegrant and secure Eltel. It is of no concern to us if a town on the way is ruined.

Is what I would have been able to say a while ago.

Thinking back on it, there might have been a little desperation.
This was the mouth that arrogantly said Nanaki would grant his wish. He wished for a world without gods. Even for my master, it is quite a ridiculous wish. At the very least, it is not something Santa Claus can handle.

Nanaki is already feeling a little regret.
In short, Nanaki got a reason to crush every god Nanaki lays eyes on. Bluntly put, it’s extreme. Friend who had the name god-killer would be delighted, but Nanaki is sick of it.

But well, if this is left alone, Freyline might become like this next. There are too many threats in this world to wish for master, Meia-sama and everyone’s safety in this world.

Which means, there is no choice but to crush them.


Leaving aside whether this is lucky or unlucky, since it is not longer the situation to be holding back on magic, let’s reduce their numbers here.

“——nice to meet you, Human Deus.”

The voice came from the sky.
That——no, those things that gave a polite greeting from the skies above the ruined town looked like humans. Human forms with humans faces and speaking human words. If there is a difference, it would be those prominent wings and the unbelievably disgusting presences that cannot be human.

“Not people.”

Looking up at the sky, there are a hundred.

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And some big guy standing back, showing itself off.
Looks like three times the size of normal-sized Friend.

“Those are probably the ones that crushed this town.”
“Seems like it. Seems like it was all exposed from the start. All that effort gone to waste……unpleasant.”

Copying Envy who threw away her cloak while complaining, I also threw it off. With this there is no more irritating restriction. This is a lot simpler and better for Nanaki. They are pretty thoughtful for enemies. Nanaki shall grant you a flower circle.

“This town, was it you?”
“By Eltel’s ruling, Alteno town has been weeded out. So has Merou town and Syulf town.”

Since Nanaki is feeling good, Nanaki tried calling out to it and that something that took the form of a person replied in an indifferent voice. There are a few curious points. But the important one among them is the one about Eltel.

“Weeded out……?”
“Eltel’s control is absolute. There will be no objections.”

When Envy muttered one of the curious phrases, the humanoid spoke as if in response. We just get more and more information. So let’s leave that to Envy. Put the right person in the right place, Nanaki shall be their opponent.

“Turn back, Human Deus.”

There was no emotion in that voice.
Yet, clear hostility could be felt.

“You are a bug. An irregular that disturbs Eltel’s perfection and must not exist in this world. You will be dealt with by Eltel soon. If you will remain docile in the brief time until then, we shall overlook you.”
“Overlook, thank you for yet another arrogant proclamation from above. And do you think I cannot go up there? Shall I shred those wings you are proud of?”
“This is a warning. Turn back, Human Deus.”

Once again, the humanoid gave a warning.

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But Nanaki thinks of it like this. A warning is something you give because it’ll be troubling if they came closer, which means it is evidence that Freegrant is bingo.

In that case, it would be better to quickly clean up these guys and head to Freegrant. No matter, without the limitation on magic it is a distance that can be traversed in ten seconds. Not a problem.

In fact it is a chance to finish a mission that was expected to take a few weeks in a few days. Is this also because Nanaki’s daily conduct is good? Friend, don’t you think so too? What? You want to kill that? We’re going to do that soon, so endure for a bit.

“This world is managed by Eltel. That is the best course of action for the world to not be burnt again. Member of the Empire, tell your queen. Do you intend to burn down this world again?”
“……what does that mean?”
“The nature of the irregular you bear, Human Deus goes against the laws of the world. Eventually, it will even go beyond the borders of life and death. Thus it is a bug, an irregular that must not exist. It is a power far beyond what people can control. If it rampages, this time the world will truly end. Thus it must be stopped. Before it cannot be stopped.”
“……as expected, that is the truth of the prophecy. It simply means that you gods are ruling the world.”

Right now, Envy is organising the pieces of information given by the humanoid. After all, we know too little. We know too little of our enemy.

“Not rule, manage. Otherwise, you will reach the same end as humans. That is against Eltel’s decision.”
“There’s no difference. Whether it is rule or manage, that is how you are killing people right? We want to put an end to it already. An end to this unreasonable world with gods.”
“That is exactly where it will be no different, member of the empire. Even if the gods are gone, you will eventually make that again.”

Saying that, that thing in a human shape pointed at Nanaki.

“Like that Human Deus over there——”

Seriously, didn’t you learn from Envy that you must not point at people? This is why dealing with uneducated people is unpleasant. On that note, Nanaki is perfect. There is not a single flaw in the etiquette Nanaki learnt under Envy’s full supervision. Even now, Nanaki is politely listening to it speak.

But it should be about time.

“Is it fine now, Envy?”
“……there’s still things I want to ask, but the responses are becoming pretty much the same, so I guess it’s fine. It doesn’t seem like there will be anymore information, I’ll ask Eltel himself the rest.”

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It seems Envy is relatively satisfied too.

“Third warning. Turn back, Human Deus. Any further is——”
“You, shut up.”
What happened to etiquette
Fry away that head with lightning.
No matter what warning is given, our objective is Eltel. Since they were lying in wait, they should have known our plan from the start, what meaning is there is trying to stop us with words?

All those difficult stuff about the world, ruling or management can be left to Envy.
The most important thing here, is that Eltel definitely exists in Freegrant and these flies buzzing around int he air are Nanaki’s enemies. That’s it.

“Divine arms manifestation——”

‘Exceed Barrier-Humanity’s God of Platinum Lightning’


Silver lightning spread through the world, standing nearby, Envy frowned at the shockwave.

“Foolish. You all will travel down the same path as humans.”
“Fine. We shall deal with you.”
“Effective attacks against the target is forbidden. Any further evolution will affect it’s disposal by Eltel.”

Looking at the speaking humanoids, it does not seem like the one that had its head blown away was the leader. Or possibly, they might all be the same existence. Well, either way Nanaki just needs to kill all of them. What Nanaki should do does not change at all.

What would be good words to send to these flies running wild in Mother’s beloved sky and the significantly larger god? After being made to listen to such a long and pointless speech, Nanaki thinks something simple would be best.

In which case, these words would be good.

“——come at me.”

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