
Chapter 473: Worldwide Broadcast

Chu Yu was calm, there was no look of nervousness of his face. He looked at the demons and smiled, "I've heard that you demons respect the strong, you will bow down to whoever is stronger than you, am I right?".

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"That's right! So what? You're just one man, how can you beat us by yourself?" a demon king sniggered.
How condescending!
"Beat all of you?" Chu Yu looked at the sea of demons.
Their demonic energy filled the air as a dark cloud hovered over the golden city.
The demonic army was lawless.
"That's right, do you have the power to? If you don't, you better back down and let our king take the throne!" one of the demonic kings laughed.
So that was how they felt.
Demon King Xue frowned and looked at Chu Yu as if he wanted to explain something.
Chu Yu smiled, "Brother Xue, you don't have to explain anything, I know how demons think. I just have one small thing where I need your understanding.
Demon King Xue looked at Chu Yu, "Please say it.".
Everyone else looked at Chu Yu.
"In the event I kill some of them later… you wouldn't mind would you?" Chu Yu smiled amicably.
Behind that smile was a ferocious temper and pride.
The demonic army was very powerful!
Even if Chu Yu was a Saint, he needed some effort to control them.
Moreover, he was not truly a Saint yet.

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Only Ming Hui, Song Qing and Yue Yin's group knew of his condition.
The ravaging of the Mirror Dimension could not be considered Chu Yu's true power.
He would not have been able to do that without other powers.
No one here knew what his true intrinsic power was.
Demon King Xue looked at the group and smiled, "The powerful creatures of my army, if he really does have that power, there is no shame in defeat.".
Chu Yu laughed, "Nicely said!".
It was naïve for anyone to think that the demonic army should bow down just because Chu Yu called himself the Son of the Emperor.
Without any power, what claim was there?  
Chu Yu was ready for this, he was waiting for this opportunity.
Du Yu, who was sitting by the side, looked at Chu Yu, he felt a sense of disbelief.
He never thought that Chu Yu would agree to such an absurd battle.
He had to beat the lot!
He felt like Chu Yu was still young and foolish.
Du Yu never really thought highly of Chu Yu, he only listened to Yue Yin's orders.
If he was asked to follow Chu Yu on his own, he would never have agreed. At least for now.
Ming Yu You grew up under the pampering of the elders, she was not accustomed to such situations.

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Everyone was just drinking happily, why had things changed so drastically?
Drizzle was silent, she just watched on. She did not know why Chu Yu needed the demonic army!
He was a human, he had the identity of the Son of the Emperor. Why did he need this troupe?
The other members of the numerous Sects just watched on and laughed among themselves.
They were relaxed- if Chu Yu could beat them, he would truly be recognised as the Son of the Emperor, the leader of the younger generation of cultivators!
Defeat, however, would destroy everything that he had built!
The large city floated in the air as it grabbed the attention of many.
Many of them wanted to find out what was going on in the city.
Xu Xiao Xian informed Chu Xi and Chu Liang to broadcast the battle!
They were a little worried- they were Chu Yu's closest relatives, what if he failed?
Chu Yu's opponents were in the millions!
Among them, the cultivation levels were not the strongest, but their sheer numbers were terrifying!
Three million to one, it was a seemingly insurmountable challenge!  
They did not look like they would hold back either.
"Can he.. do it?" Chu Liang asked.
Chu Xi frowned as she looked at Xu Xiao Xian, "Sister-in-law, are you sure?".

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Xu Xiao Xian looked at them and smiled, "Brother, sister, we can't hide from this. Even if we don't broadcast it, someone will do it. Moreover, the results of the battle is enough to change everything, the broadcast won't matter much.".
Chu Xi and Chu Liang understood this, but they were fearful.
Xu Xiao Xian said calmly, "Those elders are just there for the show. If he fails, all that will be left is the road to nothingness.".
Chu Xi said, "I understand, brother, let's get ready! We'll broadcast this to the entire world!".
The preparations were underway, all but Chu Yu and the demonic army had left the vicinity.
The group of Saints began setting up magical formations.
Even though there were already some present, it was safer to have fortifications to prevent the destruction of this city.
Soon, images of the golden city appeared all over the people's screens.
It stirred a reaction.
"My gosh, what is this?".
"Demons… they really exist!".
This was global shock!
There was no occasion that could stir emotions like this.
Chu Xi acted as the host of the broadcast as she explained the situation on screen.
With context, the earthlings were now all worried for Chu Yu.
There were even people who called in to ask if they needed assistance.

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They were powerful people!
They felt that this concerned the fate of humanity and not just Chu Yu.
Chu Yu was a well known figure on earth, if something happened to him, humanity's loss would be huge.
Chu Xi declined politely, she told them that Chu Yu wished to cross his bridge alone.
If they were to accept their help, it would not have proved anything.
Some of the brighter people pointed out this issue immediately.
"Perhaps the leader of this army doesn't recognise Chu Yu as the Son of the Emperor either does he?".
"Indeed, otherwise, he wouldn't just stand there and watch.".
Some others pointed out a different opinion, "Your arguments only cure the problem temporarily, it doesn't deal with the roots of the problem. The Son of the Emperor represents our world of cultivation, if he doesn't show them our power, he would never truly convince them.".
The sudden broadcast caught the attention of the masses.
Some of the hidden Sects took notice as well.
They wanted to use this battle to gauge Chu Yu's true potential.

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