
Chapter 474: One Versus Three Million!

The preparations were done, apart from Chu Yu, everyone else had backed off.

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Song Yu and Chu Tian Bei looked at their child before they too backed off.
They did not say anything, they were afraid that they would affect their son's mental state.
Lin Shi sat on a wheelchair as Little Moon pushed her out.
She looked at Chu Yu and turned to the 3 million strong demonic army with a killer gaze.
Xu Xiao Xian smiled and walked over.
Lin Shi said softly, "Those pesky demons should just die.".
"You practice with the Bodhi Scripture, how can you be so menacing?" Xu Xiao Xian teased.
Lin Shi said seriously, "Whoever hurts him, I will kill that person.".
Xu Xiao Xian smiled, "I know, me too.".
Lin Shi held her hand, "We're his women.".
Xu Xiao Xian sighed and nodded.
Ji Jian Jia and Li Xiao Xiao looked on with envy as they looked at each other and laughed.
Liu Yu Yan, the princess of the Purple Cloud estate looked at Chu Yu with worry.
Liu Feng Yan touched her head and smiled, "Relax, he is a miracle worker, he would not agree to the battle if he was not confident.".
Yu Wen and her group stood by the side quietly, they were ready to step in at any moment.
Chu Yu said calmly, "This battle was instigated by you guys, I will not hold back. Those who are afraid can back off first.".
"Hahaha, what kind of joke is this? Why would anyone be afraid of you?" a demon king mocked.
"I've heard that humans are yummy, but I've never tasted one before… the great king has never let us eat. If we get an arm or leg off you later, can we grab a taste?" another laughed.
Chu Yu smiled, "If you have the ability to, go ahead.".
His gaze turned cold.
Demon King Xue was, in reality, begging for Chu Yu's help.
Without his control, the lawless nature of the demonic army would have led them to destruction.

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They had 3 million demons among them, but the other groups had a greater total number.
Moreover, the only Saint among them was Demon King Xue.
This was why Chu Yu was not happy about the situation, although he did not show it on his face.
He knew that his path would not be always smooth.
No one would be satisfied with just handing him the throne, he had to use his powers to speak.
Soon, with the shout of Ming Hui, the battle began!
A few of the greater demons rode demonic winds and rushed at Chu Yu immediately.
There was no hesitation!
There was no pity!
They unleashed their most powerful attacks all at once.
The entire space became a sea of chaos.
The energy was like the explosion of a mountain as it came toward Chu Yu.
Chu Yu laughed and with a flicker of his robes, he brandished his sword.
A ray of sword Qi sweeped past!
It was like a bolt of lightning amongst the dark clouds!
Fast and ferocious!
Seven or eight of the greater demons were cut into pieces by this sword Qi.
They howled as they struggled to regroup their bodies.
The looks in their eyes changed, there was a look of fear now.
It was just one attack!
All of these creatures were Legendary Emperors.
They never expected themselves to fall in one blow.

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Even Demon King Xue had a look of surprise. 
The was a mixed response among the crowd.
Those who were closer to Chu Yu were overjoyed.
This attack proved that his cultivation had already exceeded that of the Legendary Emperor Realm!
The viewers of the broadcast could not really tell what was going on.
They only saw the terrifying black cloud rush at Chu Yu.
Chu Xi relaxed a little.
She explained gently, "Chu Yu's attack, yes, it was only one attack, was tremendously powerful. He killed seven or eight of the demons all at once. However, the greater demons did not die, their regenerative powers are terrifying…".
Chu Xi smiled as she continued, "But it's also because my brother went easy on them!".
Her explanation gave the onlookers greater clarity.
Everyone's eyes were focused on the battle.
A giant creature appeared from within the black clouds, it was a huge white elephant.
Its tusks were like two long blades that glimmered with a cold light.
It rushed straight at Chu Yu.
The sword of the yellow emperor in Chu Yu's hand disappeared as he rushed head on at the white elephant.
The white elephant stepped on thin air, but there were resounding echoes in its wake.
It was not fast, some regular humans could see its movement.
But everyone could tell that it was huge!
Chu Yu raised a fist and jammed it on the elephant's nose.
The white elephant let out a scream, its nose was punctured all the way through!
Fresh blood flowed out and stained the air.

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Chu Yu held on to its trunk and tied it up.
Those who were watching the broadcast were stunned.
This creature was a Legendary Emperor-level beast, it was no ordinary creature.
Its charge was ferocious and could crush a planet, but it was neutralized by Chu Yu's punch.
Chu Yu could still tie its trunk up after that, did that mean that Chu Yu's power was immensely stronger?
It was shocking!
Demon King Xue stood there smiling, but his mood was much more serious than just now.  
It sounded like a huge mountain had crashed.
A giant mushroom cloud emerged.
The white elephant's body was knocked into the depths of the earth!
There was probably only ten metres of soil, the rest of the earth was divine gold!
The blow had definitely penetrated that level!
"Ouch…" even Ming Hui winced and felt a tingle from the blow.
Before this, he thought Chu Yu's power had only come from the monkey, but now, he had witnessed Chu Yu's willpower in battle.
Even if the white elephant survived, it would take many years for it to regain its cultivation.
This group of demons had to be controlled and taught a lesson, otherwise, the days ahead would have been tough.
Suppressing them would only give others a headache.
As they traded blows, an intense energy erupted.
The demons did not go easy on Chu Yu, neither did he.
Apart from commencing a massacre, this lesson was more than enough.
A large number of demons charged towards him.

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There were many Legendary Emperors among them, which was one of the reasons why Demon King Xue did not really think much of Chu Yu before this.
It was a terrifying force!
Even Chu Yu could not avoid sustaining some injuries from this battle.
They looked like they were just trading blows, but this was a battle!
A battle that decided Chu Yu's standing!
A group of ancient Sect members looked on from afar with serious expressions.
From this battle, they could obtain a greater understanding of Chu Yu.
He was truly vicious!
They could tell a semblance of this from the previous battles, but it never appeared so direct.
But this time, this battle was purely orchestrated by him.
In a short amount of time, hundreds of Legendary Emperors had already fallen.
Chu Yu had spent a large amount of energy as well.
Even though his mental force was already beyond that of a Saint's and he had the perfect body, he needed to constantly exhaust his energy in this battle.
His body was still not at Sainthood. Even if he could take on a Saint in a fair fight, alas, he was still not a complete Saint.
A look of fatigue appeared on his face after this onslaught.
"He's tired, attack!".
"He's showing signs of fatigue, hahaha, carry on! We'll fight him to the death!".
"We still have countless powerful beings, let's see how many more waves he can handle!".
The demons rallied each other, but in their hearts, they had lost their original bravado.
This human… was a little terrifying!

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