
Chapter 479: An Enemy Arrives

Among the younger generation of cultivators, it was no surprise that Xu Xiao Xian and Lin Shi could become Saints.

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They had many experiences and were equipped with powerful techniques or scriptures.
Enlightenment was much easier said than done.
Many cultivators would never achieve it in their lifetime.
But Little Moon… how?
Many people did not understand.
Some even had feelings of envy.
She was a quiet little girl who seemed to take care of the errands of the Chu Clan.
Now that she was a Saint, she was not too much different.
She was still reserved, it was just now, she had a divine aura around her.
Yu Wen and the rest, who were nearing the Saint Realm, all flocked to her for advice.
"I myself am not sure about what exactly is going on. My battle prowess is not powerful even if I'm a Saint," Little Moon said humbly.
"There are many kinds of Sainthood," Ming Hui explained.
"The first is through scriptures such as Lin Shi's case. Miss Little Moon here, on the other hand, has achieved Sainthood through a speciality. But that does not mean that her battle prowess is immense…".
"Why has Elder Ming not mentioned Miss Xiao Xian?" someone asked.
"Xiao Xian… She has broken into Sainthood via pure brute fighting prowess, it's extremely difficult. You guys can remember how powerful her harp was right?".
Many of them nodded their heads.

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Chu Yu had been absent for a few years now, every time a year passed by, Xu Xiao Xian would play her harp.
The soulful and beautiful melodies indulged their senses.
"Did you know that her harp can kill Saints?" Ming Hui asked.
Many of the people listening had faces of shock, some of them even looked scared.
Ming Hui smiled, "Don't worry, she won't use it on you guys.".
Ming Hui continued, "If she wanted to use her harp to enter Sainthood, perhaps she would have achieved it before Miss Lin Shi.".
Xu Xiao Xian, who was standing far away, smiled when she heard this as she turned away.
Indeed, of she had used the harp, she would've achieved Sainthood long ago.
"But she chose the most difficult pathway to becoming a Saint, the pathway of battle… Listen closely, its battle, not martial arts! It's easy to achieve Sainthood via practicing martial arts.".
Ming Hui explained it simply.
He looked at the many people and continued, "Once you perfect an aspect or a set of martial arts techniques, you can refine it and go straight into the Saint Realm.".
A few of them bit their lips as they wondered, "Old man, it's hard for us to even do this!".
Ming Hui continued, "To become a Saint via battle means that no matter what, you have to master the aspect of battle across all domains!".
"If you enter via a specialty such as tea art you have to find the battle prowess within tea art, you have to find the battle prowess within playing the harp, within everything! Now you understand how terrifying Miss Xiao Xian is. I'll be honest, in another ten years, even I will not be confident of defeating her in battle," Ming Hui smiled.
The people listening had their breaths taken away.
Someone gasped, "Is she really that powerful?".
Ming Hui smiled, "More so than you think!".

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They would see the evidence soon.
Four days later, the heavenly palace, who had been silent for the past few years, suddenly knocked on their door.
It wasn't Liu Wu Tong, it was a lady.
She wasn't Princess Ji Yan Zi either.
She looked like she was in her late twenties and gave off the charisma of a charming and mature woman.
She flew into the sky and demanded that Chu Yu show himself to fight her.
Before this, everyone was anticipating the heavenly palace's actions. Since they chose this era, they must have had plans in place.
But after Liu Wu Tong attacked, there was no other news of them.
A few of them laughed and thought that they just had a moment of thunder before fading into the rain, but after a few years, they finally showed themselves again.
Xu Xiao Xian came out immediately.
"He's not here, please leave.".
The girl looked at Xu Xiao Xian as she smiled, "Isn't he very powerful? Why is he being a coward now?".
"I've already said that he isn't here. Moreover, you know his powers very well yourself," Xu Xiao Xian replied.
"You b*tch! I'll give you a day to surrender to us, otherwise, don't blame us for the rough treatment!" the girl raged all of a sudden.   
"How uncultured," Xu Xiao Xian frowned.
"Keke… are you afraid? What now? Are you ancient Saints going to make a move?" said the girl as she stared at the ancient Saints behind Xu Xiao Xian.  

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As she said this, an ice cold energy erupted from her body!
The power was tremendous as the space around her exploded!
The surroundings were suppressed, the entire earth lit up with Magical Formations.
A powerful wave swept past the humans on earth, it was terrifying!
This beautiful girl was actually a powerful Saint!
She too had entered Sainthood via battle!
The energy surrounding her was telling!
It was like a ball of razor sharp blades pointing at everyone, this was the trademark of those who had become Saints via battle.
Yue Yin looked at her and said, "Ji Xiang Ye… You're too brazen!".
Everyone around them were shocked, they did not expect someone here to know this girl.
The girl from the heavenly palace looked at Yue Yin and said, "I never thought that you were still alive.".
"If you're still alive, why won't I be? Xiang Ye… my Elder," there was a sense of mockery in Yue Yin's voice.
She continued, "You're an ancient Saint who had become a Saint since 60,000,000 years ago. How dare you call yourself a young cultivator? You're a disgrace of an ancient Saint.".
Ji Xiang Ye's face darkened as she looked at Ming Hui, "Compared to Elder Ming, of course I am a junior.".
This was not false.
"What are you here for?" Yue Yin bickered.
Ji Xiang Ye replied, "Are you stupid? Didn't you hear me? I gave you a day to surrender, otherwise, the heavenly palace will have no mercy.".

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A feeling of anger rose in many of the people's hearts.
They had undergone years of hardship and practice. The humans and the demons were now a united army in the millions, they were not the disorganized group from before.
The most important thing was that after years of training, their cultivation levels had all increased.
"You want to attack the floating city? Aren't you guys afraid of elder Yi anymore?" Xu Xiao Xian said as she looked at Ji Xiang Ye.
Everyone knew that the heavenly palace backed down back then because Yi was still alive!
"Yi? The great Elder of the heavenly palace has awakened, he will visit Yi for a small talk," said Ji Xiang Ye ambiguously.
Xu Xiao Xian nodded, "I understand now, you mean to say that if we do not surrender, we'll all die, am I right?".
Ji Xiang Ye nodded, "That's right.".
"Well, we're not going to surrender, so you can go to hell!".
Xu Xiao Xian rushed at this ancient Saint as she delivered a nasty strike.
Her palms were as pale as jade and her fingers were thin and long.
There was no energy or smoke around her palm, but the speed was incredible.
In a flash, she was right in front of Ji Xiang Ye.
Her palm landed on that ice-cold face.

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