
Chapter 480: Old Ghost

Xu Xiao Xian was going at lightning speed!

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No trace of her could be seen, only a cultivator at the level of sainthood could catch a glimpse of her movements.

Shock was painted all over everyone's faces. No one had imagined how powerful she could be after attaining sainthood.


Ji Xiang Ye's position at the heavenly palace was no ordinary official. She had been around for centuries and remained respected as an experienced saint.

People like her valued their pride the most. She was used to being treated with tremendous honor.

Xu Xiao Xian had come up to her and gave her a tight slap.

Forget the physical injuries that she was inflicted with, her pride that was trampled on was what infuriated her the most.

She was driven absolutely mad!

There wasn't any trace of shock or confusion from the blow, just pure anger.

Pure distilled fury!

"Little b*tch, I am going to kill…".

Without finishing her sentence, she was punched in the face with a force greater than a plane engine.


That's right, not a bang.

She was sent flying out.

Xu Xiao Xian's blow was precise and the strength concentrated in it was remarkable!

Many bystanders at the floating city were cringing from the pain they could only imagine.


Ji Xiang Ye's body was hurling through the space like a kite without an anchor.

A couple of her teeth were punched out.

Da Jia Zei was watching the fight with glee, "Tooth Saint! Punch out a couple more to make a string of tooth necklace!".

Old Huang pursed his lips, "Quit it won't you, that's just gross!".

The general crowd, "…".

Steam was coming out of Ji Xiang Ye's nostrils.

What a bunch of hillbillies!

Ill-mannered swines!

But she knew that she was in danger.

Xu Xiao Xian had no intention of letting her go.

She was clearly going after her life.

Her dainty hands held the most terrifying powers in their tips.

Her menace was unmistakable!

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Xu Xiao Xian had filled the entire atmosphere with her hostility against Ji.

This was an arena for the powerful saints.

Anybody with unmatched cultivation levels would be destroyed if they came close.

"Brats must be spanked.".

Xu Xiao Xian spat intimidatingly.

Her warning came as a surprise to many people, some of them looked tickled.

Da Jia Zei and Fatty burst out laughing hysterically.

Ji Xiang Ye was on the brink of breaking down, who was she calling a brat? She had lived longer than Xu Xiao Xian's oldest ancestors!

She could only blame herself for playing it coy claiming to be the junior previously.

Xu Xiao Xian had mercilessly mocked her through and through.

Ji Xiang Ye's pretty face was completely deformed.
It was devastating for a vain person like herself.

She was going mad!

That darn frightening map again!

This Empire Map had been the reason why Liu Wu Tong managed to escape years ago.

Ji Xiang Ye had brought the exact same item along today.

Did you guys think that this map was invincible?

The people of the floating city looked uncomfortable as they scurried away.

Ming Hui and his company were conjuring a magical barrier as defense against the destructive forces of the Map.

Otherwise, there would be numerous collateral casualties.

They all knew that this map was indeed pretty… invincible!

Especially in the hands of an experienced saint like Ji Xiang Ye.


A frightening force was emitting from the scroll.

A force as heavy as the weight of an entire dimension.

Shadows of mountain valleys, fields and lakes were appearing in the virtual space around them.

Even as a projection, the weight of this landscape was overbearing!

Xu Xiao Xian lacked experience as a saint.

Even with a ferocious personality and prowess, her foundation and stamina were miles behind Ji Xiang Ye.

This was her Achilles' heel.

If only she could kill Ji Xiang Ye with one shot before she had the chance to present the magical object.

But the fact that she managed to hit her twice in a row was already impressive.

To kill Ji Xiang Ye with one blow… that will be too hard!

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How can an ancient saint like her be killed so easily?

With her newly acquired mania, Ji Xiang Ye was determined to crush Xu Xiao Xian to death with the Empire Map.

She wasn't looking for a fight when she came her.

Even as a war veteran, she had other intentions in mind for her visit.

She was planning to show off her authority here at the floating city in hope that Chu Yu might surrender himself.

She didn't expect herself to get herself slapped twice by a pretty young lady.

Without meeting Chu Yu at all.

It would be shameful for her if she didn't kill Xu Xiao Xian now.

She was aware that Xu Xiao Xian beat her in terms of her legacy, but she was backed up by her magical object!


Ji Xiang Ye was channeling more magical energy into the Empire Map.

The scroll had unraveled about four-fifths of its full length!

Almost completely unraveled!

The landscapes in the projection had solidified further!

It was expanding continuously, it was as if a gigantic dimension had parked itself right here!

A trickle of blood could be seen in the corner of Xu Xiao Xian's mouth.

But her eyes were dark with determination and firmness.

It was an extremely masterful manipulation of the sacred art!

She was using this stress to train and upgrade herself!

It was a crazy act, but also a desperate one.

It was hard for her to escape now. She couldn't possibly travel bearing the weight of an entire dimension on her back.

It was impossible!
Ming Hui and the others were prepared to back her up.

It wasn't the time to talk about fighting fair or honor. They all understood the fact that Chu Yu would be enraged if he found out that Xu Xiao Xian had come to any harm.

Lin Shi was shining with the glow of a Buddha and a large physical representative of the Dharma had appeared behind her!

It was huge and magnificent!

She rushed in immediately.

Ordinarily, Lin Shi wasn't tightly related to Xu Xiao Xian. They barely had any interactions.

They were sharing the same man after all.

It was a marvel that two outstanding women could tolerate each other under the same roof.

It would be hard to ask of them to treat each other as sisters.

But no matter what, Lin Shi couldn't bear to watch Xu Xiao Xian come to any harm.

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So, she was swifter than anyone else.

She had rushed in before Ji could unravel the entirety of the map.

Little Moon followed closely behind her, along with Ming Hui and his company.

No one would just stand by watching Xu Xiao Xian get hurt.

Ji Xiang Ye burst into a chuckle, "A bunch of seniors unable to resist the temptation to play dirty? But who could counter the full powers of the map?".

Her face was swollen like a pig's head after taking two deadly blows.

She looked hideous.

"What are you laughing at you shrew!" Da Jia Zei was surrounded by a dazzling red light and he was flying towards Xu Xiao Xian.

"Did you think that the Empire Map was an ordinary magical token? It gets more powerful facing more enemies!"

She had spat out a mouthful of fresh blood as she was speaking but her aura was only getting more overbearing!

The scroll was unleashed completely!

Boom boom boom!

An entire dimension was projected from the map.

She wasn't lying about the characteristics of the scroll.

Xu Xiao Xian was gushing blood from the weight of the projection but the glow in her pupils was still ignited.

Ji Xiang Ye was annoyed, why wasn't this b*tch dead yet?

"I am going to crush all of you with the map today! A bunch of ignorant fools, meaningless existences, go and die!"

The Empire Map was vibrating and the projection was getting more realistic.

One could almost catch a glimpse of living spirits within the projected dimension!

The stress was unbearable!

Lin Shi was counteracting the force with her magical music notes but it was difficult for her to advance.

Ming Hui was casting a ray to shatter the enchantments but there was no effect at all when the ray hit the borders!


"A bunch of country bumpkins! You think you can break the spells of the Empire Map? I am going to crush all of you here today at all costs!"

Xu Xiao Xian was in a critical state!

She was on the brink of life and death!

One could never tell the hand of your opponent.

At the moment where Xu Xiao Xian had decided to use the secret techniques of the Demon Cult to perish along with Ji Xiang Ye, a gentle voice rang beside her ears.

It was the voice of her master.

"My child, you are on your own from now on."

"No! Teacher…!"

"I've taught you all that I know. I am satisfied watching you attain sainthood and finding a man that you love. Take care, my child!"

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With that, the old ghost had taken his physical form.

He was adorned in gold armour and equipped with a long gold spear.

He was blinding but everyone could see the handsome young knight in the center of the light.

He was like the god of war, Ares!

This physical form was the Old ghost's appearance in the peak of his youth.

Ming Hui let out a long gasp, "So it's him…".

"The Empire Map? Haha," the Old Ghost raised his spear and hurled it straight at it.

The projected dimension was shattered with a loud clank.

JI Xiang Ye let out a wail. She was writhing in pain.

The Old Ghost was charging.

He picked Xu Xiao Xian up and tossed her outside the enchantments.


He was ready to chop Ji Xiang Ye up.

There was no escape!

The scroll had vanished in that instance.

It was rolled up again and was going to escape through a slit in the virtual space.

"Get back here!"

The old ghost directed a blow at the map.


It was like a collapsing star.

The ball of light from this explosion could be seen from Earth. The people had thought that the Sun had exploded.


The old ghost had casted hundreds of talismans upon the scroll and tossed it to Xu Xiao Xian.

"Take this, it is ours now!"

Xu Xiao Xian was fill of tears, "Don't go… my teacher!".

A howl resonated from the depths of the universe, "Who dares to steal the holy object of the heavenly palace?".

"I was just worrying about tracking you guys, come on, let your me teach you all a lesson!"

The old ghost was chortling with confidence.

He dissolved into a golden ray and disappeared.

Somewhere deep within the universe, energy waves were clashing about furiously. Terrifying sounds could be heard, apocalyptic sounds.

Magical formations all around the universe were activated.

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