
Chapter 481: I Am Still Alive

The numerous magical formations looked like frothy waves crashing upon one other. It was a kaleidoscope of colours, breath-taking for the eyes.

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It could be compared to the northern lights on Earth!
But everyone was wary of the immense danger behind this spectacle.
Xu Xiao Xian was teary eyed, devastated.
Muttering under her breath, "What am I going to do now without you teacher?".
Lin Shi slid over to her side and took Xu Xiao Xian's hands in her own, "You have us now.".
Xu Xiao Xian broke down into forceful sobbing, leaning against Lin Shi, it was the first time she had allowed her vulnerability to peep.
Sorrow was painted over all the bystanders of the Floating city.
They all knew about the existence of the Old Ghost. Everyone was aware of Xu Xiao Xian's secret guardian.
A silent angel protecting her.
Ming Hui was the most senior of all at the Floating city.
No one knew how long exactly he had been around but other established saints like Yue Yin and Song Qing had addressed him as a senior.
Little did people know that Old Ghost was even more senior than Ming Hui!
Old Ghost's revelation today adorned in gold was glorious. He looked like a heavenly deity!
Commanding awe and respect!
He had axed the Empire Map single-handedly and charged into the Heavenly palace as a lone warrior.
His bravery was respectable.
The sorrow painted over the people's faces arose from the fact that they knew he wasn't going to make it back.
Ming Hui exhaled deeply and thoughtfully remarked, "The end of a hero!".
The crowd was solemn. People were staring into the direction the Old Ghost had gone and they were saluting him with their gaze.
Energy waves were transmitted from the depths of the universe, it was an epic battle.
The old ghost had caught everyone off guard, charging into the heavenly palace.
*Time lapse to before the old ghost took his physical form.
Young master Ji Feng was guarding the gates of the heavenly palace along with Wu Da Qian and Lu Bing. He was anxiously waiting for news from Ji Xiang Ye.
He was visibly displeased.
He had no idea how Ji Yan Zi managed to convince all the higher officials to hold off confrontation with the Floating city.
It was dreadful news for Ji Feng.
He had been earnestly waiting for an opportunity for many years to descend into the mortal world as a representative of the heavenly palace.
The heavenly palace had been tolerating the emergence of mortal tribes and clans for two whole eras. Today was the day they were going to earn back their rightful title as the supreme power.
They were going to be the king of kings.
In Ji Feng's opinion, the only way to earn this title was to showcase their aggression and their arsenal of military resources.
How could they take the title without completely crushing their opponent's morale?
He was against using witty strategies or schemes to attain victory.
These kinds of ploys could perhaps be used if their goal was to merely become one of the powerful forces.
But their goal was larger than that, they were going to be the leader of them all!
They clearly had the rights and the capacity to do that, to rule over everyone.
Why wouldn't they just finish the traitors off cleanly, once and for all?
Leave a burning trail behind, incinerating all who are in their way.
This was his master plan of taking over the universe as the supreme leader.

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Now with restraining orders from above, he could only stand by and wait around.
One name came to his head immediately when he received news to hold off his attack.
He was extremely disappointed in his sister Ji Yan Zi, frustrated that she didn't share his grand vision.
You could only resort to this sort of methods to become the queen?
He was confident that he could convince the senior elders but he was destined to be disappointed.
They had the same line of thoughts as Ji Yan Zi, they deemed it wise to be conservative now and not rush into any long-term commitments…
What a bunch of … bast*rds!
A load of bullsh*t!
Were they all too used to avoid confrontation after all these years of recluse away from the violence and the aggression?
Ji Feng had to swallow his fury and curses in front of them.
Even as the most outstanding youth in the palace, there were rules and a hierarchy of authority to abide by.
He had been given the task of guarding the gates and he was anxiously waiting for news from Ji Xiang Ye.
Ji Yan Zi was not around.
"What a little b*tch!" Ji Feng was cursing his head off.
Little did he expect to encounter trouble right here in their own territory.
He only felt a wave of surging energy dissolving into thunderous rumbles that shook the entire universe.
"Who… dares to steal our treasures?"
All hell broke loose.
Ji Feng had quick reflexes, faster than a rabbit!
He had charged to the inner palace the moment he heard the rumbles.
He had an instinct for threat and danger.
It was an advantage for him, an important survival instinct.
A golden ray was deflected onto the entrance of the Gate of Skies.
A long spear swished down.
Boom boom boom!
The entrance was axed into pieces.
Old Ghost had charged in wearing his splendid gold armour.
He swiftly stabbed Lu Bing Qian who was closer to him.
Lu Bing Qian yelped in pain and fury. He was agitated and was ready to attack his antagonist.
But the Old Ghost… was so fast!
The Old Ghost had managed to slice him into two halves before Lu Bing Qian could retaliate.
He died the same way that Ji Xiang Ye died.
Old Ghost had killed an ancient saint easily, like crushing an ant.
Wu Da Qian witnessed how merciless the Old Ghost had been and was fleeing at top speed.
With a slash of the golden spear…
Wu Da Qian's head was dislocated from his torso! His body was still running away frantically.
It was a terrifying sight to behold. Enough to stupefy Ji Feng.

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What kind of grand master is this?
He had managed to take down two ancient saints swiftly in a matter of seconds without any reinforcements of any sort!
Was it Yi that darn man? Wasn't he destroyed? Perhaps a shred of his consciousness survived?
So darn frightening!
Ji Feng had gained some insight as to why his elders had stopped him from waging war.
If he bumped into anyone like that along the way, it would spell trouble and defeat for him.
This man had the nerve to come all the way to their territory!
"Old ancestors, save us! Someone is dead!"
Ji Feng was shouting with mania. He would have never dared to do so usually, forgetting his manners and the proper orders of the palace, but now, nobody had the leisure to care about manners.
This man who had charged in was downright shuddering.
He was a cold-blooded killing machine, chopping and slicing people up right and left.
Only the old ancestors could handle this situation.
An ancient aura was emitting from the depths the palace, it was radiating fury.
It was the awoken old ancestor.
His anger could wage war by itself, charging out, he stopped Old Ghost in his tracks.
"Who are you, audacious brat… oh? It's you!"
His exclamation was thick with shock and fear.
The Old Ghost casted his golden spear down.
This ancient ancestor was holding onto a Buddha whip, with a flick of his wrist, he had directed a powerful blast of magical energy.
The galaxy the palace was situated in was instantly crumbled as collateral damage.
A large dimension appeared in the solar system.
Thanks to the reinforced magical formations of the solar system, the galaxy was intact and running.
This sort of energy could displace even the planets from their orbits!
The ancient ancestor stumbled backwards from his residual force.
The force had dissipated and left behind an array of colour streams.
"How can you still be alive? Come on all out! There's an ancient deity here!" the ancient ancestor was shouting.
The old ghost hit the ancestor yet again forcefully.
The ancestor from the heavenly palace had to counter it with his Buddha whip.
It was a clash of magical skills!
They were pitting their powers against one another head on.
Clouds were shifting and rain began to pour down, it was the result of their radiating forces.
He had the upper hand.
The old ghost's accumulation of magical skills far surpassed that of that ancestor from the heavenly palace.
The ancestor was stumbling backwards.
The heavenly palace had exposed its location in the virtual space and was chipping away!

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It couldn't withstand the force from the clash of energy.
Ji Feng had run away into the distance and he was spitting a mouthful of blood. He had been locked down by the old ghost's spirit for a split second and took a walk on knife's edge.
He was left in absolute shock.
Suddenly, there were a dozen figures or so charging towards the Old Ghost from the heavenly palace.
They were cloaked in an air of viciousness.
The old ghost was unfazed, he was counter attacking them one by one. Sturdy as a rock.
The old ghost released an echo that morphed into an aggressive sound wave, overwhelming the opponent.
The ancestor from the heavenly palace who was charging at the front was the first fodder to be sacrificed. The Buddha whip he held completely shattered into pieces.
Afterwards, his body was cracking like an egg. He resembled the cracks of the dried-up soil, almost as if he was going to shatter at the touch of a finger.
The ancestor was vomiting blood and he turned to flee for his life.
The old ghost followed up with another slash.
This slash had taken his opponent right at his waist and sliced him into two.
Any general on battlefield could perform this technique but the difference is in the power!
The old ghost had ended the last breath of the ancient ancestor.
It was wishful hoping for the ancestor's spirit to make it out intact.
Boom boom boom!
A series of sacred art techniques were battered upon the old ghost, pushing him backwards.
The dimension of the heavenly palace was also completely turned into ashes!
Blood in the colour of dazzling gold sputtered from the old ghost's mouth. Every drop was a distilled essence of energy.
The gaze in his eyes remained firm and confident.
"You should have been buried along in the dust and remains of time, why do you insist on your stubborn existence?" another ancestor of the heavenly palace bellowed.
Without paying any attention, the old ghost raised his spear yet again.
That ancestor's body was shredded up like a piece of paper with the old ghost's attack.
Another dozen or so of sacred art techniques were slapped onto the old ghost.
The old ghost began to shiver.
"Kill him!" someone was shouting.
All the ancestors of the heavenly palace were beady eyed with fury.
They had been waiting for an opportunity to rise as the superpower once more. They couldn't bear to end their journey right here right now.
They had to overcome this adversity in front of them today.
They knew that there was another great power to be reckoned with back on Earth!
These bunch of ancestors were hysterical.
What etiquette?
It was no time to pay attention to their mannerisms.
Etiquette could only be shown when the odds were in their favour.

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The only thing on their minds now was how to get rid of the old ghost.
The slaughter of the two ancient ancestors had left Ji Feng shaking in fear.
He was aware of his rotten luck to be able to survive this ordeal.
Ji Yan Zi who had emerged from the palace was also stricken with panic. She was clutching onto the opportunity to escape.
Thinking to herself, she commended herself to have had enough foresight to leave the Floating city alone.
Too frightening!
Casting a side glance Ji Feng, she sniggered to herself. She figured that he would be finished by the end of this battle!
Another ten figures attacked the old ghost.
Xu Xiao Xian and the company could sense the immense powers at play from galaxies away.
The old ghost was completely vanquished by the numerous sacred art techniques.
But he had fought bravely and heroically. He had even taken down another three ancient ancestors in his last breath!
The heavenly palace suffered heavy losses in this calamity. Five ancient ancestors, two imperial saints and an unlucky Ji Xiang Ye…
The old ghost had expanded all his resources.
He left a message behind him.
"Beware of my return if you dare to mess around with them again!".
The elders of the heavenly palace were roaring with wrath.
This antagonistic warning had left them outraged.
Someone had shouted, "Vanquish the Floating city!".
The only place who had been able to confront them thus far was the Floating city.
They had been wary and conservative when it came to dealing with them. But now, with taunting from the old ghost…
Who left them threats before dying!
Who could tolerate this kind of humiliation?
"Erase their entire existence!"
An enormously large magical statue appeared, marginalising the entire solar system.
So gigantic!
So magnificent!
And so spine-chilling!
This statue was a youth with wild long hair and a free-spirited demeanour.
He lowered his head and looked down at the heavenly palace.
"I am still alive."
Bang bang bang!
Another four ancient ancestors had exploded. The blood-curdling energy could combust the sun!
This youth had swallowed the entire sun in one gulp.
One of the ancestors of the heavenly palace fished out a satchel and then kept the entire palace along with everyone there into the bag.
Dissolved into a streak of light, they had disappeared.
Everyone was dumbfounded looking at this spectacular magical statue.

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