
Chapter 483: The Origins of the Map

The ancient Saint from the Twin Disciples Sect had his eyes on the map for a while now.

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To be precise, since 70,000,000 years ago!
At that time, the earth was still the core of the village of Dao.
Those were they glory days of the Sects.
At that time, the North was still a forbidden land.
Even Saints refrained from entering that place.
Many people had said that a powerful object was hidden in the North.
It was a pity that no one could search for it.
Some time after, an immensely powerful Saint managed to get in and escape alive, where he caught sight of the floating map.
Using his most powerful sacred art, he managed to decipher some of the mysteries behind this map.
This man nearly died in that cave.
Soon after, he passed on.
News of the map leaked out, it was rumoured that it had come from the Immortal Realm.
Within it was the guide to the other realm.
It allowed one to transcend Sainthood.
According to the analysis of the powerful man, the map pointed to true Immortality!
No one believed him at first, they thought it was all fluff.
Even though Immortality was way up there, the legacies of mortals were not to be underestimated.
Especially those that came from the previous era.
The powers of mortals were not weak!

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Even though the rumours said that there was a way to obtain powers from both realms, it was not proved to have existed, and hence, no one truly believed it.
But there were quite a few who went to inspect the forbidden lands.
Most of them died there.
This Saint from the Twin Disciples Sect was still a legendary emperor back then.
He had his suspicions about this rumour and did not have the courage to explore.
In the blink of an eye, 70,000,000 years had passed.
The world had changed completely.
He had long joined the list of ancient Saints and grandmasters.
But he still could not get his mind off tat map.
When the earth was unsealed, he immediately assimilated into the secular world.
At that time, due to the unstable laws of earth, he could only use a Divine memory to enter and explore.
He realised that the forbidden lands did not hold as much danger as before.
He was very excited as he went straight to where the map was hidden.
But he realised that that place still had the horrors of the past!
He could feel the terrifying murderous aura from afar, which forced him to retreat.
He could only observe in silence.
When the Chu Clan set up camp there, they knew that the Three Leaves Sect would find trouble with them.
The man saw everything, including Chu Yu's birth and growth.
He would not claim to understand Chu Yu very well, but he knew most of his history.
After all, he was an ancient Saint, it was laughable that he would pay attention to a small clan like the Chu.

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But as Chu Yu made progress and overcame hurdles, he began to realise that Chu Yu was not just any ordinary human.
And he knew that it had something to do with that map!
It was not a suspicion, it was an inspection and an instinctual thought!
The Saint from the Twin Disciples Sect was sure of it!
He did not even show himself when the Sect was destroyed, because he was fundamentally different from the rest of them.
On one hand, he was afraid of Yi, even though he knew that he was just a sliver of memory.
On the other, he strongly believed that the redevelopment of civilisation would eventually be linked to the map!
He was all prepared and ready!
Reality showed that he was right, Chu Yu was a man who possessed great Qi and destiny!
He actually could hold the map in his bare hands!
He was so moved that he almost cried.
He followed Chu Yu and arrived at this foreign place.
If not for his constant tracking, he would not have been able to enter here.
This place was a true anomaly of the universe!
His guess was that it did not fall in the mortal realm, that it was on the edges of the Immortal Realm!
Over here, he could not resist it any longer, he made his move!
But he could not touch the map!
Chu Yu could because he had the means of suppressing its power.
Over the years, he had thought of many ways to capture Chu Yu and extract the ability to suppress the map.

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But the map was indeed too terrifying!
Once he got near it, he felt like his body was about to be shredded apart!
It was a terrible feeling.
Over these years of scouting and tracking, the Saint could tell that Chu Yu had more than just the map, he had other treasures as well!
That was excluding the Cauldron!
He knew that his powers exceeded the powers of the map, otherwise, how could he have held it without any harm?
Every time he thought about this, the Saint would hyperventilate and get worked up.
He wanted to sweep Chu Yu off all his magical equipment and treasures.
In the few years here, he had laid down multiple traps for Chu Yu.
Everything was planned, all Chu Yu had to do was fall into one of the traps.
"Look what we have here, what Son of the Emperor? You're just a youngster with some luck. You will never escape this galaxy! If you hand the map over, I'll accept you as my disciple and protect you forever.".
The Divine Sense of the Saint resonated across the space.
Chu Yu tried his best in practicing the Killing Days Heart technique. It would have been easy for him to enter Sainthood if he wished to, but it would have been an external progression.
He did not want to take that path, he wanted to find a path that he considered his own.
So, the moment he saw the external gate to Sainthood open up, he gave up again.
He sighed as he gave off a powerful Divine Sense- his mental realm had long stepped into Sainthood, all these years of cultivation only made it stronger!
Even though it was still slightly weaker than the Saint of the Twin Disciples Sect, it was not hard for him to hide his location.
"Old man, stop spouting nonsense. Do you dare to receive a direct hit from this map?" Chu Yu taunted.
The Saint was furious, but he really did not dare to!
There was once where he got near to Chu Yu and almost crushed him, but was stopped by the waves off the map, which almost killed him.

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From that moment on, he never dared to go near Chu Yu.
"My body can't get near you, but you can't escape this galaxy either. I'll just tell you the truth, I've planted Magical Formations all over this galaxy, you have no escape!".
The Twin Disciples Saint said.
"If I can't run, I'll just stay here," Chu Yu said.
"In that case, I'll return to the solar system and crush all those related to you!" the Saint threatened.
"Yi is still alive, you dare face him? Moreover, there are ancient Saints at the floating city," Chu Yu replied.
"Yi will die eventually! What can a group of chickens and dogs do against me?",
"Go on then," Chu Yu laughed.
"I'm at my wits' end, even though I can't get near you, I can destroy this galaxy!".
The Saint's divine sense was full of malice, "I'll ask you one last time, are you handing the map over or not? If you're not going to, I will completely destroy this galaxy and leave you with no place to hide!".
"No, you can destroy this galaxy if you dare to," Chu Yu taunted again.
"You think I won't?".
The ancient Saint's preparation was all for this day.
He ignited the magical formations that were in the galaxy
The explosion that resulted was like the death of a star!
In this ice-cold universe, it was like a flower of wildfire bloomed!
It was breathtakingly beautiful!

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