
Chapter 484: The Appearance of a Gateway

The measures of the Saint of the Twin Disciples Sect were ferocious. A planet completely exploded.

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The supernova was glorious.
With a normal face, he ignited another wave of magical formations.
Another few planets exploded.
"Let's see how long you can last," the Twin Disciples Saint delivered an ice-cold divine sense.
It required an astronomical amount of resources to lay down so many magical formations.
No one would go to such means to do this, but the Saint was left with no other option.
To obtain what he wanted, he had to give up all that he had.
Chu Yu looked on with a face of shock, even though he was some distance away, he could feel the terrifying blast.
The planets were blasted away from their orbits as they were flung at the other planets.
The smallest planet here was larger than earth by at least ten times.
The Twin Disciples Saint had started a galactic shift!
He continued his attacks as his sent a divine sense, "Little thing, how about that? Did you really think that I wouldn't dare to destroy this place?".
"Destroy it then, destroy it completely," Chu Yu said calmly.
The map had led him here, anywhere could be the edge of the Immortal Realm.
Chu Yu did not believe that such a place would be destroyed so easily.
If that wasn't the case, it didn't matter anyway.
The planets that the Saint was blowing up were all explored before.
Those that he did not touch were volatile, they could blow up at any time.
The energy emitted from the explosion of the planets were shocking.

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Suddenly, the map began vibrating towards a direction.
Chu Yu immediately opened his vertical eye and looked in that direction.
A door had opened, a gateway!
It was tall, like the opening of a cavern, the insides could not be seen.
The entire galaxy began shaking.
Like an earthquake!
The magical formations all fell apart immediately!
The vast galaxy was broken down instantly, all that was left was the gateway.
The Twin Disciples Saint was struck by a mysterious force as he spat out a mouthful of blood.
The blood of Saint stained the air.
He was on the verge of collapse, "How can this be? There was clearly nothing here!".
Following this, his body exploded!
The planets around him began to explode, his Saintly body could not withstand the force.
His Nascent God however, was still intact as he escaped and looked at the gateway.
He saw Chu Yu there!
He immediately delivered a blow over at Chu Yu, but the vertical eye reacted too quickly.
Before Chu Yu could react, it released a force that shielded him.
The map floated above his head as it blocked that attack.
Seeing that the Saint was rushing over with a powerful palm technique, Chu Yu leapt into the gateway immediately.
He did not know what lay within, but there was no use staying there.

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The Saint's body was crushed, he was furious.
Just as his palm was reaching Chu Yu, the map suddenly shook.
A divine light shot towards his hands.
His hand was vanquished immediately.
The Saint let out a scream of agony, "Ahhh, it hurts!".
The burning of the soul and the melting of the flesh, these were the most painful sensations.
"Why? Why?!".
He howled crazily as he shrivelled in pain.  
He had waited for millions of years for this map!
He could only watch someone take it away.
How could a mere boy lay his hands on the map when a Saint could not?
What kind of Qi or destiny did he possess?
The Twin Disciples Saint was so mad that he wanted to kill himself!
He felt like the loser, the child who could never get what he wanted.
But once he saw Chu Y, he understood that that was not the case.
Chu Yu's body entered the gateway immediately.
As he entered, the Saint saw that the gateway began to blur up and the surroundings began to shake.
He had destroyed the entire galaxy, the energy affected the other galaxies as well!

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Everything was in chaos!
"I won't have it!".
Screamed the Saint as he rushed towards the gateway.
The moment he got in, the door closed behind him.
He was shocked by what he saw.
"What the f*ck is this?" he said.
The world behind the gateway was far to small, he could see its end.
It was a barren land that was only a few acres large.
There were a few trees, but most of them were almost dead.
That was not the key, the problem was that the Twin Disciple Saint's cultivation had vanished!
His soul had survived, but he could not exert any cultivation powers.
He was like a lost ghoul!
He drifted about and saw Chu Yu soon after.
He stayed there.
In front of Chu Yu was a solitary grave.
It was hidden in the tall grass and was hard to spot.
Chu Yu seemed just as shocked as the Saint.
This was the place the map had led him too, there was no doubt.
The map disappeared into the grave.
What did this mean? Chu Yu was dumbfounded.
Did he need to dig it up like Fatty?

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He didn't want to.
The energy around here was strange, the situation was peculiar.
What was all this? There weren't even any words on the grave!
As Chu Yu pondered over the situation, he bowed towards the grave, "I'm a junior from the Earth, my name is Chu Yu. I do not know what is this Elder's name, but I followed the map here. Do you have any instructions for me?".
"Idiot! Even if there was an elder buried underneath, why would he respond?" the Twin Disciples Saint mocked.
Because there were no cultivation properties here, he could not deliver any divine sense.
Chu Yu's vertical eye could see him, but he could not hear what he was saying.
At that moment, a person walked out of the grave and stood in front of Chu Yu.
Red robes, a pale face, and long hair which drooped down the shoulders.
"F*ck! It's a ghost!" Chu Yu shouted.
The appearance of this person was too sudden, Chu Yu did not mentally prepare himself.
Even if he did, he would not have expected a person to walk out.
It was a girl who was dressed strangely.
Chu Yu regained his composure as he stared at her. Her eyes were empty, as if she had no soul.
"Who am I?" she asked as she looked at him.
"You're a ghost…".
Chu Yu wanted to say that, but he felt like something was wrong.
This girl looked familiar!
A name surfaced in his memory.

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