
Chapter 489: The Tragedy of the Heavenly Palac

The master of the Heavenly Palace thought that something didn't quite add up. Chu Yu's importance was further proven by the fact that he was guarded and protected by such a powerful figure.

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He must be eliminated!

Perhaps his son, Ji Feng was right.

Killing Chu Yu might be their game changing move!

A couple of old ancestors were still in the space vessels.

They were still reeling from shock after their encounter with Yi, hiding from public eyes.

The Heavenly Palace had gone into hiding anxiously waiting for daybreak only to meet with more relentless attacks.

They were on the brink of complete annihilation.

It was a huge blow to them.

Losses that humiliated even the wisest of elders and left little room for tolerance.

The King of the palace summoned an ancestor with his telepathic powers. It was the same ancestor who had hid the entire palace in his pouch.

"Old ancestor, please step in to kill that young man!"

"You are going to trouble me to get rid of a small fry like that?"

He was slightly insulted and replied indignantly.

The old ancestors in those vessels were aware of the development of events so far.

The master of the Heavenly Palace explained, "Old ancestor, Yi's reappearance was on account of that young man…".


An astonishing aura exploded from within the spaceship.

Following that, a shadow with an overbearing demeanor emerged from the spaceship and thrusted his palm towards Chu Yu.

The entire set of movements was swift and decisive.

As smooth as the flow of the river!
It had an air of confidence enough to counter the magnificence of an entire galaxy!

Chu Yu did not let his guard down as he was watching Flower Chu fighting the group of saints from the palace.

He was alert and ready when that old ancestor made his move.

A surge of fierce power was coursing through his veins!

He raised his sword and swung it downwards at the incoming hand of the old ancestor.

A slice through the virtual space!

A plane of immense sword energy was radiating from where he had sliced through.

He had cut cleanly through that old ancestor's limb!

A clean cut at the wrist.

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This was the physical form of that ancestor! At his cultivation level, he could decimate a planet with a slam of his palm.

His physical body was also impenetrable and flawless. Chu Yu had managed to blindside him.

He let out a blood-curdling roar.

He was losing an immense amount of saint blood and it had formed a river of red.

His hand was recovering quickly, a long spear appeared in his other hand.

The spear was radiating a cold blooded murderous energy targeted at Chu Yu.

He jabbed towards Chu Yu.

It was a top-grade saint object, its powers comparable to the Empire Map.

The murderous energy it was radiating was enough to shred a Legendary Emperor practitioner to pieces.

It would pose a level of difficulty for a saint to face the magical token head on.

Chu Yu's Yellow Emperor sword had taken to the air and was swinging itself in anticipation of the charging spear.

It was like the collision of two stars.

The collision of energy had caused the contortion of the virtual space.

Numerous disciples of the Heavenly Palace were critically injured from this collision even though they were a significant distance away.

The weaker ones were turned into pulp on the spot!

Ji Feng felt his organs toss and turn and had to grit down his teeth to withstand the pain.

He was lucky that he was carrying an effective protection charm on him.

He glared at Ji Yan Zi who was also writhing beside him, oh how he detested this sister of his.

Little b*tch! Go and die! Chu Yu had already attained sainthood! You actually wanted me to fight him…

Colour drained from Ji Yan Zi's face. She had ill intentions towards Ji Feng but she had no idea that Chu Yu had already attained sainthood.

He was fighting the most powerful old ancestor of the Heavenly Palace and so far, the odds seemed equal!

Oh my god!

Was this real?

Ji Yan Zi's face had turned dark.

She was a confident and prideful woman, even more so than her brother Ji Feng!

She had always considered herself the most outstanding youth in this universe and never took losing well.

Chu Yu fighting her old ancestor and suffocating her with his residual power was a tough pill to swallow. She was astonished.

More like seething with anger!

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The old ancestor was both furious and surprised.

He had been around for a long time, powerful and experienced. Few people in this universe intimidated him.

Yi's existence in the past troubled him to no ends.

Now this young chap came out from nowhere and countered his attacks with matched power. Chu Yu was even inflicting injury on him!

So darn intolerable!

He was roaring and activated all of his magical powers.

It was affecting the fight between Flower Chu and the celestial saints as well.

Flower Chu wasn't too bothered but the saints were all struggling for ventilation.

Suddenly they were all choking to death on the spot.

Flower Chu grasped the opportunity and finished all of them!

The saints had never seen her fighting tactics before.

Her techniques and strategies were foreign to them.

No one knew where she came from.

But she was so powerful she made them shudder.

Observing how the situation was playing out from afar, Ji Feng was determined to flee far away from Chu Yu.

He feared that Chu Yu would come after him after taking care of his business.

Liu Wu Tong was even more terrified than Ji Feng. He had long scurried over to the outskirts of the galaxy!

Watching Chu Yu's intense fight from afar, his hands were cold and clammy and he was stricken with panic!

How many years did he take to reach this level of cultivation?

He could match a celestial old ancestor!

Liu Wu Tong was desperate to leave the solar system for good, forever!

What recovery of our former glory? That was the joke of the century!

Going into two eras of hiding is something to be proud of?

They looked like pathetic cowards!

They shouldn't be lusting over something that is not destined to be theirs!

The whole celestial palace shall meet its downfall because of a small group of people's greed!

Liu Wu Tong felt sick watching Chu Yu battle the old ancestor.

He could tell that old ancestor was at a disadvantage. Did the old ancestor not realise that himself?

Of course he knew.

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He would be blind to not recognise that the odds were not in his favor.

But there was no turning back for the old ancestor.

He had an instinct that Chu Yu was merely using him as practice.

Chu Yu's fighting capacity was still rising every step along the way.

In a matter of seconds, his capabilities had risen by a large margin!

The old ancestor sent a telepathic message, "Old fools… are you going to be idle bystanders? Come lend me a helping hand… what are you waiting for?".




Three auras exploded in a distance.

The three old ancestors of the palace had rushed over to aid the original ancestor.


Chu Yu hid his frustration with his poise and composure.

He had no qualms about confronting a single ancestor.

He knew that he was getting more and more powerful and his growth was not reaching a plateau yet.

With the manual instruction from the Three Realm Technique, his fighting powers had risen to the level of an ancient ancestor.

However, facing four ancestors at the same time was a completely different ball game.

Chu Yu glanced at Flower Chu and sent a telepathic message to her, "Let's leave now!".

She obeyed his orders without hesitation.

The Heavenly Palace was expanding all their power right now. It was their entire hand.
To be able to escape along with Flower Chu was an amazing feat to accomplish.


They weren't ashamed for running away.

Though Flower Chu wasn't the brightest pea around, she had a good instinct.

The pressure was rising over there and she knew that they were at a disadvantage.

Hence, she obeyed Chu Yu's instruction and morphed into a streak of light to escape with Chu Yu!

"Don't let them go!"

Ji Feng was yelling hysterically.

Then he saw Chu Yu running towards him alongside Flower Chu.

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Oh sh*t, I am in trouble!

Ji Feng took to his heels and ran in the opposite direction at top speed!

But he couldn't outrun Chu Yu's sword!

The Heavenly Immortal sword was used as an arrow.

Ji Feng's cranial cavity was displaced from his neck.

Fresh blood spurted out from the exposed arteries! It had formed a river of saint blood.

Ji Feng wasn't even allowed the chance to scream before he was put down.

The old ancestors let out a spine-chilling bellow. They were spitting fire.

They couldn't believe that Chu Yu had the audacity to slaughter one of their treasured descendants on his way out.

It felt like an insulting slap to the face!

The old ancestor was hot on his heels. He was chasing after Chu Yu with mania, disregarding the fact that many of his disciples laid ahead as well.

Chu Yu was too fast!

Now he had found Liu Wu Tong!

With a cold-blooded snigger, he went after Liu's vital points.

Chu Yu had stunned everyone in his path and froze the disciples in their spots.

Then… they were fried into pulp by the energy released from their own ancestor.

"Wa… I am livid!"

The old ancestor was in a state of hysteria, the white of his eyes stained red.

Chu Yu hit Liu Wu Tong's head forcefully and crushed his skull like a watermelon.


The entire physical body was smashed into pulp.

They were still running at top speed.

In flash, they disappeared from the galaxy.

The old ancestor was leading a frantic witch-hunt looking for them.

Wails and cries from the lost disciples filled the air.

Ji Yan Zi witnessed Ji Feng's death. Any traces of smugness from before had completely disappeared, replaced by grief.

Was this what greeted them after going into recluse for two eras?

Their own annihilation?

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