
Chapter 490: Spatial Collapse

The people of the heavenly palace had just gone through a series of unfortunate events. A rollercoaster ride that dropped them from the peaks.

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They were experiencing fresh and new emotions that they had never felt before.

The hibernation in the past two eras had never once struck a single strand of doubt in their hearts. They were still full of ambition and confidence.

They had thought of it as a depart from the mess and chaos of the world.

They were proud of the fact that they stayed away from the ugliness of the rest of the world that could have tainted the integrity of their clan.

It was a haughty attitude. They were more superior than everyone else and they refused to expose themselves to the rest frivolously.

There were no questions of their power and might. The reclusion had been their choice, they weren't forced into it.

A reclusion to be broken only at the ripe opportunity to reclaim the entire universe. For everyone else to bow at their feet.

A grand vision!

But fate was a master of mischief.

This world had been sealed and isolated for 60,000,000 years!

60 million years was an awful long time even for a practitioner.

Youth passionate men had aged to become senior figures. Some had even succumbed to their old age.

When the seal was broken, a multitude of sects and clans all clamored to be recognised.

The Heavenly Palace's snobbish stand was to let them fight it out amongst themselves first.

"Allow them to test the waters."

"There are so many ancient relics on Earth, how many will be discovered and plundered at all? Even if a couple of them ends up inherited by a sect, they are mere keepers for us. All the treasures will be ours at the end."

"Why would we want to reappear so early in the game? We will on appear at the final showdown like a true powerhouse."

"When we show up, it will be Judgement Day for everyone!"
Ji Yan Zi felt stinging shame and regret recounting all the grand statements they had made before.

It was a harsh wake up call for them. Reality stung like a bucket of icy water.

It chilled their hearts!

What Gods and Titans? Master of all?

It was all a pipedream.

Shaken from their delusions, they were left with a sea of red and a pile of bones.

Ji Feng was sacrificed so meaninglessly.

A young lord with a bright future. He would have collected a glorious array of trophies and achievements.

Now he was nothing but a dead corpse.

A clean cut at the neck.

Fresh blood pulsing out forming a river of red.

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His mental spirit complete tarnished.

His existence was wiped out.

Gone with the wind.

In a couple of years, no one shall speak of him again; in another decade, his existence would have been forgotten.

As for Chu Yu?

This man whom they had never considered a significant threat.

In another hundred years, he would probably sit atop the highest throne one could possibly imagine.

What did people call this again?

Ji Yan Zi recalled the mortal show that she had just caught on television, "A splendid script but a pity that I am not the main protagonist…".

Tears were streaming down her face, "If I could do it all again, I wouldn't have fought with you, Ji Feng. If only we could live without a worry for a long time, how good would that be?".
Humans were like that. They only cherished what they had lost.

Chu Yu was still running with Flower Chu.

The old ancestors and saints of the Heavenly Palace were all informed and knowledgeable people.

They had been remarkable people in their proudest moments.

But there was still a difference between them and Chu Yu.

Even with their surpassing level of cultivation, they couldn't catch up with Chu Yu.

Chu Yu had one destination in mind.

Back to Earth!

He was taking a gamble.

Betting on whether these bunch of ancient ancestors would dare to appear in the solar system again.

Even though Chu Yu had attained sainthood, they weren't apprehensive about confronting him.

Even if they didn't fear Chu Yu, they should have reverence for Yi.

"This little brat is trying to escape to Earth, stop him!"

One of the old saints from the Heavenly Palace exclaimed with his telepathic powers to the rest. He was anxious and thirsty for revenge.

They could come to terms with the defeat against Yi.

But they could never swallow the fact that this young brat could spell such trouble for them.

Bitter tasting defeat.

If they didn't teach him a lesson today, they would have to hang their heads in shame from now on.


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That ancestor suddenly burst out into a deafening roar and activated the great sacred art.

Chu Yu who had been on the lam felt as if the virtual space ahead of him had rolled up like a huge wave.
The entire space had been folded up.

The force had displaced numerous burning and dwarf stars away from their orbits.

Now they were all crashing towards Chu Yu and Flower Chu.

What the f*ck…

That's crazy!

Chu Yu pulled out the Immortal Crane Furnace and jumped into it along with Flower Chu.


There was a buzzing sound exploding from the furnace.

A mystical arena resembling an enormous magnetic field was created!

The magnetic field was repelling the stars away.

From where the ancestors were, they were seeing stars colliding into the space. The spot where Chu Yu had been was smashed into total destruction!

"This will show him! He must be dead for sure!"


The ancestor was spitting blood before he could mutter anything. Color drained from his face and it turned ash gray.

There had to be a price paid for utilizing the great sacred art of this scale.

The bunch of ancestors were staring coldly at the smashed area.

"Are you alright?" a saint asked worriedly.

Even though there was another original ancestor around at the Heavenly Palace, no one knew when he was going to arise from his slumber.

The entire Heavenly Palace was relying upon this ancestor instead.

He had been the guardian who protected them from great mishap previously, hiding the entire palace in his pouch and escaping.

It was pertinent that he was to be kept alive to continue watching over the Palace.
Without him, they would be left defenseless.

"Fret not, I am not to be taken away so easily," the old ancestor muttered with serenity.

"That little bast*rd is surely dead by now!"

"They were given the full burial along with so many stars... they should be satisfied."

They were celebrating.

If it were them, they wouldn't have been able to survive a collision like that even if they had a protective charm.

The radiation from the impact between two stars was enough to kill a saint.

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How could there be any survivors after so many stars rained down over there?

There won't be an inkling of what was once their physical bodies.


They were finally satisfied after taking their revenge!

Chu Yu and Flower Chu were hiding in the furnace. They could sense the torrential whirl of energy out there. Energy capable of tearing the universe apart.

They both had grim looks on their faces. Flower Chu was chalk white while Chu Yu was dark with worry.

He was not capable of maintaining an aloof and calm composure at all times yet.

His mood had been plunging downwards since he heard about Yi having to defend the floating city again.

He wanted to rip the Heavenly Palace apart!

Was there going to be peace on Earth again?

Apparently not!

He had used his feather to turn the Mirror Dimension upside down previously.

Wiping out majority of the saints there while he was at it.

But the old historical clans and sects still had impressive guardians!
Even if they stayed put now, they might not do the same in the future.

Chu Yu had hastened his return in fear that he would miss a surprise attack on Earth.

If anything were to happen to his family, he would live in regret for the rest of his life.

No matter how meticulously he had planned every move, he hadn't anticipated the first battle to come from within their walls.

He wasn't filled in on the details of the fight between the floating city and the Heavenly Palace but he could guess just as much.

"A bunch of scoundrels!"

Chu Yu was seething through gritted teeth in the furnace.

Flower Chu had regained her silent and blank expression.

Chu Yu was aware of her situation.

The reason why she had such a dull demeanor was attributed to the lack of a soul.

There was a high possibility that she was the physical body of the Butterfly Dance.

Buried together with the little girl in the small Crystal Coffin, she seemed like a tomb guardian or a servant.

Over the grind of time, or for some other reason, she had been awakened. Without a proper soul, she was only left with her instincts.

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Chu Yu had ulterior motives bringing her along.

The Butterfly Dance was his arch nemesis and Flower Chu was obviously strong.


"I found my own laundry maid by my own abilities, why should I return her to you?"

Chu Yu had been trying to cultivate her individuality in hopes that she would regain her soul and develop a unique personality!

Chu Yu wanted to mature her divine sense to become a complete Nascent God so that she can take control of her own thoughts.

One day, if they really encountered the Nascent God form of the Butterfly Dance, it would be difficult for her to reclaim her body!

You tried to steal my woman's body; you shall face your karma today, I am going to steal yours!

You will be left homeless!

Boom boom boom!

It was still a mess out there. Energy was whizzing about everywhere.

But Chu Yu and Flower Chu were safe and sound in the furnace.

Chu Yu had a growing hunch that the furnace was one of the nine cauldrons.

It would be the only logical explanation behind its immense powers!

He wondered if the late Divine Crane Saint knew about its values.

Chu Yu would hold a disciple ceremony to pay his respects to this Elder if they met again.

He owed a great deal of his achievements to the Divine Crane Saint.

Suddenly, the explosions outside came to a simmer.

Chu Yu glanced over at Flower Chu.

"We are going to charge out and kill the most powerful guy out there, are you comfortable with the plan?"

She shook her head with a blank expression, "No.".


Chu Yu reprimanded her, "Do you have a useful skill or technique? Perhaps you could produce an explosion? To finish that old guy off instantaneously?".

To his surprise, she nodded her head.

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