
Chapter 492: The Sun Thieves

The Three Realms Technique was really formidable!

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Chu Yu had merely learned the basics of the technique and he could already slice the old ancestor's divine soul.

If he could master the technique, its powers could… Chu Yu didn't dare to think further.

He finally understood why it had mattered so much to the little girl in the small crystal coffin.

Interestingly, it seemed as if the technique was tailored especially for him.

"Thank you for your great gift!"

"Thank you for your laundry maid!"

Chu Yu carried his thanks in his heart.

He was extremely fast, he had managed to fly far away in a blink of an eye.

Far away from the big mess of burning stars.

Turning around, he could see that the galaxy was still distorted and radiating energy.

The exploding stars he used to see in his telescope on Earth resembled what he was witnessing today. Could it have been man-made in the past as well?

Before beginning his journey as a cultivator, he never realized how terrifying the powers spirits held.

Destroying galaxies were a matter of the snap of their fingers.

The ancient saints of the Heavenly Palace didn't chase after them.

They were still frozen in the big energy field. Frozen in shock.

Their old ancestor had been hacked into pieces!

Shredded to nothingness!

It wasn't a scenario that they had ever considered before.

Even Yi couldn't have slaughtered they ancestor like that.

All these were accomplished by a young man like that.

Many people from the Heavenly Palace had the same thought.
"Could this really be the chosen one?"

The vitality of the ancient saints was sucked out like a vacuum.

They aged a million years in an instant.

Yes, another ancestor was still lying in his slumber somewhere in the universe.

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They could turn the tables around with his help.

Perhaps… there was still a shred of hope.

Was there really?

Many people had lost their confidence.

Some people were wailing, grieving for the loss of their treasured ancestor.

Two eras of hibernation, they traded off the span of two entire eras for a miserable end.

Even their old headquarters was wiped out!

Joke of the century!

Even if they reclaimed their original headquarters one day, they could never reclaim their pride and honor.

Ji Yan Zi stumbled weakly against the railing of the space ship and looked into the distance with an empty gaze. Her pale face was crowded out by weariness.

The King of the Heavenly Palace was silent, he looked sickly.

Chu Yu was running at top speed.

He was also busy practicing the Three Realms technique.

It was an exposition of the truths that governed the laws of the universe, a difficult piece to process and internalize.

It encompassed the secrets of the universe!

If he could master the technique, he would attain ultimate enlightenment.

After using the energy pulsing through his veins, the solar system finally appeared in front of him.

Recognizing the familiarity of the scorching sun, Chu Yu was ecstatic.

I'm home!

This burning sun was an ordinary star in the universe. Nothing remarkable.

But to Chu Yu, it was a symbol of much more, it meant something grander than himself!

No star could compare to the sun.

However, Chu Yu could sense another presence close to the star.

Clouded with doubts, he opened his Vertical Eye and took a careful look at the sun.

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Then, his face was aghast!

Furious fire burned in his pupils!

Thousands of war ships were parked across the surface of the sun!

Every single one of them were the size of the Earth.

They were parked there absorbing the Sun's energy!


Chu Yu was spewing curse words before using the Art of Fleet Footwork, running towards the Sun.

He didn't know where they were from but one thing was for sure, they were not from Earth.

The prowess of the war crafts was way beyond the technological capacities of Earth.

The space crafts or vessels from Earth were also incomparable in terms of their sizes.

This was definitely alien.

Chu Yu had questions as to whether these vessels were from outside the solar system.

There were so many stars in various galaxies. The sun was not the most resourceful one out there.

These vessels could be from within the solar system.

Chu Yu was exceeding the speed of light. He had charged all the way to where the vessels were parked in less than 20 minutes.

Bellowing with his telepathic powers, "Stop at once, Sun thieves!".


His divine resolution had enveloped the entire surroundings of the Sun.

The thieves jumped a little.

Then, they swiftly pointed all their weapons at him. Chu Yu was locked down.

Their leader was still somewhat rational. He knew that they would be able to sneak up here undetected.

He held off orders to attack.

But he spoke in a hostile manner.

"Who are you, nosy poke?"

Chu Yu could sense that this man was also a saint from his telepathic waves, and he sounded… young.

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"I am Chu Yu."

"Chu Yu? Chu Yu from Earth?"

"Pst… so what? I heard that you are revered as the Descendent of the Yellow Emperor, haha, wear your high crown and big head on Earth, not here!"

"Who are you people?"

He had a gut feeling that these people were the aboriginals of the solar system!

They must be living spirits on Mars!

According to some ancient texts, there were traces of living spirits on neighboring planets.

Chu Yu had never provoked these living creatures.

They had never interacted with Earth as well.

Before Earth had broken its seal, that is the end of the Dharma ending age, earthlings used to peer into the skies using highly magnified telescopes.

There were a couple of incidents where they saw vessels parked around the Sun.

It was probably the same bunch of creatures.

Chu Yu couldn't stand by and watch them suck away the Sun's energy like that.

Cultivators like him should be rushing to add fuel to the Sun to keep the fire burning.

To compromise the Sun like that?

Dust-like creatures were flying out from the vessels.

These vessels were humongous!

The creatures looked like ants compared to their space crafts, but they were all big built and bulky.

They had a fierce aura surrounding them. It served as a warning to Chu Yu.

Chu Yu could tell that they were different from humans; alien forms.

They were tall as well. The shortest one was about 20 meters tall.

With a muscular physique, they were protected by metal armors.

Their skin had a metallic sheen to it.

The leader of the pack looked young and his aura was strong. Chu Yu could tell he was nearing the level of sainthood.

He looked indifferently at Chu Yu, "We are from Jupiter and I am the third prince of the Mu Dynasty.".

Of course!

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They were indeed from the solar system.

But wasn't Jupiter a gaseous planet?

Clouded by turbulence and tornadoes all year round with a Great Red Spot.

There were living creatures on that planet?

Even though it was documented on ancient scriptures, it was still an amazement to see them in real life.

Cultivators were really powerful existences in the universe!
"You are discounting the vitality of the Sun," Chu Yu explained seriously.


The third prince was grunting in disinterest, "What would an Earthling know? We are repairing the sun!".

"Repairing? You are absorbing energy from sun for your own use, you call that repairing? Let me repair you then," Chu Yu walking over briskly with a domineering presence!

Their faces had taken a turn and they were threatened by Chu Yu.

An elder beside the third prince sent a telepathic message, "Calm down our friend from Earth, let's talk peacefully. To set off a battle here would be a heinous crime. The sun won't be able to withstand the pressure.".

Chu Yu looked at them coldly, "You guys have been stealing the energy all these while, haven't you?",

The third prince chuckled lightly, "You really think the Sun belongs to the Earth, don't you? Don't forget that we're the aboriginals of the solar system! The Sun is ours as much as it is yours! We can use it however we want!".

He continued obnoxiously, "It's just a mere star, no matter how we use it, it will still burn on for another million years. Nobody could live that long, stay out of our business.".

"Continue mining, pay no attention to this man!"

"What if… I don't allow this?" Chu Yu spoke harshly.

He had concluded that these living creatures had no respect for the sun at all.

Let's not even talk about protecting it.

Of course, Earth was the only planet that enjoyed the benefits of the warmth and light the Sun had provided.

It had provided a nurturing bed for earthlings.

The myriad of living creatures on Earth was breathtakingly beautiful!

He must not let the Sun come to any harm.

As an earthling, he must stand up for his planet and his beloved star.

He must stop them!

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