
Chapter 493: Gift of Repayment

Without even testing the waters, Chu Yu made his move.

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His target was the furthest warship from him.

Without destroying it, he used his mental resolution to destroy its mechanics; breaking the ship's connection with the Sun.

Boom boom boom!

With a series intense explosions, the integrity of the vessel was intact but the connecting bridges were completely blown up into pieces!

This move had surprised the people on board.

Chu Yu didn't stop at one vessel, he was blowing up the bridges on all the spaceships here!

He had done so in a flicker of light.

They didn't think Chu Yu really had the guts to antagonize them.

"You are tired of living!"

The third prince was snorting steam, his face with twisted with anger.

He's even uglier now.

The connecting devices were valuable and pricey!

It was minted with rare premium metals.

Chu Yu had destroyed all of them in a matter of seconds. It was intolerable.

The bunch of people around the third prince started reprimanding Chu Yu.

A big sized woman began calling him names.

And she tried to hurt him!

This girl was a pristine princess from the Mu Dynasty.

She was used to being spoilt and nobody had ever tried to bully her.

Twenty percent of the equipment that Chu Yu had just destroyed were under her name!

They mined energy from the sun to store it as fuel for the operation of their space crafts.

The solar system was an insignificant speck in the entire universe.
But for humans, the solar system was everything!

It was the Village of Dao.

Ancient relics were still waiting to be unearthed and discovered.

So many other relics hiding in the rest of the solar system were waiting to be expedited.

These creatures fueled their grand expeditions with energy from the sun.

They are already used to mining energy from the Sun, it was an old practice.

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Besides… even the mightiest of deities had left them be.

Who was this man to jeopardize their plans?

Did he have nothing better to do?

This princess from Jupiter had dealt a lethal blow.

A strange energy was casting a net over Chu Yu.

It was laced with hostile powers.

It was a peculiar form of technique, it could throw people off easily.

It could kill an ordinary saint!

Chu Yu growled and used the energy in his blood to repel the net away.

His blood energy had dissolved the net.

Chu Yu followed up by swallowing the remaining energy.

He reappeared right in front of this princess.


The bell was ringing from the strong forces.

A thick blanket of energy was covering the princess.


The woman was thrown backwards and she spat out blood midair.

Chu Yu's mastery of power was immaculate.
He hadn't allowed his forces to radiate at all, leaving his surroundings intact.

The protective magical formations of the Sun were still inactivated.

"How dare you!"

The princess' protectors were yelling in rage.

Their attacking tactics were all calculated.

It seemed like Earth suffered the greatest blows in the Ancient Period!

These creatures were much more developed than people on Earth.

Their technological advances had surpassed that of the earth by leaps and bounds.

They cultivation and evolution were also accelerated.

Their cultivation even seemed to be melded together with their technology!

These elders from Jupiter were charging at Chu Yu with a strong magnetic field.

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The force field was strong enough to decimate anything by contact!

It could even destroy the architecture of an entire planet!

Chu Yu would have been heavily injured if not for his cultivation prowess.

"Kill him!" the third prince ordered coldly.

Boom boom boom!

Numerous vessels were opening fire as well.

They were blasting energy cannons with strong magnetic fields.

Even an ancient saint might not withstand an attack of this intensity.

They were an aggressive bunch, they were sending cannon after cannon without mercy or hesitation.

They didn't look like people who would care about the sun.

They probably won't be bothered if the sun ceased to exist given their superior technology.

They could just leave the solar system in search for another dwelling place in this infinite universe.
The only reason why they were sticking around was to reap the remaining treasures in the solar system!

The life and death of the sun was meaningless to them!

At most, it was the responsibility of earthlings.

The earthlings were happy to take on the responsibility too.


Numerous magnetic fields and bombs were raining down upon Chu Yu.

The protective formations of the sun had been activated.

It formed a glowing web around the star, enclosing it within the net.

The formation was marvelous, it was like a permeable membrane; allowing heat to penetrate but protecting the star from external damage.

It was extraordinary.

Chu Yu was further aggravated when he saw the activation of the protective formations.

He wielded his sword immediately.

He sliced up a saint from the Mu dynasty in a breath with viciousness.

The man let out a gaunt howl as he was cut into two.

Chu Yu swung his sword with his backhand and sliced the man horizontally.

This saint had been divided into four now.

His mean spirit had stopped wailing. He had gone completely still, there was no sign of life.

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Chu Yu had taken down his divine spirit along with his physical body.

So harsh!

Was this really a young earthling?

How many years had it been since they broke their seal? How could they possess powers as perturbing as this?

I thought only the old guys on Earth were intimidating and capable?

The people of the Mu dynasty were startled.

The third prince was the most distressed of them all, he was busy calling for back up from Jupiter.


Chu Yu sliced up another two saints easily without even breaking a sweat.

"Aren't you going to stop now?"

What the f*ck?

You are the one slaughtering our people!

We're supposed to stop?

Can we stop?

We'll end up in a sorry state if we stopped, won't we?

The princess from earlier was frightened, she was trembling in trepidation.

Although she had the cultivation level of a saint, she had never witnessed anything like this before. She had been living in her own bubble, a sheltered world away from the chaos and ugliness of the world.

Born with a silver spoon, she was given whatever she desired. She lived her life in opulence and luxury away from the bloodiness of the cruel reality.

She was injured, and quite seriously.

Watching Chu Yu slaughter three saints like chickens in front of her had made her shriek in horror. She was on her heels, running back to her banner space craft.

A couple of other saints were attacking Chu Yu frantically.

The large warships were also exhausting the energy they had just mined to attack him.

Chu Yu was absolutely enraged.

Bring it on then.

He smacked his palm on one of the saints and flew towards the spaceships parked on the surface of the sun.

Targeting one of the vessels, he raised his sword!

Protective formations lighted up like city lights on the ship.

There were a hundred formations or so!

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Chu Yu's sword qi was like a streak of pearlescent lightning casted across the starry space.

He landed his sword on the vessel.

The formations were cracking like an egg shells!

They were torn apart instantaneously by Chu Yu's sword.

Then the entire vessel was taken apart into two.

Chu Yu's blow had set off a series of explosions!

He had damaged the core reactor of the ship and disrupted the equilibrium of energy. The series of explosions were damaging its neighboring ships as well.

Chu Yu was getting impatient, he went around tarnishing another seven or eight ships in the fleet.

Then the third prince send a furious message with his telepathic powers.

"Stop! Leave the ships alone!"

Chu Yu sliced horizontally after appearing behind two ambushers.

He had taken their heads.

Chu Yu looked at the third prince innocently, "I'm sorry, it's too late now.".


The third prince's eyes were bloodshot with a villainous look.

He hated Chu Yu's guts!

Chu Yu's malicious intent was uncalled for!

Why were all the other fleets who had been here before unscathed?

Why was he the unlucky one to be picked on?

Too bad for him. It was too late to recognise Chu Yu's domineering presence now.

It would be up to an old ancestor of the royal family to take him down.

The problem was that the old ancestor was deep in slumber.

He might not even answer to the King. Not to mention a prince like him, he probably wouldn't even consider lending his strength.

He would just ignore him.

The third prince knew when it was time to put down his pride in consideration of the bigger picture.

"This time… it was our fault, my apologies!"

"Let's put aside the apology for now, do you have any tokens to represent your sincerity?" Chu Yu questioned him seriously.

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