
Chapter 495: Lecturing After Pillaging

The third prince was going crazy!

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Was there an end to this humiliation?
Was Chu Yu insane?
Chu Yu looked at him seriously, even if they came from different civilisations, the third prince knew what he wanted.
He was seething with fury, he wanted to kill Chu Yu there and then.
The veins on his forehead were bulging, he was trying his best to calm down.
He took a deep breath and looked at Chu Yu, "My fellow Daoist, what is it that you want?".
Chu Yu frowned innocently and said, "What do you mean? I should be the one asking you that question.".
"Weren't you the ones who started this?" Chu Yu asked.
The third prince was taken aback.
A few of the elders whispered to him to keep his cool.
The third prince breathed in and said, "I pass you these items in my name, as the prince of the Mu Clan, as proof of the friendship between us!".
Following this, he took out a few items.
One of them was a crystal bottle, which caught Chu Yu's attention.
The bottle held a drop of blood!
There was just a drop, but the color was vivid.
Even if the crystal bottle was sealed, there was a strong power of law rumbling within.
Chu Yu could feel that this drop of blood was not ordinary at all.
The third prince, however, did not seem to care too much.

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He was focused on the other items.
This drop of blood was discovered amongst the treasures of a certain place, he brought it back to the Mu Clan from there.
The grand elder who inspected it deduced that it had come from a divine beast of sorts, and had nothing to do with humans.
It could have been used, but the changes were uncertain,
He did not have much use for it then.
He took it out in hope that Chu Yu would attempt to use it and go berserk in the process.
That would have been brilliant!
The other three items that he took out made his heart bleed.
One of them was a scripture, although it was not the original copy, the one who duplicated it was an ancient superpower!
True legacies often did not come by in the form of scriptures.
The Immortal Crane Scripture was also taken down from memory by the Crane Saint.
The superclass was the same.
The only ones who could convert them into words were the owners of the techniques themselves.
The value of these scriptures far exceeded anything else!
This particular scripture was found amongst the treasures left behind of a certain clan as well.
There was a golden blade among the items as well.
It looked mint and glorious, it was made of divine gold.
In reality, this was not a new weapon, it was just that the material was too formidable, there was simply no wear at all on the item!

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It was a Saintly weapon of the highest grade!
The size of the blade, however, was far too small.
To the Mu Clan, the size of the weapon mattered, and as a result, the third prince did not spend much effort refining it.
But he was still angry that he had to give it to Chu Yu.
Chu Yu's eyes fell upon the last item.
A feeling of shock rose in his body!
It was intense.
It was a trigram used for calculations and navigation.
It looked ancient and was glistening from the polish.
The polish itself held an unimaginable amount of Dao and power of the laws.
Chu Yu himself possessed the three realms technique, but to people like Fatty, these items were the holy grail!
Chu Yu remembered that Fatty once told him that such items held immense influence in determining the Feng Shui of the universe.
No matter what it seeked, it could locate it accurately!
The third prince's lips twitched, "Fellow Daoist Chu Yu, are these items to your liking?".
Chu Yu waved his hands and kept the objects, imprinting himself onto them.
He could feel a strong struggle coming from the trigram compass.
Chu Yu was taken aback, he did not try to erase the previous imprint any more.
Because the mental imprint on it was not the third prince's!

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It was far too ancient!
Chu Yu decided to take it back to Fatty before deciding on his course of action.
For all he knew, there was some sort of secret machine hidden within.
"That's about it. We'll leave it here for now, from today onwards, I will be watching over you guys. If there is a next time… Don't blame me for not reminding you," Chu Yu warned.
The third prince was still seething, "We can take the energy from other planets am I right?".
"Are you stupid? The universe is huge, are there no other galaxies?" Chu Yu scoffed.
The prince cursed him and said with a face of apology, "Alright, we will remember your words.".
Chu Yu suddenly smiled.
The Mu Clan's people were extremely sensitive to Chu Yu's behaviour.
They were all prepared to defend themselves.
Chu Yu did not make any move, he only looked at the third prince, "You don't have to hide your hatred for me. The Mu Clan has never supported or protected the solar system, and I don't think that you ever will. No matter what, you guys have nothing to do with the Village of Dao. You will never understand the sacrifices made on earth! What have all of you been doinbg this whole time?".
"Sucking the sun's energy? Fuelling your own powers? Searching for long lost treasures?".
"Do you dare to claim that any of these items are yours to begin with?".
Chu Yu's tone became colder, "You pillage the Immortal Estates of those who have passed on, killing those who guard these places. There's nothing wrong with me taking these items from you, they were never yours to begin with. Moreover, now that they are in my hands, I can actually put them to good use. It would only have been wasted in your possession!".
After this, Chu Yu sighed and left.
He blasted off in a ray of light as he flew towards earth.
The Mu Clan and the third prince were rooted to the ground.
The third prince shouted, "F*ck, I'm angry!".

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"Your majesty!".
"Are you alright?".
"Please calm down!".
The others surrounded him and coaxed.
They all hated Chu Yu less for some reason… perhaps it was because they knew that what he had said was right.
The third prince felt like he had been humiliated and shamed.
He gritted his teeth and said coldly, "I will remember this hatred, and I will have my revenge one day!".
They then took off in their vessels and left the Solar System, they did not dare to stay there any longer.
The movement at the sun attracted the attention of many on earth.
With Xue Xue and Wang Dong's help, they now had advanced technology that surpassed whatever they had previously.
Many people did not know what had happened, they could only see the large fleet at the sun.
There seemed to be a conflict that made them disperse. Many of the vessels quickly took off and disappeared from sight.
Chu Yu reappeared on earth within a few minutes.
He looked at the floating city as a sense of emotion overcame his heart.
"I'm back!".

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