
Chapter 496: Respect

He could finally see the friends and loved ones he had been away from.

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The moment of return was indescribable.
The kinship and closeness were touching.
In his eyes, the Earth was a representation of that.
The universe was vast, there were billions of galaxies, but none of them could compare to this planet.
A large number of figures guarded the floating city.
They were all coming towards Chu Yu.
All of them had an emotional and excited expression on their faces.
The roads faraway were precarious and dangerous, it was no vacation.
The road of cultivation was full of solitude and hardship.
Those who pursued it like Chu Yu would inevitably meet with danger.
His loved ones were all worried.
Now that he returned, what was there not to celebrate?
"Hahaha… Brother, you're back, the happenings at the sun are your doing I assume? That's great! I heard from the ancient ancestor that those Mu b*stards have been doing this since the previous era. It's a pity that no one went to teach them a lesson earlier," Fatty said with his divine sense from afar.
Chu Yu smiled warmly.
"What else did you see?" he asked.
Fatty finally came before him and said, "It was too far away. Moreover, the bloodlust from your body was too great. The Art of Water Mirror was not effective in projecting the scene. But we all saw that you killed the Saint! Everyone was so excited!".
Chu Yu gave a wry smile, "What's there to be excited about?".
Fatty shook his head and said, "You might not know, but some things have happened.".

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"Oh?" Chu Yu frowned.
At that moment, everyone had rushed here.
Xu Xiao Xian and Lin Shi appeared before him and looked at him with longing eyes.
If it were not for everyone else, they would have thrown themselves into his arms.
Chu Yu did not care much, he embraced the both of them.
He smiled, "Luckily, there's only the two of you, if there was a third, wouldn't that be hard for me now?".
The two of them tried to break free in response, but they both enjoyed the hug.
Missing him was painful, it wasn't pleasant at all.
Chu Yu grabbed them tightly.
"I've missed you two.".
Their hearts melted as their eyes turned red.
"I missed you too," Lin Shi said softly.
Fatty suddenly coughed and said, "You can't just care about your girls, what about your other brothers?".
Da Jia Zei rolled his eyes and said, "Oh, Fatty, have your balls grown bigger? You dare to talk about me like that now?".
Old Huang rolled his eyes too and said, "Spend more time reading instead of fooling around you idiot!".
Chu Yu laughed, he could tell that his group of friends had grown even more close knitted.
Before this, they never seemed to joke with one another.
This sight was heartening.

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The Elders came out as well.
Ming Hui, Black Dragon, Qu Ni and the other ancient Saints all stood around.
Ming Yu You, Little Moon, Ji Jian Jia, Li Xiao Xiao and the rest had all become good friends as well.
What surprised Chu Yu was that Flat Sister was there too. She stood in the distance with an emotionless face.
"Hi!" Chu Yu waved.
She turned around and left.
Chu Yu didn't know how to react.
Warsong and the rest stood there as well, they laughed at this sight.
Zhao Man Tian's aura was tremendous, it was threatening as well. He looked stern.
When he saw Chu Yu, his expression softened and a gentle look appeared in his eyes.
He had thought through many things over these years.
Many things could not be simply won over from battle.
He was trying his best to keep up with Chu Yu, but the distance felt further and further.
Demon King Xue had the same sentiments.
Only a few years had passed, but Chu Yu was already a Saint!
Before this, he already held terrifying powers.
He recalled his foolish move in attempt to overthrow Chu Yu, oh how stupid it seemed in retrospect.
Yi and the Monkey, two of the most superb fighters in the previous era, all saw something in Chu Yu.

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Now that he was a Saint, his powers had to be great.
Xu Xiao Xian was equally as terrifying.
Most people were just captivated by her beauty, but only a few of them knew that in her bones, apart from Chu Yu and her close friends, she was overpowering and merciless.
Over these few years, she had shown some flashes of her ruthlessness.
Some of the ancient Sects suffered an unlucky fate.
She dragged them through hell and brought them back.
Fatty was nearing Sainthood, he even had time to tour the globe with Casarina.
This 'tour' was, in reality, a quest for revenge.
They had viciously swept through the western lands!
The details were unclear, but the western media reported many scenes of destruction.
A young man had recently joined the ranks of Chu Yu's army, but he was already a Saint!
His name was Qiu Qiu, he was also a young talent whom Yi favoured.
Demon King Xue and him even exchanged blows before this.
He defeated Demon King Xue to everyone's surprise.
The kid was a monster!
He was almost as fearsome as Chu Yu.
On the surface, he looked calm and cold, but in his bones, he was crafty and had many sleight of hand moves.
They had a nickname for him- the little loach.

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It described his crafty moves.
Over at the group from the Purple Cloud Academy.
In Demon King Xue's and Zhao Man Tian's eyes, they were the biggest uncertainty, and the biggest liability.
Not all of them had the blood of the village of Dao.
Some of them were purebloods from the Mirror Dimension, they had nothing to do with earth!
The people of the Song country and the Purple Cloud Academy had vouched for their ancestry before this, but how was it possible?
This was why the rest had their suspicions.
What happened in the end?
Under Lin Shi's and Xu Xiao Xian's management, together with the cooperation of Yu Wen and the rest, they became the frontier of conversion for people from the Mirror Dimension.
Xu Xiao Xian and Lin Shi's management were supreme, they knew that Yu Wen and her group would die for Chu Yu.
Apart from them, Song Qing and the other elders looked up to Chu Yu as well.
Demon King Xue never expected this small boy to be able to garner that much support.
He could only give a wry smile.
Over the years, he realised that those who stood at the top, those who were at the peaks of power, all had incredible traits beyond their abilities.
Only one word could describe his feelings.

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