
Chapter 497: The Past of the Mu Planet

The floating city was bustling like it was new year's eve.

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No, it was much more joyous!
Regardless of Demons or Humans, all of them were excited at their 'master's' return.
He was the soul of the army, he was irreplaceable.
The earth was bustling as well.
His return delighted many of earth, most of them did not know why they felt so overjoyed.
It was an indescribable feeling.
It was like a kind of fanaticism- the greater and more outstanding Chu Yu was, the happier they felt.
All of Chu Yu's friends from school all boasted proudly of their affiliation with him.
Chu Yu could not remember most of them, not even their names.
He had a new title now, he was no longer just the Son of the Emperor.
He was now the Son of the Earth, he was truly the representative of the planet!
"What you mean to say is that the Mu Clan didn't just stand by the side back then, but they even took our resources?".
Chu Yu frowned as he looked at Fatty, Black Dragon and Qu Ni.

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Black Dragon sighed as he looked at Qu Ni with a deadly expression.
Fatty nodded, "Indeed, back then, the different planets were all heavily involved in battle for resources and other things. Only the Mu planet was quiet.".
"At that time, the entire solar system was beaten to a pulp, did you not notice how clean the exterior of the solar system is? How far is earth from the other galaxies?".
He looked at Chu Yu and gave a wry smile, "The grand elder told me all these things, some of them were verified through the ancient treasures left behind and annals recovered.".
Chu Yu breathed heavily, "A bunch of traitors! We should've killed them long ago!".
"Back then, the entire place was broken, the enemy had overwhelming numbers! You can't imagine it. They were like wave after wave of tsunamis, it was never ending," Black Dragon sighed.
"If not for this, how could the Emperor Star have suffered such a terrible fat?" Qu Ni added with a hateful expression.
Many of her elders had died in this battle.
Fatty added, "The two elders are right, the battle then was chaotic, no one had time to care about the Mu Clan. After that, the losses were tremendous, it's rumoured that the entire solar system was littered with bodies of Saints. The blood of the Saints even formed a giant planet that radiated an aura so deadly that it could kill Saints…".
Fatty's eyes were filled with complex emotions.
Song Qing sighed, "I was still young back then, my cultivation levels were not high. I only remembered my grand elder's divine sense telling everyone to prepare themselves to evacuate the Emperor Star. He told us that we were going to the Mirror Dimension, and that one day, we will get our revenge.".
Liu Feng Hui nodded his head, "The situation was the same for the Purple Cloud Academy, but before we could do anything, the Mirror Dimension was ruined!".
Ming Hui said, "Even though the Mirror Dimension is destroyed, we can't let down our guard. It's just one of the many camps that exist. Moreover, they were not the front line of battle. Back then, the real powerhouses all returned to their own galaxies and went into hiding.".
He smiled, "Speaking of which, those people, the powerhouses, they're just waiting for an opportunity. They're no joke, they're not like the heavenly palace.".
Everyone laughed.

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They had all heard of the story of what had happened between them and Chu Yu.
Flower Chu was released by Chu Yu as well.
He only explained the situation to a few, he did not let everyone know.
Those who knew how the Butterfly Dance looked like were stunned when they saw her.
Even Ming Hui did not know what was going on.
He only reminded Chu Yu to be careful.
"Doesn't that mean that I let them off too easily?" Chu Yu laughed.
If he knew how cowardly they were, he never would have let them go.
Fatty laughed, "Of course, but what you did made me happier than the downfall of the Mirror Dimension! The bunch of fools deserve to die!".
The others all nodded their heads in agreement.
Even though few of them had experienced the battle back then, their elders had all participated in it.
The Ancient Rainfall Sect, the Southern Sky Sect, and many of the other Sects as well…
All of them had once fought for the earth.
Even the Tai Ji, the Limitless, and the Twin Disciples Sect had all sent representatives to the battle.
They were all respected to some extent.

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After this, Chu Yu took out the trigram compass.
Fatty's eyes revealed his stunned feelings.
So did the eyes of the other Elders of the Thief Sect.
They were originally just sipping on their wine, few things could surprise them anymore.
They had lived for many years, they were in Chu Yu's camp just to see what was going on, they were not truly invested in his cause.
Every time a battle ended, they would be the first to leave.
They did not have much connections or friendships with the other people of the floating city.
But upon seeing the trigram compass, a few of them grew excited.
They flocked to Chu Yu as they looked on with crazed expressions on their faces.
"Is this…. The Fu Xi Trigram Compass?" one of them asked.
Chu Yu shook his head, "I don't know.".
A few of them stuck out their hands simultaneously and said, "Let me have a look!".
Fatty pouted and said, "That's what my brother wanted to give me!".
He thought that they were going to take it for themselves.
A few of them turned towards him and said, "It will be yours, but can't we just take a look?".

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When did they become so friendly?
How peculiar!
When had they ever been so kind to him?
Fatty was surprised.
One of the Saints looked at him and said, "With this, not only will it be easy for you to achieve Sainthood, you will be a tremendously useful person as well! Do you know what you have here? With this, virtually no one can kill you!".
Fatty smiled, his eyes were tearing up.
"How shameful of you to look like that!" one of the other Elders reprimanded as he quickly turned around with a look of longing.
Seeing that those Elders had all become child-like in an instant, Chu Yu chuckled to himself.
Chu Yu was touched by the elder's revelation of his true feelings to Fatty.
He passed the Trigram Compass to them.
They formed a circle and took a deep breath, it was as if they were touching the holy grail of sacred objects.
They ran their fingers over every small detail on the Trigram Compass.
Ming Hui looked on from the side and said, "The Fu Xi Trigram Compass… it's the holy grail of Feng Shui! The Thief Sect, they're all masters at that.".

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