
Chapter 512: Burn My Body

Seventy days passed since Chu Yu went into reclusion in the Floating city. In his reclusion, he had ceaselessly reflected upon the Three Realms technique.

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This technique was mysterious indeed!
Even while Chu Yu had been unable to master the basics of the Three Realms technique, he was still able to cultivate his powers with its underpinnings.
Even though it had only been several days, Chu Yu had managed to glean a surprising amount of insight by focused meditation and specialised research while in reclusion.
As a superior technique, its ability to elevate one's cultivation was inconceivable.
It permeated the soul, influencing the physical being. It had an extraordinary impact on one's energy.
Through focused meditation and practice, one could easily be immersed and fall into obsession.
Chu Yu wanted to master the Three Realms technique before leading his men to attack the two Ancient Sects – the Taiji Sect and Limitless Sect.
At least, they would have a heightened confidence.
Chu Yu knew well the circumstance that Yi was in.
Even Chi You who resided at the far fringes of the universe was in a similar state!
If the laws of this universe would not accept the existence of Great Sages, how could these peaceful ancestral Ancient Gods be accommodated?
Thus, it was unrealistic to forever rely on the existence of beings like Yi and Chi You for protection.
After the Mirror Dimension had fallen into ruins, the Universe Planes had not been active. Even the Galaxy Great Sage Zhou Xu... remained unheard from.
This was actually unusual.
Chu Yu did not believe that after the Ancient Saints of the Mirror Dimension had died, the greater powers behind them had been indifferent to the matter. It was even more ridiculous that Zhou Xu, after having been robbed of his fiancée could have taken this in his stride and be so tolerant.
Under aggression from foreign forces and with internal conflict, the seemingly prosperous Floating city actually was in a tumultuous state.
One's fate cannot be decided by others.
One must be the master of his own fate!
In lieu of the current circumstances, Chu Yu had been left without choice but to keep moving forward without looking back.
Thankfully, he was not alone.
He still had plenty of support from those around him.
Elders like Ming Hui could have chosen to go into recluse peacefully amongst their family, but they had no qualms staying here, determining the fate of the Floating city.
Ancient Saints like Song Qing and Yue Yin had also chosen to remain by his side after returning.
Chu Yu would question his own abilities sometimes.
Being addressed as "Your Highness" by this group of Elders?
Actually, practitioners of cultivation were most believing, yet most unbelieving of fate.
It was difficult to expect them to accord recognition to one person.
Most practitioners chose to seek the way in solitude. They would rarely deal with others.
This was usual of practitioners.
Thus, Chu Yu was eternally grateful to these Ancient Saints.
He understood that they had chosen to remain in the Floating city in order to protect their homeland.
It was not because of his character or charisma.
Whatever the reason, Chu Yu had to become stronger.
It was quiet at the bottom of the Floating city.
The surroundings were constructed from high-grade metals, the walls engraved with layers of magical formations.
Xu Xiao Xian, who was close to being a Master of magical formations had once said, many of these magical formations were considered to be superior in ancient times.
In other words, this was an extremely safe place!
Thus, when the Vertical Eye tried to warn Chu Yu, Chu Yu was taken aback.
Soon after, he realised that he was frozen.
He could not even use his mental powers!
He looked at the person who suddenly appeared.
Dressed in grey robes, his hair was white and he appeared divine and sage-like. He had an endlessly deep gaze, almost as if the sun, moon and the stars orbited within his eyes.
There was a tinge of surprise in Chu Yu's eyes. He quickly calmed himself.

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This was happening, and all Chu Yu could do was to confront the situation.
It would be pointless to have any residual emotion.
Chu Yu remained silent, quietly trying to contact Vertical Eye and Immortal Crane Furnace.
Besides the Three Realms technique which had not been affected and still could be practiced, he could not exercise his mental powers at all!
"It's futile."
The white-haired priest was Elder Gao Ji from the Taiji Sect.
He looked at Chu Yu calmly, holding a hint of admiration in his deep gaze.
"If we weren't foes, given that you're junior to me, I might have even given you some guidance."
Gao Ji looked at Chu Yu saying, "My name is Gao Ji. I come from Taiji Sect."
Chu Yu looked at Gao Ji, suddenly laughing. "You're here to kill me?"
"Yes." Gao Ji was in no rush to attack, for he had activated the Ancient Godly charm the moment he entered the Floating city!
Presently, the entire Floating city was under the imprisonment of the charm.
In other words, aside from Elder Gao Ji, everyone including those in front of Chu Yu had been trapped in a seal!
Chu Yu's state, however, had already surprised Gao Ji.
How could he still be able to speak?!
This Ancient Godly charm was a superior artefact which could even easily entrap Great Sages!
It was a piece of treasure which had been refined by a Heavenly Lord!
Once activated, everyone besides its user would be repressed!
In addition... they would not even know that they had been repressed!
In other words, if Elder Gao Ji were to refrain from killing, and reverse the powers of the charm before leaving quietly, not a single soul would have known that they had been entrapped!
The moment he entered the Floating city, he had activated the charm.
The entire City fell silent in an instant, resembling a ghost town.
Subsequently, he had found Chu Yu without incident. Under the repressive powers of the charm, there was no reaction from the magical formations.
He had come here completely unhindered.
Following which, he had seen Chu Yu, who was still able to speak.
Fortunately for Gao Ji, it had not been so perverse that this young man was completely unaffected by the charm at all.
Alas, Chu Yu was unable to exercise his mental and physical powers.
It had been a long time since Gao Ji had left his world. He knew well that he ought to kill Chu Yu instantly and leave quietly. A long delay would bring trouble, that he understood.
However, he was extremely curious about Chu Yu's state. He itched to learn why Chu Yu had not been completely sealed by this charm.
Since antiquity, since this ancient godly charm had appeared in this world, only a few Great Sages were capable of escaping its entrapment.
Saintly beings however... had never been able to defy the seal of this charm!
And what did Chu Yu have to say about this?
Elder Gao Ji was brimming with curiosity. He wanted answers.
Chu Yu did not know about all this, however. He was anxious and infuriated.
This Elder Gao Ji from Taiji Sect must have carried with him some superior artefact, or he would not have been able to repress my movements and powers, Chu Yu thought.
Fortunately, the Three Realms technique was unaffected. However, since he had not properly learned the basics of the technique, his ability to use it at speed had been significantly reduced.
Chu Yu could only have a slight attempt at activating his sealed abilities and mental powers.
He looked at Gao Ji calmly.
Frowning, Gao Ji suddenly made a move.
He grabbed Chu Yu directly, placing hundreds of seals on his body.
After which, he placed him within a small pocket dimension which he had created himself.
Then, he left!
He wanted to investigate the secret which Chu Yu's body had been hiding!
Elder Gao Ji promptly left the Floating city, disappearing into the Galaxy at incredible speed.

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After which, the Floating city was restored to normalcy.
In the immediate aftermath, nobody noticed any abnormalities. Even Elder Ming Hui did not manage to do so.
Soon however, someone realised that something was amiss.
It was a young practitioner in charge of communicating with the Earth who had managed to notice the abnormality.
When the Floating city had been sealed, everything, even time was frozen.
The Earth however, remained unsealed.
Hence, while the time between Earth and the City had been synchronised previously, there was now a discrepancy of nearly a minute!
The Floating city... was slower by about a minute!
This was significant indeed!
Although he did not understand why, the practitioner in charge of communicating with the Earth was sure that this could not be a mere accident. He hurried to report the matter.
This was soon reported to the higher echelons of power in the Floating city.
After repeated confirmation, it was discovered that there really was time lag of one minute in the Floating city!
Elder Ming Hui's expression changed instantly. Without saying a word, he rushed directly to where Chu Yu had went into reclusion.
Shortly, he appeared before everyone again.
"His Highness has disappeared."
Everyone was stunned beyond measure.
Chu Yu was gone?
If that was so, then did someone seal the Floating city for a minute before... taking Chu Yu away?
This was horrible!
The people in the higher echelons of power immediately decided not to spread the word.
Subsequently, they conducted thorough investigations using the monitoring systems, but were unable to uncover a single problem.
Finally, they could only be sure of one thing – in that one minute, there must have had been a supreme presence within the Floating city.
But who?
The high echelons of power in the Floating city cast their suspicions on the Taiji Sect and Limitless sect.
However, they were confused. If Taiji Sect and Limitless Sect were indeed so capable, what was the point of all the wasted efforts before?
"No matter what, we cannot divulge what has happened. Otherwise... there'll be great trouble!" Elder Ming Hui said with a deep voice.
He then turned to look at Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian, their faces wrought with anxiety, "Especially the two of you. Keep yourselves together and don't do anything stupid. I'll leave right now and search for His Highness with all my might. When I'm gone, you must pretend as if nothing has happened..."
After Ming Hui accounted for everything, he left the floating city hastily.
A dark cloud had been casted over the remaining people in the city.
Thousands of light years away from the solar system.
This foreign galaxy contained a dying planet. It was burning intently, as if it wanted to exhaust the last of its energy quickly.
The entire galaxy was sweltering!
On one of the planets formed by a huge rock, there was a towering mountain!
The mountain was like the handle of a blade piercing through the planet, emitting an astounding aura
On the peak of the mountain sat an old temple.
It was a small humble temple worshipping the three main Taoist gods.
This place had been an old arena of the Taiji sect and this galaxy used to be bustling with life.
Years ago.

Up till when the star started dying and the people deserted this place.
Gao Ji brought Chu Yu here and threw him into the temple. He was taking his leave in search of something in the core of the planet.
Chu Yu had been sealed by hundreds of enchantments. They were like sturdy metal chains locking him down, restraining his movements.
Chu Yu refrained himself from fighting with his best ability because he didn't want to destroy the floating city as collateral damage. It wasn't worth it. On the other hand, he had wanted to know more about Gao Ji.
This old guy was definitely out to kill him!

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He must have wanted something else since he had decided to spare his life for now.
Chu Yu was sure of it.
With over a hundred freezing enchantments on him, forget about moving, even his thoughts were slowed down.
The Three Realms Technique… could still be activated.
What now?
It seemed like checkmate for him.
As he was racking his brains for an escape plan, Gao Ji returned.
Gao Ji had a grim look on his face.
The object at the heart of this planet had been taken away!
There weren't any signs of damage or intrusion.
Which meant that whoever who took the object was probably from the Taiji sect.
Other than this bunch of cowards, there were many brave great figures who participated in the war.
Gao Ji guessed that it must have been one of them who had taken the object.
Looking at Chu Yu struggling somewhat lifted his spirits.
This was a secure location, nobody would come knocking on their door other than people of the Taiji sect.
He had plenty of time to interrogate Chu Yu to get the information he needed.
"You want to know how I sealed you?" Gao Ji sat in front of Chu Yu, acting as if he were a kind and friendly senior.
He released two of the enchantments on Chu Yu.
Chu Yu regained his ability to speak and think but he was still physically frozen.
It was a nasty feeling.
Especially for someone like Chu Yu, he had never felt anything like it before.

"I don't want to know," he replied.
"Interesting, for someone in such grim circumstances, you sure look nonchalant and calm. So, tell me, what do you think I want from you… what's stopping me from killing you?" Gao Ji was playing games with him.
Ancient saints who had been around for ages spent many years in complete stillness. They would stop thinking, moving and processing.
After awakening from hibernation, they were not so different from the others.
Some of their levels of maturity could be compared to that of an ordinary sixty-year-old man.
This was also why many practitioners isolated themselves from the mortal common folk, to avoid being tainted by their ordinary desires.
But those who were able to mingle with the ordinary masses without being polluted by their thoughts were the true masters of the mind.
Gao Ji waved his hand and conjured a wooden stool for Chu Yu to sit on. They were now eye to eye.
"Why should I cooperate if I am going to die anyway?" Chu Yu muttered.
"Courageous, but… aren't you a little naïve to be talking to me like this? Don't you know… there can be many ways for someone to die. Have you thought of all the ways I could torture you before I put you down?"
"I can satisfy your curiosity if you really want to know…" Gao Ji smiled viciously.
He raised his hand just as he finished his statement.
A strong magical force penetrated Chu Yu's body like a thousand sharp needles.
The pain was spine-chilling, it was going straight for his bones.
His divine soul ached from pain.
Even his perfect physical form could not withstand such an attack.
Chu Yu let out a deep growl, the tortuous veins on his temples pulsating.
"You old thing, don't let me get you…"
Gao Ji only intensified his torture.
Sweat had seeped through and soaked all of Chu Yu's garments. He was on the brink of fainting.
However, Gao Ji had a supreme control. He would not let Chu Yu die.

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The pain kept Chu Yu teetering on the brink of life and death.
Chu Yu was growling, writhing in agony.

His frozen body shivered in distress.
This went on for another hour.
Gao Ji withdrew the piercing force, "That was only the appetizer, I still have a few hundred main courses in line for you, if you like."
"God damn you! I can take it!" Chu Yu sputtered defiantly with the last bit of energy he had left.
"I have an ancient charm on me crafted by Lin Bao the great ancestral superpower. It can suppress all living creatures under it and only few notable powerful beings could break free from its influences. Saintly creatures… they can't do anything under this charm!"
He glared at Chu Yu, "But you… how are you able to still speak?"
"Dog, scoot over if you want to know," Chu Yu replied frailly.
Gao Ji's expression turned cold beyond measure. "It seems... you won't cooperate unless I put you through the greatest of horrors. Why are you resisting with such futility?"
As he spoke, he fished out a Strange Flame!
The flame landed on Chu Yu's lap and quickly engulfed his entire limb. His leg started to burn.
"This is a heavenly fire. Although it can't be compared to a True Flame, it is enough to kill a saint. The pain you just experienced as an appetizer will be nothing compared to the agony of this flame."
The fire raged on horrendously.
Chu Yu's clothes had turned into ashes immediately, but the flesh on his legs was still intact.
Don't think for one second that this flame was weak! This was a truly superior flame which could burn away the powers and cultivations in one's flesh!
Everything in existence was made of the energy of cultivation.
This fire fed on the source of all things.
Suddenly, something miraculous happened!
Having gone through such torture, Chu Yu's body seemed to develop some sort of resistance, or in other words... a force had been awakened.
When the fire started to burn around his leg, Chu Yu didn't feel any sort of discomfort or burning sensation. Instead... the sensation in his leg had actually been restored slightly!
Although Chu Yu didn't know what was happening to him, he was quick to react. He looked at Gao Ji with ferocity and taunted, "Old bastard, burn my entire body if you dare!".

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