
Chapter 513: A Turnaround

Gao Ji was infuriated but stunned. Given his experience, how could he not see what was happening?

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The almighty Heavenly Flame which turned even Saints into ashes... was in fact useless against Chu Yu!
He retrieved the Heavenly Flame and looked at Chu Yu insidiously. Suddenly he laughed, "The Royal Son... hah, interesting indeed! You do have a few tricks up your sleeve!"
Able to resist the seal of the Ancient Godly Charm, able to withstand the burning of the Heavenly Flame.
This proclaimed 'Royal Son' of legends and myths, was indeed special!
Gao Ji had a feeling that this time, he could indeed have struck gold!
He opened his eyes, radiating a Godly Gaze, and started to search for the magical equipment in Chu Yu's body.
The most supreme practitioners hid their magical equipment within their own bodies.
Gao Ji had already suspected, Chu Yu might be in possession of one of the Nine Cauldrons!
This was considered the most supreme in the entire universe.
Since Gao Ji had already successfully brought Chu Yu to this place, it would be a waste of the use of the Ancient Godly charm if he did not drain Chu Yu of all his magical secrets.
When Gao Ji's Godly Gaze landed upon Chu Yu's eyebrows, a blinding ray of light suddenly erupted from Chu Yu's Vertical Eye.
Gao Ji let out a blood-curdling howl.
His pair of eyes, had been destroyed in an instant!
Where his eyes had been, were two horrible bloody holes, with fresh blood pouring from these orifices.
Gao Ji covered what was left of his eyes, screaming wildly and infuriatedly.
Chu Yu chuckled, "You bastard, how's that for taste?"
This was luck, but it also was not.
The Vertical Eye, formed from a Golden metal ball, was Chu Yu's greatest secret. From Chu Yu's perspective, its origins were more mysterious than that of the Three Realms Technique!
At least he knew, the Three Realms Technique was an intrinsic technique formed by the universe.
Full of spirituality and with the liberty of choice, it was unattainable even after endless repression by the Little Girl in the Crystal Coffin.
But the Golden metal ball was different. It had brought plenty to Chu Yu.
Additionally, Chu Yu had never heard a single legend about the Golden metal ball before.
Since the beginning, the Golden metal ball had been extremely odd, watching over him like a close relative.

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It had never been under his conscious control.
Gao Ji had been so reckless to cast his Godly Gaze upon the Golden metal ball... was this not an act of suicide?
Saintly beings were long familiar with the laws of cultivation. Although they were not proficient enough to be resurrected from a single drop of blood, they could still regenerate injured body parts instantly by using their powers of cultivation.
This time however, it was different!
Once Gao Ji's eyes had been destroyed by Chu Yu's Vertical Eye, there was no way they could be regenerated using the powers of cultivation.
In addition, such agony was infinitely more painful that the torture he had just subjected Chu Yu to!
It was a proper traumatic injury!
To practitioners, godly knowledge could replace one's eyes. In some cases, even, the precision of one's godly knowledge could far surpass the acuity of his eyes.
However, the loss of one's eyes could still similarly drive one berserk.
Gao Ji, at the moment, could not bear it no longer. He attacked Chu Yu!
He no longer wanted to glean any secrets from Chu Yu's body.
This young man... was venomous!
Highly venomous!
Anyone who came close would meet with no good end.
In the instant Gao Ji prepared to attack, Chu Yu had already regained mobility in his legs. Suddenly, his legs trembled gently.
A pill suddenly exploded in front of Gao Ji.
Gao Ji retreated immediately!
In an instant, he retreated a few thousand miles away!
However, the smoke from the explosion had penetrated his defences, staining the skin on his body.
Immediately, Gao Ji felt an itch over his entire body. It was ticklish beyond measure!
And so, this formidable Ancient Saint from the High Heavens above began to guffaw. He was so tickled that he doubled over in unstoppable laughter.
After Chu Yu's leg had regained mobility, Chu Yu started to practice the Three Realms technique with a chilly expression, repeatedly attacking the seal which had restrained his body.
Gao Ji had descended into crazed laughter in the High Heavens.
Those who had never experienced this, simply had no idea how gruesome this torture was.
Even Gao Ji, an Ancient Saint could not endure this!
Chu Yu never imagined that the day would come when he would have to use this pill which he had refined in his boredom and idleness.

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This was the only pill on his leg which could pose a threat to Saints.
Gao Ji was stricken with endless shock and fear.
He was properly scared and filled with endless regret.
Had he known about this, he would have killed Chu Yu without hesitation while they were still in the City in the Sky. Even if he would have been unable to glean any secrets, he would not have ended up in such a horrible plight.
A mere tiny pill, had unexpectedly taken away his ability to attack Chu Yu.
He was also unable to get away!
"Haha.... Hahaha!"
He was unable to stop his crazed bout of laughter.
Within the temple on the massive mountain, Chu Yu silently practiced the Three Realms Technique, repeatedly attacking the seal on his body.
At that moment, Gao Ji spat out a huge mouthful of blood, regaining a brief moment of clarity. He brandished the Ancient Godly Seal which could only be used once more, planning to restrain Chu Yu again before further engagement.
Because if this continued, Gao Ji's life would be in danger once Chu Yu broke free!
As soon as Gao Ji brandished the charm, a ray of light pierced over at blinding speed from the mountain.
It was a furnace.
"The nine cauldrons..."
Gao Ji forced these three words from his mouth between his bouts of laughter.
It was only now that he truly understood how formidable his opponent was.
Seeing that Chu Yu was a young man, he had previously barely thought anything of him.
And with the Ancient Godly Charm in possession, Gao Ji felt invincible.
Upon seeing the Charm be snatched away by the Crane Furnace before activation, Gao Ji's face, originally contorted with laughter, betrayed a hint of despair.
All that was left was two bloody holes where his eyes had been, giving off a crazed expression.
Gao Ji exerted all his strength trying to escape, trying to hold back the ticklish itch which seemed to penetrate his flesh to the bone. At this moment... he discovered through his divine sense that atop the mountain, Chu Yu was standing up shakily.
Using the Crane Furnace to snatch away Gao Ji's Ancient Godly Charm almost depleted Chu Yu of his energy.
He retrieved a handful of pills, swallowing them in whole, before coldly looking at Gao Ji who was thousands of miles away in the High Heavens and letting out a laugh.
"Old bastard, what did I say before? As long as I'm not dead... you better watch out!"
Consuming the large number of pills conferred majestic strength unto Chu Yu. He started to attack Gao Ji's seal in a frenzy.

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Ping ping ping ping!
For every seal which Chu Yu broke free from, he felt an increasing sense of freedom.
Gao Ji spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, his powers rapidly deteriorating. In a brief moment of clarity, he swallowed a huge number of Elixir Pills.
Then he turned and left!
His plan against Chu Yu, had utterly failed!
If he continued to stay, he might not have been able to leave alive!
Having only become a Saint, this young man was terrifying beyond his expectations!
Having just recovered, how could Chu Yu simply let Gao Ji go like this?
Morphing into a stream of light, controlling the two blades, Chu Yu flew towards Gao Ji, with the Crane Furnace overhead.
He raised his arm with sword in hand!
The sword struck across thirty thousand miles!
This strike severed one of Gao Ji's arms.
The fleeing Gao Ji let out a thunderous howl.
"Let me tell you a story too...."
As Chu Yu spoke, he swung his sword again, severing Gao Ji's other arm.
"When I first became a practitioner, I received Crane Saint Senior's legacy techniques. That was a scripture, documenting pill formulas to save lives and elevate one's cultivations, and..."
Chu Yu sliced off one of Gao Ji's legs with his sword.
"Many insidious pill formulas... The pill which I used on you, was one of them. Crane Saint Senior might have been compassionate and disapproving of using these against people, but I'm different!"
Another strike of the sword took off Gao Ji's remaining leg.
Although Gao Ji could rapidly regenerate his four limbs, he knew that he had already fallen to the cultivation level of a beginning Saint and was of no match against Chu Yu.
More importantly, the Elixir Pill was still giving him strength from within!
He was still laughing.
"Be my friend and I can trade my life for yours! Be my enemy, and by hook or by crook, I will claim your life!"
Chu Yu swung his sword horizontally, decapitating Gao Ji instantly.

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This time, he unleashed the Three Realms Technique.
This terrifying cultivation technique directly tore apart Gao Ji's physical body, and his broken spirit appeared in the High Heavens.
He was still laughing!
This Pill was potent indeed!
Chu Yu had never tried using it. He never expected it to be so terrifying.
He had only been in possession of one of these pills. He thought to himself, "when I get back, I must collect more ingredients to refine more of these pills."
Even Gao Ji's soul did not have eyes!
"You little venomous animal... are you not afraid of becoming a demon and getting your retribution some day?"
Knowing he would not meet with a good end, Gao Ji started raving wildly and violently.
This was probably the first time Gao Ji had ever been so bold in his life.
Expressionlessly, Chu Yu swung his sword upon Gao Ji's soul. Right before Gao Ji's soul was utterly decimated, Chu Yu whispered, "Ever since I began this journey, I've never looked back. Retribution means nothing."
Then, this part of the universe fell into a lonely silence.
Gao Ji was dead.
An Ancient Saint who had been cowardly, hiding from the ancient Great War to survive till today, only to let greed take him to his own grave.
Chu Yu finally could not help but spit out a mouthful of blood.
Using the Three Realms Technique to break free of the seal had caused Chu Yu a substantial amount of insidious damage.
Fortunately, it was possible to recover from this slowly over time.
He retrieved the Ancient Godly Charm from the Crane Furnace and examined it meticulously.
Multiple cracks ran along the surface of the Charm like spiderwebs. It looked as if the Charm could break apart at any instant.
Even if he did not understand much about this charm, Chu Yu could see that it had already been used quite a number of times.
But this was certainly a valuable object!
Able to restrain.... Ancient Gods and lesser?
Chu Yu narrowed his eyes and mumbled to himself, "In that case, would I be able to use it to destroy my powerful enemies? What a waste... the old bastard has already used it once!"

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