
Chapter 514: All of a Sudden

Gao Ji ending up hurting himself instead of others.

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It's still quite a pity for an ancient saint from the previous era to end up this way.

One should never breed greedy thoughts.

Chu Yu kept the Ancient Sacred Amulet and let out a long breathe.

Although he narrowly made his escape with the help of the vertical eye and the Three Realms technique, he was still shocked at how close he was to death. This incident had been a wakeup call for him.

As the solar system continued to be awakened, more and more ancient existences were resurfacing. Many more superior magical tokens and treasures were reappearing as well.

Chu Yu hadn't saw Gao Ji coming at all, not with his scary treasure.

It suppressed all beings below the level of an ancient god. Even in the previous era it would be a remarkable weapon when used again Great Saints.

Today it was Gao Ji, tomorrow it might be someone else rising to challenge him.

Who could guarantee there wasn't going to be someone like Gao Ji in another universal dimension?

Chu Yu concluded that the safest guarantee was to strengthen and fortify himself.

His will and determination hardened further.

Just as he was about to leave this place, he found that he couldn't find his way home!

This was an unfamiliar galaxy.

Gao Ji had chosen this place because it was in the middle of nowhere.

Chu Yu began practicing his Three Realms technique as he fumbled around looking for a path home.

He didn't want to waste any time so he was busy upgrading himself while searching around. Killing two birds with one stone.

At the solar system, Floating city.

They had managed to keep the news of Chu Yu's disappearance under wraps.

Even those who knew about the news were keeping their cool.

They were confident that Chu Yu could overcome his hurdles and return home safely.
Even Ming Hui elder had developed a great deal of trust in this young junior.

It wasn't blind faith but faith born out of experience and witness of Chu Yu's abilities.

Hence, the City was still in order.

But this peace had been shattered instantly!

A large palm had risen from outer space and smacked down upon the city!

It was too sudden!

Their opponent had a high cultivation level!

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The people in the Floating city were reduced instantly to ants as they scrambled around for survival!

They weren't weaklings to begin with but they were out shadowed immediately by this giant palm!

This palm was so gigantic, its size was several times of earth!

The move was malicious, the goal was to destruct the entire city!

All the city's defenses were destroyed in a second.

The defense mechanisms didn't stand a chance at all.

What was more surprising was that none of the formations in the solar system were activated!

The hand seemed like it was from a strange world.

Its speed was also incredible!

Just as it was about to land itself on the surface of the city, an arrow was aimed from Earth.

The arrow was like a strand of hair compared to the size of the palm.

Even so, the arrow had pierced through the cross section of the hand!

With that, the large hand had exploded.

The energy radiated could shatter the entire virtual space.

This time, all the formations in the solar system had been activated.

A telepathic power filled the space, it was cold and icy.

"Darn you!"

It was from earth.

And then a massive Dharma statue appeared in the solar system.

The entire trunk of the statue was also pouring blood.

Every drop of fresh blood was the concentrate of endless cultivation powers.

It was the effect of the activated formations in the solar system; the statue was taking direct damage.

But it wasn't lethal.

The statue was massive!

The entire earth was about the size of its pupils.

The Floating city was even smaller then!

Two sacred light shone from the statue's eyes like laser beams at the Floating city.

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Two more arrows were directed from earth.

With that, the sacred lights were deflected.

One of the arrows had hit one of the statue's eyes.

There was a large explosion!

The ruckus from the fight was accompanied by the angry howl from the statue, "You are just a shred of mental will left, aren't you scared to be decimated?".


A large, wild Dharma statue appeared from earth; it was Yi.

He raised his palm and swung it towards the intruder.

Boom boom boom!

There was a terrifying whirlwind of energy right above earth.

The formations of the solar system were recalibrated to stay on defense mode instead of attacking mode.

The formations absorbed the residual shock from the impact, protecting the other planets from collateral damage.


The intruder was shrieking in anger.

"How long more can you protect these ants in this galaxy?"

"I shall stand by them as long as I shall exist!"

Yi sent another harsh message, "Even when I fall, there will be someone else to protect the galaxy!".

"Fat hope! There aren't many powerful spirits around anymore, who else can protect this place?"

They were frantically exchanging blows as they moved towards the depths of the solar system.

The series of events had taken place in the blink of an eye. Many people were still trying to figure out the entirety of the situation.

Even an ancient saint like Ming Hui was confused and left bewildered.

They didn't know who the intruder was and where he came from. But they had an idea that he was the same kind of existence as Yi!

They could also easily guess the motives behind his hostile intentions towards the Floating city.

He must either be someone backing Zhou Xu or an old ancestor of another universal dimension.

He was clearly after Chu Yu!

The goal was to cut off all of Earth's back up.

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Ming Hui resented himself for not having a higher cultivation. He could be no help to the fight.

His company was worried about Yi's condition.

The intruder was right, who else could protect earth without Yi? Protector of the solar system, protector of billions of living spirits.

Yi said that there will be someone else… but who else? Where were they?

The ancient elders in the other planets in the solar system were startled.

Even those senior elders who had never broken their recluse had reappeared to lend a helping hand.

The battle was long drawn!

The formations of the solar system had dutifully fulfilled its protective functions.

But the formations weren't powerful enough to help Yi to compromise their opponent.

Even a saint had trouble making out the details of the battle.

The two opposing forces were morphed into two balls of energy challenging each other at top speed. They were bouncing around furiously surrounding by burning light.

They encompassed energy that could destroy anything in their way.

Without the formations, the galaxy would have been reduced to ashes.

"For a dead man, you are incredibly persistent!"

The intruder was growingly frustrated, he had released all his annoyance into a wrath that enveloped the galaxy.

It was hard to resist the mental will of this Dharma statue.

Other than the saints, all other living creatures were frozen in their spots by this rage!

It was an oppressive force as the spirits struggled for ventilation.

It was as horrifying as doomsday.

Nobody knows how long a spirit can live for. For a spirit like Yi who had been around since the previous era, he was a superior spirit!

Hence, for him to treat his opponent so seriously, it meant that the intruder was also a formidable spirit.

The fight didn't go on for long, after a couple of minutes, the bellowing statue had retreated and disappeared.

Before leaving, he left a bold statement, "I am not going to waste my energy on you, you aren't going to be around for long anyways. The next time someone like me challenges the galaxy again, it shall be the final blow dealt!".


Yi didn't refute what he said.

Everyone was grim at the Floating city.

They had a feeling that this was only the beginning of an end.

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The true horrors were approaching them!

Yi's normal sized statue appeared at the Floating city.

Everyone in the city went forward to greet him.

He swept the crowd with his gaze and he knew that Chu Yu was not around.

He landed his gaze on Ming Hui and asked, "Why is Chu Yu not around?".

With a slight bow, Ming Hui answered, "His highness is in reclusion.".

But Ming Hui had secretly sent Yi a telepathic message telling him that Chu Yu had disappeared amidst a power trip a while ago.

Yi nodded his head calmly, "Ah, I see!".

Before leaving, he left a message with Ming Hui.

"That man was from the same era as me. He is known as Zhou Ge and he was a big figure in the heavenly courts. He came after Chu Yu on behalf of his junior. He had been injured by me so he probably won't be back so soon. But caution Chu Yu regarding their existence, the bunch of them had been eyeing the village of Dao for the longest time. By the way, Chu Yu is safe, I just saw through my vision."

"Senior, are you ok?"

Ming Hui sent a telepathic message to Yi anxiously but received no reply.

Ming Hui couldn't hide his worry before sighing and relaying Yi's message to the higher ups in the city.

Everyone was relieved hearing Yi's explanation.

But soon, they were busy worrying about Yi's condition again.

Seemed like Zhou Ge was right, Yi was in a dire circumstance.

Meanwhile, Taiji and Limitless sects were celebrating joyously!

"Hahaha, Gao Ji ancestor must have succeeded. That little b*stard didn't appear even after all these turmoil, he must be dead!" one of the Taiji elder remarked.

"That's right, our ancestor must have got the deed done, and Yi… is about to die too! Hahaha, who was that man though? Was he from the same era as Yi?" another elder asked.

"Seems to be the case. That man probably was after Chu Yu too going after the Floating city like that. He shouldn't pose as a threat to our agenda."

"Yeah, the powers from the previous era rarely intervene with the problems of this era. Whatever his motive, he brought great news to us!"

The elders in Taiji sect were chirping enthusiastically.

It was no different in Limitless sect.

They already heard news that someone in Limitless sect had taken care of Chu Yu.

The two ancient sects had formed a strong alliance at this moment and planned to take over the universe.

They were going to be the most superior sects of the village of Dao!

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