
Chapter 515: Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Outside the solar system in the dimly little space, a large spaceship was parked there.

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It looked like a floating piece of land from afar.

It was still, resembling a menacing beast stalking its prey.

It was Zhou Xu's moving palace.

As the descendent of the head of the heavenly courts, he never lacked any resources as he grew up.

This was but a small piece of his inheritance.

The Floating city was not the best property he possessed.

Though it was still quite a loss for him.

The reason why Zhou Xu wanted Chu Yu's head was because of Xu Xiao Xian!

Who can swallow the vengeance of a stolen bride?

Not someone as proud as Zhou Xu.

In this era where there were no Great Saints around, he crowned himself the Great Saint of the Stars.

You could already tell his arrogance and ambition by this audacious move.

Chu Yu had utterly humiliated him.

He forced Zhou Xu to plead with Zhou Ge. Zhou Xu had kneeled in front of his dwelling place for three months and prayed with incense before the ancient ancestor agreed to kill Chu Yu for him.

Zhou Ge was his uncle, a great general at the heavenly courts in the previous era!

Although he wasn't as glorified as Yi, he was still a remarkable big guy back then.

But no spirit can escape the corrosion of time and age.

Who has ever seen a saint who lived a couple of billion years?

A billion years was too long for a living spirit.

In the grandness of the big picture however, a billion years was nothing but a speck of dust.

Even Zhou Ge was left with a shred of mental will, barely surviving.
Although he wasn't comparable to Yi in the past, he had managed to conserve his vitality and energy more efficiently than Yi.

Yi had spent centuries protecting his home and exhausting his resources, but not Zhou Ge!

But he still wasn't Yi's match!

If course if he wanted to, Zhou Ge could stake in his life in exchange for Yi's.

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But he wasn't going to make such a big sacrifice.

It wasn't worth it!

So, he had retreated.

He was still searching for a way to crack the game, he wanted to beat the corrosion of time and live gloriously for another long era!

On the deck of this vessel, there was a small table surrounded by a couple of people.

Ordinary people would find it hard to even survive on the decks but these people were chatting away casually.

Zhou Xu was holding a crystal goblet filled to the brim with fine wine. He was smiling confidently.

"Master, by right, Chu Yu must be fried to crisp by now?" his subordinate asked with a grin.

"The old ancestor had intervened himself, even with Yi's hindrance, Chu Yu shouldn't have survived the ordeal…" Zhou Xu muttered.

Before he could finish his sentence, a bright light appeared from the direction of the solar system.

"The old ancestor is back!" Zhou Xu gulped a mouthful of wine before announcing ecstatically.

The shadow landed on the decks stealthily.

"Welcome home ancestor..."

Zhou Xu greeted him with a smile but he retracted his joy immediately when he saw the ancestor's pale face. Zhou Ge was ash gray and he looked ill.

He could tell something was off.

He immediately shut his mouth and lowered his head.
The people sitting around the table stood up hurriedly and lowered their heads as well.

It was a nervous situation.

Zhou Ge looked at Zhou Xu, "Come with me now!".

They entered a secret chamber.

Immediately, there was blood dripping from Zhou Ge's mouth, nostrils and ear canal.

He was losing concentrated cultivation energy.

Zhou Xu's face dropped, "Old ancestor… what happened?".

"It's alright, a bit of injuries."

"You're injured? Did Yi intervene?"

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Zhou Ge nodded his head before replying lethargically, "Yi won't last for too long. I couldn't reclaim the Floating city, he is still more powerful than I imagined! He stopped my advances and the man you were looking for wasn't around.".

"Not around? Where could he be?" Zhou Xu looked perplexed.

"He just wasn't around alright… You may leave now, I need to meditate, prepare the resources…" Zhou Ge waved him away.

Zhou Xu nodded his head before excusing himself.

It would be irrational to argue with the old ancestor.

Even though Zhou Ge was family, he wouldn't dare to lose his manners in front of him.

After that, under his command, a large group of practitioners were escorted out from the lower decks.

Some of these practitioners were formless beings, some of them were spirits. They were all at least at the Legendary Emperor Realm level. Ten of them were even saints!

The group of them were spitting curse words at Zhou Xu, some of them had grave looks on their faces.

"I hope you monsters die a horrid death!"

"You animal, you will meet your karma!"

Zhou Xu frowned, "Ask them to shut up!".
His subordinates fished out amulets and sealed their mouths with them.

The group of them continued to shoot daggers at Zhou Xu with their eyes.

Then, they were sent to where Zhou Ge was dwelling in recluse.

No living spirit reappeared after going in there, the place was deathly silent. It was an eerie procession.

Zhou Xu let out a long breath, he looked defiant, "I didn't expect that little b*stard to still live after the old ancestor's attack…".

His confidante replied, "Don't be too angry master, that man won't last for too long.".

"That's true…"

This universe was way too foreign.

Chu Yu had taken a long time to figure out a passage to the outside world.

After several twists and turns, he finally found his way home.

He had some unexpected gains in this time.


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Chu Yu was only good at fighting and alchemy before this.

He wasn't spectacular at anything else.

Even after he attained sainthood.

Like a scientist specializing in his forte, he was useless put in other fields of research.

There weren't any shortcuts to this.

To find his way home, Chu Yu had dug out a couple of classics regarding the art of foreplay.

He didn't expect to master the skill so quickly with the help of the Three Realms technique.

It had made things so much easier!

Without this skill, he would still have been stuck in that strange universe for a very long time.

Now, he was leaping through the virtual space to get home swiftly.

Time seemed to be going backwards around him!

He even discovered a couple of civilizations around him!

Two of them were highly evolved and extremely sophisticated.

Of course, they were still far from his state of cultivation, hence, he had gone by them undetected.

They were thousands of light years away from earth.

If he couldn't navigate his way home accurately, it would take him years to get home.

While he was practicing the skill of foreplay, he discovered that he had reached another level of realization of the Three Realms technique!

It was a serendipitous reward.

He began learning other new things on his journey home.

Like magical formations, metal smithing… and many other schools of knowledge.

The Three Realms technique had eased the process of learning and he was making leaps and bounds of progress in a short time.

As he learned all these other new skills, his understanding of the three realms technique deepened!

Just before he arrived at the boundaries of the solar system, he had reached the basic understanding of the three realms technique!

It was as if a magical force had exploded within him and power was surging through his vein!

His mind and body was light and his thought were as clear as the sky.

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Numerous cultivation symbols were dancing about at his feet and it formed a yin yang pattern beneath him.

It was incredible!

This sort of prowess was only associated with deities in legends and myths.

Chu Yu felt an energetic connection with the formation beneath him!

It was startling even for him!

If he released the pattern beneath him, it would be a force of destruction!

Although his cultivation was only at the level of a saint, but his control of cultivation energy was already top notch.

If ancestor from the previous era witnessed this, he would have trouble believing his eyes.

Chu Yu flew towards the solar system at top speed riding the yin yang pattern.

Feeling light hearted, he decided to use his foreplay for fun.

Afterwards, his face was pale and his eyes were stricken with fear!


He morphed into a ray of light and dived straight into earth.

The skies above Canada were blue and pristine, the sun was glazing gently and there was a soft breeze.

Suddenly, the people there felt the temperature drop 10 degrees!

It was so short the people thought it was their imagination!

Chu Yu appeared at the dwelling place of Yi, this time… the doors were shut close!

There was a magical notice plastered on the gates.

"The great enemy is approaching, I can still fight my last battle. Life and death is nothing but a cycle, I shall meet no one and have no thoughts as I conserve my energy for the end."

Tears were pouring down Chu Yu's eyes.

Kneeling in front of the doors, he bowed several times.

Then he took his leave.

Headed straight towards Taiji sect's pocket dimension.

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