
Chapter 535: From Hell

"A being from the Nether?"

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Lin Shi's eyebrows knitted ever so slightly in curiosity, "Are all beings from the Nether... that strong? According to the Ancient Classics, the Nether is comparable to the Immortal world. In that case... this saying is not unfounded."
Chu Yu glanced and her and said, "What's there to think about? This being cannot be from the Nether. How would we be still standing here otherwise?"
"You are saying, beings from the Nether can be even stronger than this?" Lin Shi's eyebrows furrowed deeply, "But we are no longer in such an era..."
Immortals exist in the heavens, demons exist in the Nether, while Emperors exist in the human world.
That must have been a thing of the past.
Even though Lin Shi was cultivated in the Buddha Heart Sutra, her comprehension and outlook still had limitations.
"The Three Realms merely collapsed, they were not completely destroyed. The Spirits of the Immortal realm were unimaginably strong."
Xu Xiao Xian looked at Lin Shi, "Even a single fingernail of the Heavenly Spirits of the Immortal Realm... carries unimaginable power. Even if they stood still for you to attack, you couldn't even harm a single hair on their bodies! I'm unsure of how strong the Nether World is, but by my estimates, it cannot be far off."
Chu Yu nodded, "Indeed, true beings from the Nether are certainly much stronger than this. My guess is... this cannot be a being from the Nether. It is most likely that it comes from the peripheries of the Nether, for example... somewhere like the Bastion of the Stars."
Xu Xiao Xian glanced at Chu Yu, "Or hell."
Chu Yu, Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian exchanged glances.
Lin Shi was rattled, "Why don't..."
Xu Xiao Xian interrupted her, her eyes glimmering, "Let us take a look!"
Lin Shi looked on at Chu Yu hesitantly. Although she had an adventurous spirit, she was about to face something truly mysterious.
Without hesitation, Chu Yu said, "Let's see!"
It was not curiosity that spurred him. Chu Yu did not want anymore unforeseen disasters happening to this fateful planet.
The three of them advanced.
The tunnel remained dark and bitterly cold, relentlessly chipping away at their spirits.
They were moving slowly, cautiously.
Chu Yu looked at the walls of the tunnel, touching it briefly with his hands. Suddenly, he felt a bone-piercing chill. It seemed to want to invade his body through his palm.
At the same time, Chu Yu was deep in thought, deducing and planning in silence.
A practitioner's deductions required a gargantuan amount of information.
He would need to gather all relevant data, and using his powerful computational abilities, deduce the probabilities of the occurrence of various events.
Such a feat was insurmountable to common folk.
Even the most powerful computer on Earth since the technological boom did not have such computational prowess.
A powerful practitioner might not be learned in the art of deduction, but his computational powers would most certainly be supreme.
The results of deduction surprised Chu Yu.
This powerful and dark being had been here for a very long time.
By his deductions, it had been here for at least 500 years!
"This being... has it always been here?" Chu Yu wondered to himself, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.
At this instant, a high-pitched cackle was heard from in front of them once again.
"Why aren't you finished!"
Chu Yu immediately brandished the two swords.

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An enraged growl was heard again.
That deep growl, seemed to come from a beast.
Without another word, Chu Yu charged forwards swiftly.
He practiced his Three Realms techniques, and used his Vertical Eye. He saw a black silhouette in front of him, cloaked in darkness.
His two swords were like dragons, slashing across.
They dissipated a ruthless murderous energy, laced with superior Dao energy.
Such was the might of the Three Realms technique!
A loud explosion was heard.
The dark silhouette staggered backwards in retreat.
There was continuous deep roar from the depths of its throat.
At the same time, it began to attack, a chilling cold air started enveloping the three of them from all around.
Chu Yu snorted and brandished his Immortal Crane Furnace, putting it atop his head.
The Immortal Crane Furnace dissipated a large gust of air, shielding them from the chillingly cold air.
At this moment, Chu Yu had already reached the dark silhouette.
"You pretentious being, scram!"
Chu Yu swiftly attacked.
His two swords hovered in the air, slashing away at the dark silhouette. Chu Yu clenched his fists and charged towards it.
Invisible to the naked eye, this dark silhouette was considerably formidable. Despite how ferocious Chu Yu's attacks were, it was difficult to tell who had the upper hand.
Xu Xiao Xian brandished her Heaven Demon Instrument, welding it with both hands, using its soundwaves to continuously attack the dark silhouette.
However, Xu Xiao Xian could not attack with precision. Even by using her Heavenly Eye, she was unable to see the dark silhouette.
Lin Shi kept practicing her Buddha Heart Sutra. As she did so, a peaceful and compassionate aura of energy started to replace the chillingly cold and dark atmosphere in the tunnel.
This energy rivalled the chilling atmosphere, having a certain influence on the dark silhouette.
This was no longer a duel, it was three against one!
Chu Yu's fists landed squarely on the dark silhouette.
The dark silhouette roared infuriatedly, wounded by such a formidable force.
The tunnel was not spacious. One could either fight, or retreat.
The dark silhouette was unwilling to retreat. It let out growls and ear-piercing shrieks as it started attacking Chu Yu.
This was certainly a dark being at the pinnacle of Saintly cultivation, stronger that any dark being Chu Yu had ever encountered.
The battle had reached a white-hot intensity in the blink of an eye.
Since the start, the dark silhouette had not said a word. It also did not seem to have any interest in conversing with Chu Yu.
Hence, it was hard to tell if this being was of a supreme intellect.
His skills in battle, however, was formidable.

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It had been long since Chu Yu had battled with such ferocity and intensity.
He channelled the Three Realms technique, striking the dark silhouette with his fists once again.
The dark silhouette let out a yelp.
Through his Vertical Eye, Chu Yu could see clearly that the wound on the dark silhouette's body had not healed after some time.
Previously, its wound had healed instantly!
It was obvious that its injuries were becoming more grievous!
The two swords were ruthless, relentlessly slashing away at the dark silhouette to leave behind more wounds.
The peaceful and compassionate aura emanating from Lin Shi was causing the dark silhouette to be increasingly distraught.
Xu Xiao Xian increased the intensity of her attacking soundwaves.
At this moment, the dark silhouette bellowed, "You... are shameless!"
"Why must... you attack me?"
"This is my home!"
This being could actually communicate?
The three of them were taken aback.
When they had first entered this mysterious realm, they encountered a terrifying murderous formation. Then, they had met this dark being and initiated battle without hesitation.
Only now, it had spoken.
Although Xu Xiao Xian and Lin Shi could not see the dark silhouette, they understood what the being had said.
On careful consideration, it seemed that the dark silhouette was making a bit of sense.
To the dark silhouette, the three of them were indeed intruders.
However, Xu Xiao Xian retorted immediately.
Her fingers did not stop moving. She kept strumming the Heaven Demon Instrument, attacking vehemently.
Her expression remained unfazed as she gave a cold chuckle, "Pfft! This is not your home, this is the dojo of my senior Red lady! She was my elder, I have every right to be here. You are the one who is occupying a territory which is not your own!"
"I am not!" The dark silhouette bellowed infuriatedly, wildly attempting to dodge Chu Yu's attacks, staggering backwards in retreat.
However, it seemed to be extremely reluctant to retreat to the end of the tunnel, as if there was something more terrifying than the three of them.
At this point, Chu Yu understood.
This fellow... had an intellect, and a consciousness.
"Who are you then?" Xu Xiao Xian asked she strummed her instrument.
"I… I cannot remember!" The dark silhouette roared with a flurry of emotions.
"What is behind you?" Chu Yu asked suddenly.
"Demon!" The dark silhouette replied, terrified, "the Demon King!"
The three of them were stunned. They exchanged looks and stopped their attacks on the dark silhouette.
At this point, the dark silhouette had already been forced to the end of the tunnel.
Another thousand metres or so, would be the Dojo of the Red lady.

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The dark silhouette also ceased to attack.
Through Chu Yu's Vertical Eye, he could see that the dark silhouette seemed to also look back at him.
It looked fearful.
The situation seemed a little... out of control for the three of them.
Although the dark silhouette was no match for the three of them together, it was still a formidable Saintly being!
Additionally, its skills in battle certainly surpassed that of a superior practitioner of Saintly cultivation.
It was evidently so fearful that it would rather surrender to the three of them than enter the Dojo of the Red lady.
One could only imagine how terrifying the Demon King was.
"Demon King..." Chu Yu furrowed his eyebrows.
Xu Xiao Xian said, "From the Nether?"
Xu Xiao Xian looked at the empty space in front of her, "Hey, I'm asking you!"
"I don't know." The dark silhouette answered.
"Then what are you? And why are you here?" Xu Xiao Xian asked.
"I am, me. I am here." The dark silhouette replied.
The three exchanged glances, sensing something amiss. This being had an intellect, it was worthy in battle, but it was not as intelligent as imagined.
Now the three faced a question – should they enter to find out?
The Demon King that the dark silhouette spoke of, could really possibly come from the Nether!
Of course, one could not eliminate the other possibility...
Chu Yu looked at the dark silhouette and said plainly, "You, surrender."
"I won't!" The dark silhouette replied swiftly.
"If you don't, you die." Chu Yu barked viciously.
The dark silhouette suddenly revealed itself like a black cloud, flying towards the three.
At the same time, the cold chill emanating from the walls of the tunnel suddenly transformed into a billion needle-like objects and flew towards the three of them!
Such an attack was perfect!
In other words, the seemingly weak actions of the dark silhouette were but an act!
Ultimately, the dark silhouette had planned to lure them to this place, and attack with all its might while the three of them lowered their guard!
Hence, the other possibility was that there was no Demon King behind in the Dojo!
And it was lying!
A majestically powerful aura of energy exploded outwards from Chu Yu's body.
Instantly, it flooded the narrow tunnel.
Upon coming into contact with Chu Yu's aura, the needle-like objects completely melted into nothingness.
Swift as lightning, Chu Yu penetrated the black cloud to face it from behind, before landing a punch on the dark silhouette's body!
What a sly being!

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This black cloud would be mistaken by most to be the dark silhouette's physical form.
Actually, it was not!
Through Chu Yu's Vertical Eye, he could clearly see that the dark silhouette had only released a cloud of blackness. The dark silhouette itself... was actually still standing his ground unmoved!
The black cloud was nothing but a curtain of smoke.
Chu Yu's punch channelled a huge amount of power from the Three Realms technique.
It immediately sent the dark silhouette flying.
In the void of space, the dark silhouette shattered into pieces.
However, the pieces swiftly put themselves back together.
The dark silhouette was now much weaker.
Chu Yu's punch was nearly fatal!
At last, the dark silhouette was a little fearful.
It finally understood that Chu Yu had been able to see him all along!
No matter how he shape-shifted, no matter how he hid, no matter how he released a cloud of blackness as a curtain of cover, it was all useless.
How detestable!
Where the dark silhouette stood, appeared a old man dressed in tattered and dirty clothes.
Unkempt, like an old beggar.
His eyes were murky without a bit of light. They seemed to belong to a dead man.
Xu Xiao Xian and Lin Shi could finally see him.
Through Chu Yu's vertical eye, the dark silhouette slowly revealed itself.
This was its true physical form.
Chu Yu looked coldly at the silhouette of the old beggar.
"You have one last chance. Surrender or die." Chu Yu said.
"You, presumptuous junior!" The old beggar shouted immediately, his eyes rolling back in its sockets to give a creepy look. He shrieked, "Who are you to dare ask an Immortal like me to surrender?"
"You're just a fugitive who escaped from Hell." Chu Yu said, unfazed.

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