
Chapter 536: The Emperor of the Mortal Realm

He glared straight at the old beggar, "You can't even defeat me in battle, who are you to even speak of yourself as an Immortal?"

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"How do you know where I come from?" The old beggar's expression finally wavered.
He looked at Chu Yu and sombrely asked, "Who are you?"
"Even if I told you, would you recognise me?" Chu Yu glanced at him, "How long has it been since you've seen the outside world? 300 years? 500 years? You might be strong in battle, but you can't leave this place. You don't dare set foot into the outside world, do you?"
"Hmph, why not?" The old beggar chuckled coldly, "Given my prowess, no one will be able to stop in in the outside world."
"I can." Chu Yu said.
"You don't matter!" The old beggar was embarrassed yet infuriated. He rolled his eyes and glared angrily at Chu Yu.
Chu Yu was unfazed. He said plainly, "Those who escape from Hell are lonely spirits with no identity. Even the most powerful ones cannot avoid the Six paths of reincarnation. Old man, am I not right?"
The old beggar stared at Chu Yu, stunned beyond measure. His eyes no longer rolled upwards in their sockets.
He stared at Chu Yu with his murky eyes, as if he were observing a creature.
"How do you know about the Six paths of reincarnation?" He asked in disbelief, almost believing that Chu Yu was bluffing.
Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian however, were astonished beyond measure.
Regardless of whether Chu Yu had been bluffing, it seemed... Chu Yu had hit the nail right on the head.
This old man, hails from the depths of hell... a lone rogue spirit?
"Don't crack your head over it," Chu Yu said. "Are you going to surrender?"
"Presumptuous!" The old beggar was enraged, "I am of dignity..."
At this point, the old beggar seemed to have some kind of revelation. He stopped short, looking at Chu Yu in frustration. "For a Immortal like me to surrender to a junior like you, dream on! I'll surrender... over my dead body!"
Lin Shi mused, "Maybe you should do away with calling yourself a Immortal... that might be more suitable."
"You little brat..." The old beggar staggered in retreat, seemingly deeply affected.
He knew his identity would soon be revealed, which would have an enormous impact on him. Thus, he pleaded, "Please stop, little one, change your terms..."
As he spoke, he suddenly seemed to be struck by a thought, "Are you here for the prized treasures in Hong Luo Girl Senior's Dojo? Take it all! I don't want to leave and I'm unable to leave. Even if I stay here with you lot, it makes no difference."
Chu Yu and Xu Xiao Xian looked at Lin Shi in surprise that she was able to guess the identity of the old beggar. By the looks of it... that was not all that Lin Shi had guessed.

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Lin Shi did not continue speaking. She just glanced at Chu Yu.
It meant – do as you deem fit.
Chu Yu looked at the old beggar, "What if I had a way for you to roam in the humanly world outside?"
"What a joke!" The old beggar said with a look of disdain. He swaggered over to the end of the tunnel and waved his hands. Behind him, a door opened up. He said as he sauntered, "Come in and take a seat. It's been too long since any beings have entered. I have been lonely indeed."
The three of them exchanged glances, and followed him in.
Evidently, the old fellow had been lying. There was no being from the Nether.
It was simply impossible.
If this mysterious realm was indeed home to a being from the Nether, why would it happily lie here in hibernation anyways?
It would have rushed to enter the humanly world!
Even if there were laws to repress it, it would never sit aside without doing anything.
"What a crafty old fellow!" Xu Xiao Xian whispered.
The old beggar pretended not to hear anything.
"You don't believe me?" Chu Yu said as he stepped into the Dojo. Before him stood a palace, which he carefully inspected.
The old beggar looked at Chu Yu as if he were a fool.
"Since you know a little about the Six paths of reincarnation, touch your heart and tell me honestly... do you think you can get away with your little tricks under the watchful eyes of the Six paths of reincarnation? Who do you think you are?"
As he said this, the old beggar curled his lips, "After I left Hell, I was extremely fortunate to be able to make my way into the Hong Luo Girl's Dojo through a crevice. This place also has a connection with the Nether, which gives it an aura of concealment to allow me to remain hidden here."
Chuckling, he looked at Chu Yu, "And you, what's so special about you that you can help me leave this place... and roam the world under the watchful eye of the Six paths of reincarnation?"
Chu Yu laughed, "Shall we make a bet?"
"Bet on what? What can you bet on with me? In the past this whole world... Hmph!" An enormous aura of power erupted from the old beggar's physical body.
This aura of power was not repressive like that of a practitioner's but was similar to that of someone more superior.
"Enough, this world has no longer been yours for a long time. Society has become democratic, even becoming a spirit has been outlawed..."
"Outlawed? Why?" There was a look of confusion in the old beggar's eyes.

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"Enough, just tell me, are you willing to make a bet?" Chu Yu asked.
"There's no way you can win such a bet! The question is, how are you going to test it? If I walk out with you, I'll instantly be decimated by the Six paths of reincarnation!" The old beggar shot Chu Yu a cold glare. "You trouble-maker, you just want that to happen!"
Chu Yu curled his lips, "If I wanted to kill you, I wouldn't resort to such troubles. Couldn't I just have killed you here?"
The old beggar was momentarily enraged. However, he realised that Chu Yu was making sense.
His cultivation was indeed inferior to the little bastard.
Chu Yu looked at him, "In such a realm like this, you can't even materialise an avatar? What's the point of living then?"
At this, the old beggar was not enraged. Instead, he thought about this deeply.
After which, he asked Chu Yu, "Kid, be honest with me, what are you trying to achieve? Given your prowess and level of cultivation... I will be of little help."
Chu Yu laughed, "It's always better to have a helping hand. Although you might be weaker than me, you are still formidable."
Looking on at the unhappy old beggar, he said, "Furthermore, I have many more things to ask you, and I cannot possibly ask all these questions now. Under these circumstances, even if I ask you, you might not reply me truthfully..."
The old beggar's eyes glimmered as he looked at Chu Yu.
At this moment, he understood what Chu Yu was thinking.
He did not find it out of the ordinary. If even he himself was surprised at his own circumstances, why would a strong and more powerful young man not be?
It would be out of the ordinary if Chu Yu was not curious of the old beggar's secret.
"Alright, I'll conjure an avatar and head out with you. But if I'm repressed by the Six paths of reincarnation, kid... remember, you owe me an inconceivable debt!"
"Stop your nonsense." Chu Yu said expressionlessly. "When I wanted to bet with you just now, you didn't want to. For you, the benefits outweigh the costs. I don't believe that you are willing to stay in this cold and dark place as a powerful but lonesome spirit!"
The old beggar was silent for a while, then he sighed, "Young people nowadays, do no longer know to respect their elders? Such moral degeneration..."
"Stop talking rubbish. If you want in, then decide quickly. If you lose, you will not have been repressed by the Six paths of reincarnation. I will also not ask you to be my slave, all I ask is that you be my guardian for a hundred years. After that, you'll be free."
Chu Yu looked at the old beggar, "How's that for a deal?"
"Ten years," said the old beggar.
"Ninety!" Chu Yu was expressionless.
"Twenty!" The old beggar was frustrated. "No more! No matter what, I'm still your senior!"

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"I'm no ordinary common folk," Chu Yu said calmly. "Eighty years!"
"Fifty years! If you keep talking about this..." The old beggar was agitated.
"Deal," Chu Yu said casually. Hearing this, the old beggar felt the urge to punch something.
Damn it!
He had been played by the kid!
The old beggar was unhappy.
When he had been a shapeless dark spirit, he could lie and cheat shamelessly.
But now as a man, he had to keep his word!
After all, as a King amongst men, one cannot go back on his promises.
In Chu Yu's eyes, this was classical! One unable to shake off his burden of ideals.
Afterwards, the old beggar materialised his avatar, and followed Chu Yu, Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian out of the mysterious realm.
The old beggar suggested Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian stay behind, but Chu Yu declined.
Who knows if this old beggar still had dirty tricks up his sleeve.
It was quite probable that he did.
How could he let such a good opportunity slip away?
Xu Xiao Xian silently communicated with Chu Yu, how was he going to help the old beggar defy the watchful eye of the Six paths of reincarnation?
Under the heavens, all are but insignificant creatures.
In this world, no one could escape from the merciless eye of the Six paths of reincarnation.
One can lie to others, cheat the devil, but one can never deceive Heaven!
Chu Yu shook his head, he did not reply Xu Xiao Xian.
At the entrance of the mysterious realm, Chu Yu slapped a charm upon the old beggar's body.
This charm was formed from the Three Realms technique.
"This is just a prototype. You'll be fine within an hour." Chu Yu spoke confidently, yet he knew that he was just spewing lies.

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One hour – he had made that up.
He was not fully confident of this.
This was why he did not dare leave Xu Xiao Xian and Lin Shi by themselves.
He was only more than half confident.
Even though the Six paths of reincarnation was far detached, it was almost perfect as one of the laws of Heaven.
Under the Heavens, no one could escape it.
However, Chu Yu's Three Realms technique was a Xian Tian Technique equally powerful to the Six paths of reincarnation!
It could even be said that the Three Realms technique was more powerful!
Why was it called Xian Tian? Because its powers could transcend Heavenly powers!
It was formed before the vast Three Realms.
On the other hand, the Six paths of reincarnation was only formed after the Three Realms were formed.
It was used as a balance to the forces in the Three Realms!
Chu Yu had thought to himself, did the Immortals of Heaven want to obtain the Three Realms technique only for its powers and techniques?
There was no need!
As Xu Xiao Xian had said, even a single fingernail of a Heavenly Immortal could contain formidable power. Even if the Heavenly Immortal stood still for a Saintly being to attack, he could not even be harmed the slightest!
Why would Heavenly Immortals be obsessed with the Three Realms technique?
If this technique could allow practitioners to escape the confinement of the Three Realms and escape the reincarnation of the Six paths of reincarnation...
This had been a burning idea on Chu Yu's mind for a while.
Hence, he wanted to give it a shot.
The old beggar's lips quivered. Even if he did not understand the word 'prototype', he could tell from Chu Yu's expression that he was not absolutely confident that this would work.
But now that he was here, he could not help but hold on strongly to a sense of hope which had arisen.
What if, it really did work?

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