
Chapter 537: Gains

The old beggar looked at Chu Yu and sombrely asked, "Kid, tell me honestly, you aren't entirely sure, are you?"

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Chu Yu laughed it off, "How could that be? I'm a hundred percent confident!"
"Forget it," the old beggar glared at Chu Yu. "It's obvious! Do you take me for a fool? You did not even dare leave these two girls with me because you were scared that I'd do something to them!"
Chu Yu chuckled. Not bothering to explain himself, he said, "Senior, let's not have too many doubts. You'll be tired."
"My ass!" The old beggar rolled his eyes, before saying slowly, "Actually deep down within... I really do hope to enter the humanly world again. Not for anything, but to see what the world has become after all these years of light. So, it doesn't matter if you succeed or not. I... will not blame you."
Chu Yu looked at the old beggar and asked, "Senior, which dynasty were you once emperor of?"
The old beggar chuckled, "I'm not telling you."
"Fine, you were probably a tyrannical ruler who suppressed society. What's so great about it?" Chu Yu did not care for this.
If it had been himself, he would not have chosen to speak of such matters too.
"Walk on ahead, senior. There's no turning back. Don't hesitate, have courage!" Chu Yu said encouragingly.
The old beggar ignored Chu Yu's ridicule. Although he was only an avatar, he was extremely cautious. He took a deep breath, then... stepped out.
The old beggar's silhouette appeared in the mirror lake.
Following which, Chu Yu, Xu Xiao Xian and Lin Shi emerged.
They watched the dazed old beggar. Chu Yu's eyes glimmered in revelation.
The Three Realms technique, could indeed conceal the old beggar!
Immediately, he thought – maybe this was why the Immortals from Heaven wanted to obtain the Three Realms technique.
The old beggar stood dazed and still, not moving a single muscle.
It was as if he did not believe that this was real.
A large fish swam towards them from afar.
It was a large carp, nourished by Heaven and Earth. It had grown a certain intellect, and was more than a metre long, with golden glimmering fish scales.
At the sight of these few people, the carp stared curiously at them.
At this moment, the old beggar suddenly moved!
He reached out to grab the large carp.

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It had no time to react and was now in complete entrapment. It's eyes betrayed fear.
The old beggar did not do much to it. He only used his hands to caress its golden scales, before letting it go.
It swam away at exceeding speeds, vowing to never return to this place.
It was too terrifying!
The old beggar was grateful beyond measure, mumbling, "So this is the humanly world!"
It had been too long. His emotions had built up, giving him a strong urge to tear.
Following which, he took a step, appearing on the surface of the lake.
The mountains surrounding the lake had become a deeper verdant green.
This lushness dissipated a dense lively aura.
"My mountains! To think that... I would get to see them again one day!" The old beggar's body emanated a powerful aura.
Chu Yu said from behind, "I told you, they're no longer yours!"
The old beggar turned and glanced at Chu Yu, "You don't know anything!"
"Old man, you're getting complacent!" Chu Yu had an expression of melancholy.
"Uneducated! Read more when you have the time!" The old beggar mocked Chu Yu. Then, he stood there taking in the sights and sounds and all the changes in the world.
Finally, he understood, he was indeed safe and sound!
He had evaded the Six paths of reincarnation!
The old beggar pretended as if nothing had happened, but he was surprised beyond measure.
A dark soul appearing in the human world, this was inconceivable!
This was akin to seeing a ghost in broad daylight.
Furthermore, he was a being who had escaped from the six cycles of reincarnation.
Before him, there were those who tried to escape from Hell. These were stronger and evil beings who wanted to bring about unrest in the human world.
They had created an avatar and experimented with endless methods.
The result?

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These avatars never returned.
There had been a dark spirit in ancient times, who had a high level of cultivation.
Within Hell, he had claimed himself to be the Ghost King, he had a superior Saintly cultivation.
After a few avatars he created had failed, the Ghost King had decided to put on a powerful armour and step out into the outside world with an Ancient Charm in his hand.
Before he left, he had told his henchmen, he would be back for them if he succeeded.
That was the end of it.
No one ever saw the Ghost King again.
Many could not comprehend his actions, what was so bad about being a Ghost King in Hell?
Why did he have to enter the human world?
Who could evade and overcome the powerful Six paths of reincarnation?
This story was passed down from generation to generation.
The old beggar had also heard it once before.
Hence, he did not believe Chu Yu from the start.
However, after seeing Chu Yu's resolve, he decided to give it a shot.
At most, he would just lose an avatar.
Who would have thought, it really did work!
For someone of the old beggar's level of cultivation, collecting information was simple.
With just a thought, his godly knowledge could encompass more than half of that on the Earth!
But the multitude of changes to this Earth confused the old beggar.
The world was now completely different from the one he knew.
However, the old beggar was intelligent. In a short while, he managed to retrieve the knowledge which he sought.
Turning to look at Chu Yu, he mused, "The Royal Son? The Royal Son of the Earth? Ha... what a title!"

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"A little lesser than you, you were once an emperor." Chu Yu teased the old beggar.
The old beggar thought nothing of it, chuckled coldly and started to make deductions.
Even though his avatar could appear in the human world, it did not mean that his true form was able to.
This was too crucial. One mistake, and he could turn into ashes!
Such an outcome was unbearable for anyone.
Hence, they had to be infinitely careful.
Although the old beggar's avatar was not as powerful, his understanding of this world was comprehensive.
After his deductions and calculations, he realised this matter still laid with Chu Yu.
He turned to look at Chu Yu, "Kid, are you sure... my true form will be alright? What tricks did you really use?"
As a Saintly power, he could not completely understand Chu Yu's method. This frustrated the old beggar, but at the same time he was in awe of Chu Yu's abilities.
Chu Yu grinned, "As long as your avatar is okay, your true form will be too. However, I have to go back with you."
The old beggar understood what he meant. He looked at Chu Yu and said, "Let's go, the Red lady's Dojo has quite a few treasures. If I am going to leave, these treasures have no purpose remaining there."
Then, the old beggar brought the three of them back into the Dojo.
This time, the old beggar had no regard for privacy, immediately bringing into his medicinal plant fields.
Chu Yu was stunned.
There were fields as far as the eye could see, growing all sorts of magical herbs and medicinal plants!
There was a wide variety, and each one was a superior herb of millions of years!
The old beggar said in pity, "Actually, there should be medicines which are billions of years old here. It's just that the aura here has not been able to sustain those plants. The best I have today, are only about 30 million years old..."
"That... is more than enough!"
Chu Yu plunged into the medicinal fields in a flurry!
The old beggar stared, shocked. He could not help but ask, "Kid, are you going to leave nothing here?"
Chu Yu grinned awkwardly, "Old habits die hard..."

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The old beggar rolled his eyes, "Leave some for the others..."
Chu Yu nodded. He left the younger plants untouched.
In fact, his little storage world was able to contain all the plants here.
The old beggar was right, however. It was right to leave some for the others.
He could not always claim all the good things for himself.
The Red lady senior must have thought the same.
After which, the old beggar brought Chu Yu to his treasure vault.
Chu Yu took with him books which required a higher level of cultivation and godly knowledge to understand. As for the rest, Chu Yu memorised their contents so that he could reproduce them afterwards.
Within the treasure vault, there was a huge variety of rare and superior godly treasures.
Although Chu Yu was not well-versed with magical equipment, he had many friends who were. Thus, he did not leave behind much of these items.
When the four of them finally left, it had already been three whole days.
These acquisitions had surprised Chu Yu.
Such an ancient powerful Dojo had so many prized possessions! There was nothing that it did not have.
Chu Yu had also asked the old beggar if the Red lady was still around.
The old beggar's reply was intriguing.
"A being who has reached that level of cultivation still cannot evade the Heavenly laws and the Six paths of reincarnation. But this is like the mortal world. Some people live in destitute poverty, suffering all their lives, while others live amongst royalty, in peace and comfort all their lives. Hence, you need not ask about where these beings are. Even if you think they have long since vanished, it is difficult to say when and where you might see them again."
Chu Yu slapped a few charms on the old beggar's body again.
At the entrance, a trace of hesitation was seen on the old beggar's face.
He looked at Chu Yu, "Kid, my next step will decide life or death."
"Just relax. It'll be fine." Chu Yu chuckled.
The old beggar nodded his head earnestly. Then, he took a step out.

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