
Chapter 548: Just a Word

Whether or not Chu Yu was willing to admit it, news of the Great Emperor's return still spread across the city like wildfire.

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This was a megacity!
It had a huge population.
There were many powerful beings that had entered advanced realms of cultivation.
There were thousands of beings that had entered the Saint Realm alone.
This number had given Chu Yu a huge shock.
He had previously heard that there had been an illustrious age eons before his own time.
And that the civilisation of cultivation had progressed to a stage that was mind-boggling.
But all those had ultimately been hearsay; Chu Yu had never actually witnessed it for himself.
Today, he had finally seen it with his own eyes, and he had realised that not only were the rumours true, they had even underestimated these people!
This ancient city that had recently awakened was only one of the countless megacities of that era.
And it wasn't like this era, ruled by various ancient schools, sects and great families.
In the Great Emperor's time, there were still countless ancient schools, sects and great families, but their influence was insignificant.
Only one voice rang true across the land!
And that voice was the Great Emperor's!
Take Ming Kong City for example, whether it was the families in the city or the sects, all of them treated the Great Emperor with utmost respect!
The masses pledged their allegiance to him!
The influence of this Great Emperor surpassed the entire imagination of Chu Yu, a person from today's world.
In Ming Kong City, the majority of cultivators from the Saint Realm did not have any of the airs of a powerful Saint Realm cultivator. They weren't very different from the fine people of the secular world during the era of no magic on Earth.
The social relations and structure of the city did not differ much as well.
The Great Emperor had endured various trials and tribulations and reincarnated a few times before he had returned to release the city's seal.
He had saved them from their entrapment.
Everyone was excited to the point of being barely able to control themselves.
As such, after Chu Yu had met with Li Hong Ru, the whole city was in a wild festive mood for the next few days!

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"How big-hearted they are!" Lin Shi, who typically responded calmly when anything happened, marvelled at them.
Xu Xiao Xian nodded, "If it were me…...If someone was to suddenly come up and tell me that I was already a person from an era eons ago...What do you think I would do?"
Lin Shi laughed, "You would slap the person, kick them, and then finish off by cursing…...S..."
Xu Xiao Xian broke out into unrestrained laughter and looked at Lin Shi, "Don't you know me well!"
She then continued speaking while laughing, "I'd definitely do that, but..."
She sighed lightly, "If after that I knew that this whole thing was real, then…...I definitely wouldn't be in the mood for wild celebrations. I'd definitely lock myself up to cool off for a few days first. If not…...I'm afraid I might go crazy."
Lin Shi nodded, "Yes, that's why they say each era has its own characteristics. They might not be able to understand the way people of our era live. For us, we actually…...will also have some difficulty understanding how they think."
Chu Yu sat to a side. He was flipping through a large number of books at an extremely high speed.
These books were incredibly valuable to a person from the future like him!
This weren't just things from an era sixty million years ago.
These were things from an era that had been lost to them!
Previously no one would have dared to even think they could have access to these books, let alone read them.
These were incredibly rare books from sixty million years ago - an era that had flourished magnificently.
But at this moment, these rare books were piled up like a mountain before Chu Yu's eyes!
Li Hong Ru had activated his connections to collect all these books.
Chu Yu had wanted to understand this era, and Li Hong Ru was eagerly waiting for the Great Emperor to awaken completely faster in order for the true king to return!
So when he had heard that Chu Yu was interested in learning about the books of this era, he had sent over tens of thousands of books without a second thought.
There were all sorts of books!
"His Majesty would like to read some books? I have a hundred thousand in my personal collection!"
"Ahem, there's no need for so many, just select a few most representative ones."
"They are all very representative! How about this, I'll present our family's most valuable teachings to His Majesty!"
"You are too kind, His Majesty will be grateful to you."

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"It is our greatest honour to be able to do this little favour for His Majesty!"
Conversations like these happened all over the city.
As such, the books that were ultimately sent to Chu Yu were almost all top-quality teachings.
There were authoritative texts on the Great Emperor and on this particular era too.
All these books were all brought over.
Even if Chu Yu didn't particularly desire power, at this moment he couldn't help but feel as though he had the world at his fingertips.
No wonder there had always been so many cultivators who had wanted to become sanctified and so many mortals who had wanted to attain nobility or kingship since time immemorial.
Power was indeed a delicious poison.
It was a little embarrassing, but when Chu Yu had first started looking through these books, he had been speechless at the discovery that he could not read the words in them!
The two eras were separated by a great chasm of time, but somehow the language was still passed down through the generations.
The way people spoke and expressed themselves was virtually the same.
Furthermore with the same roots, there were certain personality traits everyone had that were very similar.
But the difference in the written word…...was too huge!
Words in the time of the Great Emperor had all been imprinted using the laws!
This was because this era was the peak of the civilisation of cultivation in the human realm.
As such, the words on these books were a crystallisation of the power of the laws.
These were the true principles!
Everything that could be imprinted using the laws was definitely recognised by Heaven.
This was essentially different…...both from Chu Yu's time where people were surrounded by electronic devices, and from the time before Chu Yu was born, where the earth had still been in the era of no magic and there had been messy printed goods everywhere!
These books and teachings from an era sixty thousand years ago were sealed in pieces of jade, others written in ancient scrolls.
But simply the fact that these books were written by using the imprint of the laws…...this was something Chu Yu had never seen before.
As to the three realms technique that Chu Yu was cultivating, that was something of an even higher level.
It was an existence that Chu Yu could not even begin to explain at this point of time.

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Looking at this large stack of books written using the laws, Chu Yu could only decipher their contents bit by bit.
Though he did not know any of the words, Chu Yu could slowly understand many of the powers of the laws in them.
After a few days, he had gained much indeed!
He had begun to be able to easily read these books.
Then…...he began to read faster and faster.
In the end, it seemed to the others that Chu Yu was just flipping through books nonstop.
A few days ago, in Li Hong Ru's living room where he received guests, a group of esteemed elders and higher beings from Ming Kong City had gathered.
Someone asked a question that went like this.
"After all, the Great Emperor has lived through the various ages. Now that he has reincarnated into this age and returned, he wants to read those books to hunt for his memory. However, the words on those books are all written with the laws - they are heavenly texts. If there is no one to guide him, would His Majesty be able to understand them?"
There were many who agreed with him.
They may have no trouble at all reading those books now, but they remembered the great pains they went through in their youth to learn these words and understand their meanings as though it had happened yesterday.
But Li Hong Ru was not at all concerned about this.
"Don't forget, even if His Majesty has forgotten everything about his past, he is ultimately still our Great Emperor!"
"Just a few books are nothing to His Majesty."
He had said with a smile.
Afterwards he sighed and continued, "His Majesty isn't very willing to accept this truth. We may be connected by fate, but now our Great Emperor has become another person from this era named Chu Yu. That is undeniable."
Everyone in the room grew quiet.
It was tragic.
Being of higher stature themselves, they knew certain things as well.
"It hasn't been easy for His Majesty at all. He has given too much to this vast human realm." An elder sighed.
"Countless years may have passed us by without our knowledge, but His Majesty has had to reincarnate time and again, even forgetting everything from the past and needing these books to understand our era. How heartbreaking it is." Another elder lamented.

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Li Hong Ru spoke, "This is why His Majesty must come to a realisation on his own before he can accept his identity and lead us to continue rising in this new age. What we can do is to do all we can to help him."
Li Hong Ru glanced at the people as he spoke, "We have no right to participate in that heavenly war. The three realms have collapsed in this age eons after our own. Yet the human realm remains in chaos, with people even plotting to harm His Majesty!"
"They're tired of living!"
"Truly, they're courting death!"
"Who dares to plot against His Majesty? We'll eradicate his entire family!"
The collective mood in the room was instantly one of excitement.
It was hard to imagine that the weakest amongst those sitting here were at the peak of Saint Realm.
Furthermore, cultivators at the peak of the Saint Realm in their era had all lived in a time when the laws were complete.
Their cultivation journey was naturally more successful as well.
In their era, beings of the Saint Realm could be considered strong, but they really weren't strong enough to even think about things like conquering the starry skies.
So many a times, these people did not behave like the higher beings of the Saint Realm from Chu Yu's era.
They were dignified, grave and magnanimous with a broad outlook.
These were limitations of the times with their own pros and cons respectively.
Li Hong Ru waved a hand, and the people stopped conversing and looked towards him.
"As of now, there is only one word to describe what we must do." He said.
Someone asked, "Wait?"
"Wait my foot"
Li Hong Ru shook his head and smiled faintly, "Fight!"
The large man who had been the earliest to interact with Chu Yu that day grinned, "I like this idea!"
But many others looked at Li Hong Ru in confusion.
Li Hong Ru explained, "His Majesty returned to unseal our city and granted me a new lease of life that should have already been lost in time. From the bits and pieces I have gathered from His Majesty, I know that someone is out to oppose him. In such situations, what do I wait for? If His Majesty says the word, then I'll go through hell to fight for him!"
"Hahaha! That's right, that's right! I have no right to participate in that heavenly war. Who knew that in the blink of an eye millions of years would have passed and those gods and devils would be nowhere to be seen. If the human realm is in chaos, then naturally we'll be the ones to end it! I'll fight whoever that goes against our Great Emperor!" The large man declared loudly.

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