
Chapter 549: Movement

Half a month flew by.

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Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian didn't idle their days away while they were in Ming Kong City.

They were attending all sorts of banquets and dinner parties.

Who knew who was the one who started this habit. Lin Shi insisted that it was Xu Xiao Xian and Xu Xiao Xian insisted it was Lin Shi vice versa.

Anyways, they were the talk of the town now.

They had respectable statuses and in some people's eyes, their words were of greater value than the Emperor himself!

Lady companions, the people had their own ideas.

The two ladies, however, weren't going around flaunting their power and position.

They have seen all sorts of fame and fortune while they oversaw the floating city.

So what if the street of this place was crawling with saints?

No one was as capable as their man.

Their only wish was to help and aid their man, Chu Yu.

They could tell that he viewed the people here differently.

And they saw the big picture just as, how Chu Yu did. The power here could be harnessed to the solar system's advantage; the people here were valuable to them, to the earth.

The collapse of the Mirror Dimension had caught many renowned clans off guard.

There weren't any warning signs.

Many of these families had lost all the power they spent 60,000,000 years accumulating.

How could they not bear any resentment for the solar system?

Even though no evidence pointed clearly at the Village of Dao, but honestly, who else could it be?

The only reason why they hadn't attacked would be that they weren't ready yet.

It was the peace before the calamity.

In the other planes of the universe, the tribes were probably still sorting out their internal affairs!

Fighting to be the leader of the pack.

The village of Dao was a fertile land in their eyes, land to be pillaged and raped.

It was a juicy piece of meat that awaited them to be divided.

Of course, they had to sort out the hierarchies and settle the division of their fruit of labor later.

There was another stumbling block in their way.

The solar system was still protected by a thick protective shell.

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It was guarded by a secure network of magical formations!

These were the only reasons why the solar system could maintain its peace today.

Once their intruders crack a code in the game, sort out their differences… the great battle that happened in the previous era will be reenacted.

The solar system was too small in the vast universe.

Like a speck of dust.

Who could accurately count the number of living spirits out there in this boundless universe?

The solar system wouldn't be able to withstand the ferocious attacks from another plane.

Yi had left on his own.

A path he couldn't return.

Nobody spoke of it but it was clear on their minds.

They would never see this godly guardian again.

Even if Yi's physical body had managed to return to earth, things would be different.

It wouldn't be the same.

It was his shred of divine will that protected them so relentlessly.

They wondered where Yi had gone off to for his last battle.
It must have been earth-shattering.

They wondered how many ancient being he managed to take down.

They knew that even if Yi had managed to eliminate a couple of their threats, they were now left vulnerable.

Left without a guardian.

It was the end of a great hero.

But it spelled trouble for the solar system.

Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian had been toiling away all these years.

They wanted to lighten Chu Yu's weight on his shoulders, to help him in the great cause.

The last thing they wanted, was to become his burden.

There was a silent, good-natured competition between them.

It was healthy, spurring them on to better themselves.

Of course, they would never compromise one another to achieve greater successes for themselves.

They were prideful women, they believed that they had room to grow and to become even more outstanding.

For the ladies of the high society here, it was a terrific opportunity for them!

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To become friends with the Emperor's wives!

Oh, my god!

What an honor!

Who could say no to them?

All the women of noble class and the female practitioners were crazy for them!

So, it was like an unstoppable train.

The invitations were raining down on Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian.

They kept themselves fairly busy.

In fact, they ordered two pretty girls to serve Chu Yu while they went about their socializing events.

Chu Yu didn't know what to do with them.

He had been engrossed in the ancient texts and scriptures left behind from the previous era.

His understanding of the period then was fragmented and limited.

He knew nothing about the popular customs and local sentiments back then.

He wanted to know more about life as a common man living in that era.

And the texts provided the information.

After reading them and chatting with the two servants, he managed to get a grasp of the situation under the Yellow Emperor's rule.

Now, he knew the era so much better!

"Master, please drink the tea," a fair skinned pretty girl brought Chu Yu a cup of warm tea. She was blushing a radiant pink.

The tea was fragrant.

Her technique was comparable to Little Moon who started on the journey of Dao with her tea practices.

Her cultivation was already at the level of a True Lord.

What a genius!

Her background was notable too, she was born in a noble household in the Ming Kong city.

Her status would have guaranteed her sainthood if she was back on modern earth.

But here she was, attending to Chu Yu as a servant.

Well, he was the reincarnation of the Yellow Emperor!

Young girls were clamoring to be in their positions!

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The two of them stood out amongst the group of applicants.

It was a dream come true to be serving the Emperor.

They were contented with their place beside him.
They had no other desires.

As the young ladies of noble households, they were born with a silver spoon and spoilt with servants themselves. This would be their first time serving someone else.

Luckily for them, Chu-Yu didn't require them to perform laborious chores.

He just needed them to refill his teapot and grind his ink.

They had been worried that they would be unwanted there.

Word had spread about Xu Xiao Xian teasing Qin Qing the servant girl.

A young granny…

It sounded ludicrous.

But if they looked at their seniority in the bloodline and family tree… they were ancient.

Sealed for countless centuries.

Everything had been frozen.

Even their ages.

Chu Yu didn't joke around with them like that.

Besides, he had been too occupied with his books.

He was like a studious scholar.

And it was a rewarding task!

The customs then, the cultivation system, the laws of the heaven and earth.

Secrets of the immortal realm, legends in the mortal world, stories of the underworld…

The books offered all kinds of things he wanted to know.

This time when Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian were back from their gatherings, they were surprised that they couldn't find him at the library.

Or the study.

He was sitting in the common quarters drinking tea.

Li Hong Ru was sitting opposite him, smiling widely.
Li Hong Ru was likable at first sight, he had a charismatic smile he carried around.

He stood up and greeted them, "My greetings to the Emperor Dowagers.".

The old woman had said that Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian resembled the late dowagers, so dowagers they were.

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"No need to be so cordial," Lin Shi returned his greetings.

Xu Xiao Xian, on the other hand, nodded her head and said, "Hello, old Li.".

Her address had left him beaming widely, he couldn't help himself.

Lin Shi thought in her head, "What a scheming b*tch!".

Xu Xiao Xian's emotional quotient was higher than Lin Shi's.

It was obvious.

Half of the ladies in the city had become her pals, good friends… best friends.

Li looked at Chu Yu, "Your majesty, I see you have been catching up on the practices from our era, the two queens haven't been idle themselves, socializing with all the important people here. I'm afraid the queens' reputations have surpassed yours, my Majesty.".

He returned the favor.

Li wasn't an ordinary old man, he was a soldier from the heavenly courts when it was constructed.

When he was back in the city, he had risen to become a big shot here.

Don't be mistaken by his tamed and humble demeanor in front of Chu Yu!

The old man was smart and sociable.

He knew what Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian were up to.

The truth was, even if they weren't so enthusiastic, the women here would be dying to meet them and befriend them!

Other than the Yin spirits who were still hiding, everyone here respected the great Emperor.

He didn't try to stop them though.

They were Emperor Dowagers, they could do as they pleased!

He hadn't been resting either.

He spent plenty of resources helping the queens in their cause.

He was here today to report to Chu Yu the estimated military strength of the city.

He had churned up an accurate set of numbers!

There was no room for mistake, he took it upon himself to collect the most updated data.

His report would be the gold standard.

Who could imagine reporting to the emperor himself?

He did it!

He made his ancestors proud for sure!

He was also here to report something else to Chu Yu.

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