
Chapter 552: The Ocean Laughs

On the big boat.

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Chu Yu was sitting on the highest deck, in the living quarters.

It was surrounded by windows all around.

He could look out clearly but it was a one-way glass… no one could see them.

Not even a saint.

The young practitioner and the elder had tried to infiltrate the boat with their divine will countless times.

But they had failed.

"Who are they? Are they from the family on land?" Lin Shi looked perplexed, "They were there when we left, weren't they?".

Xu Xiao Xian was lazing leisurely on a hammock, she remarked casually, "Who cares? This place doesn't belong to them.".

The two ladies were brought up differently.

Lin Shi always felt anxious.

They were from the family after all.

She felt bad as they were being spotted.

Xu Xiao Xian was laughing coldly, "Building a house on top of an ancient relic is a selfish move. But like a snake trying to swallow an elephant, I hope they don't end up bursting themselves. What are you nervous about? Where were they when you received your legacy here with Chu Yu?".

"Also… Chu Yu has Ming Kong city and you have Clearwater town. You guys have a total of hundreds of thousands of warriors… their saliva could drown these bunch of retards... hmmm."

Xu Xiao Xian tried to conceal her words with a couple of coughs.

She continued with a pout, "Look at you guys, then look at me…".

"You are the cult leader of the heavenly demonic cult!" Lin Shi saw through her act and grinned, "There's an old film back on earth, I don't know if you have seen it…".

"I don't watch as many action movies as you do, I don't know as much," Xu Xiao Xian retorted back.


Lin Shi spat at Xu Xiao Xian, she was flushed, "Don't spout nonsense, I am talking about the movie Swordsman!".

"You trying to call me an androgynous demon?" Xu Xiao Xian was agitated.

Lin Shi burst out laughing and waved her hands.

A scene appeared in front of them and a melancholic tune came on.

"Laughter in the vast sea…"

Xu Xiao Xian's eyes brightened up, "What a nice tune, I like the melody, I am going to learn this…"

The Heaven Demon Harp appeared in front of her.

She was plucking the strings gently and her movement was graceful.

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She was moving like animated water.

Traditional music filled the air.

The drums and the bells on the boat had stopped.

It was only the harp left.

The people on the river bay were shocked.

The young practitioner and the elder were foreign to the tune. They weren't from earth.

They just found it peculiar that the original music had stopped.

The rest of them knew the song better.

It was an old song, but classics were hard to kill.

Even with the progress of civilization, this song was still widely recognized.

Most people know about this tune.

The people on the boat were from earth!

Or someone who was familiar with earth!

The beautiful harp sounds must be from the hands of a master.

On earth, who else played the harp as well as that girl from the Floating city.

It was a well-known fact.

The point was, the tune was melodic but also lethal!

Was it really her?

Was she alone, or…

The men didn't dare to postulate further.

If it was really Chu Yu on board, it was a serious matter.

They couldn't risk exposing their identities, their families would be implicated!

Please god, don't let it be Chu Yu.

The group of them were praying.

Although they didn't think Chu Yu could match their young practitioner, it didn't mean they wouldn't be collateral damage.

Chu Yu's records were evidence enough. An ordinary saint won't be able to withstand his attacks.

If he managed to escape, then…

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They wanted to flee.

Their instincts were sensitive, of course, the young man and the elder could sense trouble ahead of them.

"Why scared?" a middle-aged man teased.

By then, the boat had parked by the river edge!

The water was shallow there but the boat was magical and parked very close to the bay.

The middle-aged men had rushed to board the vessel the moment it drew close!

They wanted the fortune from the passengers, they also wanted the boat itself!

The welcoming boat was a true treasure.

If they could find a way to operate the ship and become its owner, they would have in their possession an extremely formidable equipment.

This was a treasure boat crafted by someone more powerful than a Great Saint!

An invisible shield appeared when the men approached the boat.

Bang bang bang!

They were like flies bumping into a glass panel, rebounding backward, landing on the bay.

They had lost all their powers!

Everyone was shocked.

They were all refined followers by the young practitioner's side, they weren't ordinary men.

Every single one of them was experienced fighters and possessed outstanding qualities.

They were all powerful saints!

Their reflexes should have been as quick as a rabbit!

With their powers, it was shocking that they lost their abilities so pathetically.

But it had happened.

They had planned to quickly find a way to operate the ship when they landed.

The elder was supposed to take care of the passengers on board.

Even if it was Chu Yu on board, the elder would be able to take care of him.

The reality was cruel and bloody.

They had lost all their cultivation.

Crumbled on the ground, they were groaning in pain and lying in their own blood.

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The young boy looked stern, he looked at the young men, "You guys go!".

Then he gestured for the young master of the family who lived here.

"And you!"

The young master was terrified.

He used to proclaim that he had comparable talent to Chu Yu.

He just didn't meet the right opportunities.

He came from a much better background!

But it was his own fantasies.

He knew deep down that Chu Yu was far more powerful.

He knew Chu Yu well.

Maybe even better than those people around Chu Yu.

He knew all about Chu Yu's followers; old Blondie, Lord Thief and Xiao Yue, he knew all about them.

He was actually a big fan.

A toxic fan.

To imitate Chu Yu, he even got himself two beautiful women to be his companions.

He knew something was up when he heard the harp.

Laughter in the vast sea!

The notes contained great Dao energy in them.

Everyone knew that Xu Xiao Xian had a Heaven Demon Harp!

So, the young master had already guessed that it was Chu Yu and his two wives on board the boat.

What rotten luck.

Holy f*ck!

When the young boy called him out, he acted swiftly.

He didn't know what he was thinking.

He was probably mad.


He gave the young boy a tight slap across his cheeks.
The formidable young boy didn't see this coming at all.

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He was caught off guard.

He didn't think the young master had any balls in him to defy his orders.

So, he wasn't prepared for his attack.

In the next moment, he jumped away quickly… he didn't even strike his assailant immediately.

The elder beside him was enraged, he was going to kill the young master.

Then he managed to react.

"You, dare to hit me?"

"F*ck you!" the young master was incredible. Something must have gotten into him.

He was acting crazy.

The other young men were looking at him incredulously.

He didn't mind their looks at all.

"Who the f*ck do you think you are? You are a bastard from outer space and you have earthling blood in you coursing through your veins. You really think you are some big shot? You are just trash! Yeah, I am vain and I am cowardly, I wanted to grow stronger that's the only reason why I called you over."

"I even betrayed my own family to invite you here, just so you might favor me."

"But you bunch of arrogant snobs are so darn full of yourselves as if everyone owes you."

"F*ck you, I quit!"

The young master cursed in one single breath and turned on his heel immediately.

His family had planted their roots here for a long time, he knew the exits well enough.

His subordinates were flabbergasted.

Why did young master defy his own master? Did he just leave them?

What was going on?

They looked at the young practitioner, his face was as dark as a storm cloud.
He let the young master escape.

He chuckled cruelly, "Fine, let him run, I will have him know the consequences of humiliating me.".

He looked at the elder, "I'm counting on you.".

The elder smiled confidently and walked towards the boat.

"Come on out, whoever who is on the boat. You don't want me to toss you all out. Nice harp tunes, maybe I'll let you serve my master if you are pretty enough," the elder proclaimed arrogantly.

A shadow appeared from the boat and a kick was directed at the elder's face.

"F*ck you!".

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