
Chapter 553: Severe

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A bellow!

Accompanied by an unmatched cultivation force was pushed onto the elder.

The elder was a masterful practitioner at the saint realm!

He was almost invincible in all galaxies!

The only reason why he was serving the young lord was that he wanted to ride the coattails of his respectable clan in the Bastion of Stars.

He wanted to access the Bastion of Stars to attain Great Sainthood!

He was loyal to the young lord.

But he had a proud character, he hardly ever respected anyone.

He despised the Earth the moment he arrived.

The old Village of Dao?

More like an irrelevant relic.

It was a countryside place, a place for hillbillies.

None of the practitioners here were capable enough to utilize and harness the powers and treasures here.

They were all only good for local rumbles and scuffles.

Nobody had what it takes to lead the universe!


He despised everyone here.

As he stood as the target of the blow, he was enraged.

How dare they disrespect him like this?

Then, he was struck.

On the face.

Tears, snot, and blood were all mixed together.

As if a meteor had hit his face.

He had been kicked far away.

It was an exhilarating sight.

He was bounced off like a crushed can.

The young lord was watching this with a still expression.

He didn't seem like he was going to step up and render his help, neither was he about to flee.

His gaze merely followed his subordinate's strewn body.

Then he muttered, "You, are Chu Yu? The aboriginal from earth?".

"Who is this small fry? Scram!" Chu Yu was expressionless as well.

Poker face.

He looked as if he didn't do anything beforehand.

"You are bold, and you are talented," the young lord spoke with deliberation, "I can give you a chance, to get out of this small pond and fully develop your talent!".

"Kneel when you speak!"

Chu Yu was about to slap him.

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Who was he? And where was he from?

An alien?

The young lord looked like a mix of Earthling and alien blood, he must have snuck into the solar system this way.

All aliens who try to exploit the earth were their enemies.

No matter what kind of background they come from.

Asking for a beating!

Suddenly, a domineering aura erupted from the young lord, he had activated his own vertical eye.

A holographic blue ray shot towards Chu Yu's forehead.

The light contained a remarkable amount of energy.
It was lightning fast!

And its power could detonate a planet.

It was filled with malicious intent. He was going after Chu Yu's life!

This thing in the young lord's forehead wasn't an eye, but a magical object.

An object of top great saint grade.

Extremely powerful!

You could already tell that the young lord held a high status in his clan… and well… he must come from an impressive background.

Great Saint magical objects were rarely stumbled upon now.

They were things from the previous era.

There were only two ways to get them, conquest through ancient relics or from the Bastion of Stars.

In any way, the young lord's possession of such a powerful tool suggested that he had a formidable backing.

So, what?


Chu Yu also activated a beam of light, resisting the blue ray from the young lord.

There was a thunderous explosion.

The group of young men and middle-aged men who were still sprawled on the ground were incinerated.

They couldn't withstand this sort of energy fields.

Even the young master's house servants who were standing a distance away became collateral damage.

And the elder was significantly impacted as well.

Before he could support himself up, he was thrown down again and he was gurgling fresh blood. A dozen of his magical equipment was activated.

Then as quickly as they started to glow, they were shattering into pieces.
The pressure was too high.

Even though the elder was powerful, Chu Yu's kick had left his unguarded and vulnerable. This second damage had taken a toll on him, he had lost about ninety percent of his powers.

The cultivation powers of this relic were incredible!

There weren't any changes of the heaven and earth here even after the explosion.

As for the houseboat that was still parked by the river bay…

It was steady as a rock!

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The harp tunes hadn't stopped.



Chu Yu had slapped the young lord fiercely.

His palm was laced with a large number of cultivation forces.

He had destroyed the young lord's handsome features.

His blow had taken away the flesh on half of his face, exposing the sparkling white bone beneath.

It was a spine-chilling sight.


Chu Yu tackled the young lord and sent him flying, like a football player.

There was a sound of bones crushing.

The young lord has landed right on the elder who was left with a wisp of breath.

He suffocated the dying man on the spot.

The young lord himself was gasping for air.

But he had an ancient amulet protecting him.

Without the amulet, he would have been dead by now.

The elder died the most tragically.
He had his own designs and ambitions to attain the Great Sainthood, it was all for naught now.

And he still despised all of the solar system, deeming it a place where trash and scum collected.

He had met his downfall.

Hit in the face by a truck, by an Earthling he despised.


There was no way he was going to make it anyways.

The Three realms technique was vicious.

Plus, Chu Yu had just received the second part of the Superclass, enhancing his understanding of the Three Realms technique further.

His legacies already put him at the top of the saint realm.

He had reached the pinnacle now.

Few people would be a worthy opponent in this galaxy.

He had the ability to reign in the mortal realm now.

Unlike the so-called "Great Saint of the Stars", Zhou Xu, he actually possessed the powers.

The young lord wasn't ready to give up yet.

His amulet and his pill were scary.

After ingesting the pill, he had regained his vitality.

His strength seemed even greater than before.

"You managed to enrage me."

"I offered you a deal out of my compassion! I was going to bring you to the Bastion of Stars and groom you to become a loyal guard. You were going to have a bright future ahead of you, too bad you threw it all away. You have no clue what you just forsake."

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The young lord walked over slowly to him, his gaze was tinged with a cold murderous look.


"You pushed me to break all of my chain and weights, I am going to kill you!"

"I was going to save this great fight for someone at the Bastion of Stars."

"So, can you imagine…"

"Are you f*cking done?" Chu Yu cut the young lord off irritably and raised his fist.

If you closely examined his fist, you could see a vast dimension within it.

It was cultivation!

It was the strength of an entire large universe!

Unmatched wrath!

He could shatter a galaxy!

Spine-chilling strength!

The young lord let out a loud groan, his anger distorted his face.

It was a wretched expression.

He raised his fist to meet Chu Yu's halfway.

His fist contained an evolving dimension as well.

You are not the only heavenly talent around!

You are nothing but a hillbilly, how much do you know about the expanse of the universe!

I am going to kill you with my punch.

Pity you could have been my follower.


The two fists clashed together.

This time, the pocket dimension began to shake.

The houseboat was rocking gently.

Thank god that was about all.

Lin Shi was standing by the window watching the fight.
Xu Xiao Xian was fiddling with her harp, she wasn't concerned at all.

The melody went on.

She had improvised and made the tune more impassioned and zealous.

It was like a battle tune.

Bang bang bang!

Chu Yu and the young lord were intertwined in an intense battle.

You had to admit that the young lord was a worthy opponent.

His fighting abilities had surpassed people of his own age.

And he was equipped with various magical objects.

Other than the one in his forehead, the others were also remarkable treasures.

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Chu Yu wasn't overshadowed.

He had his Immortal Crane furnace.

The two of them were pitted against each other's strengths.

The young lord's appearance concealed his true age.

He was in fact over two hundred years old.

But he was still considered a youth in his tribe.

His combat experiences far surpassed that of Chu Yu's.

Don't be mistaken by his handsome features and his youthful appearance.

He wasn't a child.

As the fight ensued, they both had their reservations.

The young lord had no concept of Chu Yu's scary techniques.

He saved his hand but Chu Yu held the trump card.

The young lord looked worn out but Chu Yu was still energetic and excited.

"I am impressed by your skills as an Earthling practitioner, but I am still going to kill you today!" he shouted at Chu Yu.

He plucked the magical object from his forehead and held it in his palm and shrieked a blood-curdling sound.

Suddenly, he evolved into a giant.

He looked like a horrifying god.

"You forced me to take my true form, go and die!"

The young lord… no, the giant raised his foot as he was about to crush Chu Yu.

Together with the river, the boat and the entire dimension.

He was going to destroy everything here.

Chu Yu leaped into the air armed with his Yellow Emperor Sword.

He swung his blade.

The giant was sliced into two.

The two halves were falling both ways and the giant collapsed.

A horrifying aura raised from the rubble.

"Who dares to hurt my descendant?"

An elder dressed in rough linen appeared. He had a youthful expression, rosy cheeks, and a big build.

There was a slap directed at the aura and a loud bang.

The dimension quivered.

The aura let out a bellow and he seemed to be scared.

"What era is this? What kinds of demons and monsters have scurried here?"

The elder had vanished right after he shuddered in fear.

As for the aura that rose from the rubble.



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