
Chapter 555: Making the First Move

Chu Yu, Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian left, leaving behind Wan Da Yong, who was still kowtowing relentlessly.

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His wounds were healed!
He thought that he would never have any cultivation in this life again, that he could only reminisce upon the sacred art of Divine Lords. Maybe, occasionally, these would appear to him in his dreams.
He would never have the formidable powers or the extensive lifespan of a great practitioner again.
He had given up hope. After summoning the last ounces of his will, his greatest wish had been only to ensure the survival of his precariously endangered household.
He prayed that his family would not be extinguished.
He never thought that his cultivation would be restored and even improved!
Not only that, the Son of the Emperor had actually forgiven his son's actions.
He had waved it off lightly.
"Young people are rash, immature. They'll grow up one day."
Not just so, the Wan family was now also in the watchful eyes of the Son of the Emperor.
They had been tasked to guard and protect this exit.
In addition, every ten years, the Wan family would be allowed to select five outstanding disciples to be sent to the Floating city.
Wan Da Yong bawled as he knelt in the ancestral hall.
"Ancestors, you have watched over us, the Wan family is saved! The Son of the Emperor has been kind and given us a new lease of life. From now, the Wan family will be the loyal protectors of the Son of the Emperor. Someday, even if we are to be abandoned, we will not dare stand in opposition, nor will we have any complaints! I, the ninety-sixth Master of the Wan household Wan Da Yong swear in front of all our ancestors, if we go back on our word, may the Wan household be doomed, and our blood flow like the river!"
What a heavy oath.
Every member of the Wan family in the ancestral household however, were all smiles. There was no trace of dissent.
Including Wan Feng, who had so fortunately escaped unscathed after his reckless actions.
He appeared calm.
After this incident, the young man was now mature.
He finally understood the immensity of the Heavens and Earth.
This time, the Wan family was completely tied in alliance with the Floating city.
From now on, they would enjoy prosperity and suffer loss together.
Nobody complained, however. No one was of the opinion that all eggs should not be placed in the same basket.
Those sitting on the fence would likely perish first.

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Some wisdoms have little relevance in the face of major issues.
After returning to the Floating city, Lin Shi sighed with emotion. She looked at Chu Yu and said, "You have changed in these few years."
"For better or worse?" Chu Yu chuckled.
Lin Shi looked at Chu Yu earnestly and said, "Naturally better. You dealt with that impeccably."
Xu Xiao Xian nodded, "Indeed, you did well. Given my bad temperament, I'd have laid waste to that scoundrel Wan Feng."
Xu Xiao Xian sighed, "But if so, apart from ruining a household, I'd have gained another group of enemies. It'd be no benefit to me."
Lin Shi commented, "Indeed, the Wan family is not so despicable. They only built their clan upon the relics, claiming it for their own. In truth, aren't there many household and clans which have done so similarly? There have been too many powerful schools which were built upon the ruins and relics of Ancient Sects past their prime."
"The Wan family was only at fault because of Wan Feng. However, he did have the courage to slap the Young Master across his cheeks, which is surprising. Even if he had guessed that we were on that ship, any ordinary person would still not have had the guts to do that."
Lin Shi said, "By forgiving them and bestowing our grace upon them, not only do we gain another household loyal to us, we can also let more people come to understand us better."
Ming Hui, Song Qing, Yue Yin and the Old Beggar rushed over.
They were not aware of what happened. Chu Yu had not spoken of the events.
The powers of Ming Kong City and Jing Shui City were his true trump cards.
The day Chu Yu were to use these powers, would be the day of reckoning for the entire Solar System.
He had to be cautious.
The Old Beggar still appeared the same, dressed in tattered robes.
It was hard to believe that he was once an emperor in a lawless time.
His former identity was unknown to many in the Floating city. If not, there would be many who would be curious to know which emperor he had been.
"According to the surveillance estimates, the activity of the extra-terrestrial intruders has begun to intensify. At the same time, I'm afraid a group has already infiltrated Earth or the other planets." Yue Yin reported to Chu Yu.
Chu Yu nodded, "Leave the ones on Earth to me. Those on the other planets, I'll leave them to the rest of you seniors."
Ming Hui nodded, "No problem. We have people and allies on the other planets, they have possession of most of the data."
Song Qing said plainly, "Without engaging them, they must think that they successfully concealed themselves. These sneaky fools must be utterly destroyed!"
In these countless years, the Floating city had been collecting and compiling data in secret.
Data about how many intruding practitioners there were in the Solar System!

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There were even a few ancient schools and major sects which had only contacted these extra-terrestrial intruders after being inspired by the Floating city.
Only a few short-sighted powers without significant heritage treated these extra-terrestrial intruders as their saviours.
They felt that the Floating city had to be destroyed and had long chosen to be allies with these extra-terrestrial intruders.
A bunch of doomed fools.
... to deal with them.
Now, the rats which had infiltrated the Solar System had to be dealt with!
"Flower chu!"
Chu Yu bellowed telepathically, his voice enveloping the entire Floating city.
"Come, we have rascals to kill!"
A figure immediately appeared before Chu Yu.
Flower chu was like a spectre, she could appear anywhere instantly in the Floating city.
Some people in the Floating city were fearful of her initially.
They did not know her identity, they only knew that she was brought home by the Son of the Emperor.
Her cultivation was immensely powerful!
Her aura could overwhelm most people.
Although she was powerful, there were many more powerful people in the Floating city.
There were seniors and young prodigies of power. Presently, even that fatty Fan Jian would soon become a Saint.
He was learned in the art of Feng Shui.
Initially, it was Fan Jian who predicted that there would be extra-terrestrial intruders infiltrating the Solar System!
Thus, it was not a big deal that Flower chu was only powerful.
What mattered, was that her mental state was not normal!
A terrifyingly strong power... there were few who could rival her insanity.
This was truly terrifying.
Lord Thief had once tried to harass Flower chu but ended up almost dying after being given a huge slap by her.

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Luckily, Flower chu had a trace of intellect. She knew that she could not simply murder the beings here.
Otherwise, Lord Thief would have had a tragic end.
From then on, Lord Thief carried on with his ways of messing around, but he kept a fair distance from Flower chu.
In Chu Yu's previous battles, he did not bring Flower chu along. He was absolutely certain of her origins.
No one in the high echelons of powers in the Floating city could agree on how they would treat her.
As such, she was left to her own devices.
To do whatever she desired.
In any case, she was not a source of trouble, nor did she have the tendency to disturb others.
As time passed, most people became accustomed to her presence.
Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian found it unusual, why did Chu Yu choose to bring her to destroy the hidden scum on Earth?
"To see if anyone recognises her." Chu Yu could sense the confusion in their hearts.
The two women were surprised. Their expression changed.
They looked on at Chu Yu with a tinge of concern.
Such a move was akin to playing with the fire.
The extra-terrestrial intruders hidden on Earth all came from other Universe Planes.
It was clear that Chu Yu's purpose in bringing Flower chu along was to find out if Butterfly Dance had other identities amongst the other Universe Planes!
Chu Yu glanced at the two women, chuckling, "Our life and death does not depend on this matter. There's no harm in bringing her along."
Soon after, Chu Yu brought Flower chu, Lin Shi, Xu Xiao Xian, Little Moon, Zhao Man Tian, Lord Thief, Old Huang and Mr Feng Shui – Fan Jian and the others, swiftly flying from the Floating city towards the Earth at tremendous speed!
At the same time, Ming Hui, Yue Yin and a group of Ancient Saints, Song Qing, Old Beggar, Demon King Xue and the others flew towards the other planets of the Solar System.
Great General Du Yu led an army to protect the Floating city.
As for Black Dragon and Lady Qu Ni, they had already become Deans of cultivation schools in the Floating city, doing what they were proficient at.
The former members of the Outstanding Club, along with Ji Jian Jia and Li Xiao Xiao and the other Saints on Earth had also become academic staff in schools.
As for Tai Ping...
She remained in reclusion.
This was because she had been motivated by Chu Yu and the others.

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When she first met with Chu Yu, their powers were roughly comparable.
Now however, she had fallen far behind.
She wanted to catch up.
Or at least, catch up to a respectable extent.
On Venus
The handsome young man and the beautiful woman appeared atop the planet.
The looked on at the shadowy figures flying towards them at high speeds, appearing like shooting stars in the night sky. The young man smiled, "Is this finally happening?"
The beautiful woman said softy, "These are troubled times. I wonder how much blood will be spilled in this war. All we can do is to do our best to hold the frontline!"
"Let's not be so pessimistic. Last night, I had a whim, from my deductions, it seems that..."
The beautiful woman's eyes widened. "What?"
"It seems that, we might have a child!" The young man said, chuckling.
"You..." the beautiful woman rolled her eyes.
This scholarly and upright fellow had never teased her like this before.
It seemed that he was confident of what the future held.
However, could we really have a child?
The beautiful woman started daydreaming.
A few figures appeared instantaneously.
The young man nodded towards their leader, Yue Yin, "Yue Yin, it's been a while."
Yue Yin had worn an armour made of silver. He appeared valiant and heroic, it was an awe-inspiring sight.
He nodded at the young man before smiling at the beautiful woman, "It's been years, you appear more beautiful than ever!"
The beautiful woman instantaneously materialised a body of red armour, smiling, "Yue Yin, after sixty million years, we fight side by side again!"
A faint tinge of sadness flashed across Yue Yin's eyes. He laughed, "Come, let's rid this place of its garbage!"
Across the Solar System, a mission to kill the enemy's leaders was about to take place.
The attacks begun simultaneously.

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