
Chapter 556: A Thunderous Blow

Chu Yu and the others lunged to strike in separate directions.

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In the past few years, they had already familiarised themselves with the habits and activities of these intruders.
They even had accurate intelligence regarding those who had treacherously defected from Earth!
The practitioners on Earth had been advised by the Floating city and were allowed to make contact with these extra-terrestrial intruders, but some of them had secretly betrayed the Floating city.
Chu Yu was well aware of these people as well!
Chu Yu had chosen to wait patiently, and now that they had sprung their attack, they would be able successfully take down a great number of enemies!
An extra-terrestrial practitioner of high cultivation was currently in reclusion. Just as he was about to make a break through, Da Jia Zei set the place ablaze, forcing the practitioner out of reclusion.
He was infuriated. Just as he was about to strike back at Da Jia Zei, he noticed a volley of powerful strikes thundering towards him. He let out a yelp in fear.
The protective aura surrounding his body shattered instantly. Luckily for him, he wore an ancient protective charm which set out a burst of protective force, shielding him from the remaining elements of attack.
However, he had suffered a significant amount of damage. Forcefully, he spat out a mouthful of fresh blood.
He knew that he had been exposed. With a crazed look in his eyes, he bellowed coldly via telepathy, "You group of useless ants, do you think we are too weak to destroy you? We've been in hiding all this while not because we aren't capable of annihilating you, but..."
Before he finished his sentence, another volley of vicious strikes came thundering towards him.
Da Jia Zei sneered, "You're too noisy!"
Old Huang glanced at Da Jia Zei, surprised, "This little bird has grown, he seems a little more civilised..."
But before he managed to finish his sentence, Da Jia Zei started to transmit a fierce telepathic message.
"Extra-terrestrial pieces of shit! You aren't even worth a pile of dog shit! Earthly blood flows in your veins, yet you choose to forgo your heritage and ancestry. Does this make you feel good? I ought to take a piss on you, look at how ugly you all are!"
Old Huang muttered as he fought on, "Right, looks like I was wrong..."
Da Jia Zei's physical form grew to twice his size instantly, his entire body set ablaze with a vicious flame. He smacked the extra-terrestrial intruder with his wing, chuckling coldly, "The world isn't as it was before, I'm still your grandpa!"
The ancient charm emanated a blinding glare, blocking all of their attacks.
However, the extra-terrestrial was utterly enraged, his eyes burned red.
He had been humiliated by a bird, this had never happened in his life.
He decided that he was going to kill this bird, then roast it for a meal!
At this moment, he sensed an imminent danger.
Before he could react however, a terrifying strike in the form of an arrow arrived.
This arrow had been shot from tens of thousands of miles away.
It instantly penetrated the ancient charm the extra-terrestrial had been wearing above his head.

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Swiftly after, Da Jia Zei, Old Huang, Zhao Man Tian and the rest attacked again!
This time however, the attack was much more vicious then just now!
They each carried with them multiple divine saintly equipment.
These were not just equipment which had been used by Saints, these were equipment of Saintly powers!
The arrow had almost taken the life of the extra-terrestrial intruder. He could not believe that at present, there was someone powerful enough to unleash such a potent strike.
So potent that it penetrated his ancient charm.
In the high heavens, Xu Xiao Xian was like a goddess of war, dressed in armour, welding a large bow in one hand.
She was beautiful as ever, yet she looked cold as ice.
This bow, belonged to Yi!
In all these years, Xu Xiao Xian never used it before.
However, she never stopped practicing the skills that Yi taught her!
Yi thought most highly of Chu Yu, but the true apprentice to Yi was Xu Xiao Xian!
This was surprising to many.
Before this, very few knew of this.
At this moment, Xu Xiao Xian unleashed her powers, shooting a volley of arrows continuously in all directions.
It was too vicious!
Even Chu Yu was unaware that she had practiced Yi's techniques to such a level of proficiency.
The protective equipment of Great Saints, could no longer withstand Xu Xiao Xian's attacks!
The extra-terrestrial surrounded by Da Jia Zei and the others had been instantly beaten to a pulp.
He did not even have the opportunity to raise a finger.
He clearly did not think before he acted.
With both sides equally prepared, he should not have been defeated that easily even if he chose not to fight back.
Just before his soul split into pieces, he let out a telepathic moan, "I can't... die here, you didn't even ask me for my name..."
Da Jia Zei flapped his wings, chuckling coldly at the disappearing soul, "You nameless pawn, nobody wants to know your name."
Suddenly, there was a huge rumble coming from the vast Pacific Ocean.
A figure charged into the skies, letting out a blood-curdling shriek.

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It was a woman.
She was also an extra-terrestrial intruder.
Earthly blood flowed in her veins. After coming to Earth, she did not choose to interact with many.
She had always been by herself, hiding in seclusion in the depths of the Pacific Ocean.
However, she had secretly killed many young prodigies on Earth.
Some of them had been mere kids!
All because these young children had been outstanding in various aspects.
They had been groomed for the Floating city, to be trained as promising talents.
However, they were all dead because of her.
She was a cold-blooded killer.
Thus, she was first to be ticked off Chu Yu's list.
She was stealthy and changed her habits frequently, making it difficult to pinpoint her exact location.
It took a great deal of effort to finally find her.
Fatty had deduced her whereabouts from visiting the locations where she had murdered her victims and placing a powerful Feng Shui device in the Pacific Ocean.
Fatty was known as 'Mr Feng Shui', his powers unrivalled.
His Feng Shui device could slaughter Saintly beings easily!
This woman was severely injured, shrieking in pain from her wounds.
She was furious, yet in severe pain.
"Oh, you haven't died yet?"
Fatty wielded a Ba Gua compass in one hand. With a wave of his hand, he tossed the magical artefact into position.
Out of thin air, a white flame appeared and started to burn in the high heavens!
This flame was invisible to common folk!
They could not feel it's warmth either.
To powerful practitioners however, this flame was as terrifying as the Grim Reaper himself.
This cold-blooded woman was only coming to terms with the fact that in comparison, the skies were much more terrifying than the sea.
Had she not stubbornly tried to attack the Feng Shui device, she might have only suffered grievous injury.

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Now however... she was about to die!
This was an attack specially targeted at me!
She was deluded, however.
She thought too highly of herself.
This was an attack targeting every single intruder which had come!
A terrifying wave emanated from the European continent.
Lin Shi and Little Moon began their attack there.
Together, they had already killed another extra-terrestrial which had been hiding there.
The extra-terrestrial was in possession of many valuable treasures. In addition, there were many western practitioners who were his allies.
Since the recovery of Earth, Eastern civilisation and cultivation had always been superior to that of the Western world.
Strictly speaking, these two worlds were simply incomparable.
The Westerners also realised that the might beings of their proud myths and legends could not hold a candle to the practitioners of Eastern cultivation!
This was a stumbling block to their progress in cultivation.
One would find it extremely difficult to integrate oneself into the Chinese system of cultivation and practice.
Thus, the difference between these two worlds became progressively greater.
Western cultivation was now left far behind, unable to catch up.
They now panicked.
After the extra-terrestrial intruders had entered the West, many felt that the time had finally come.
They could finally realise their dreams of overtaking the East!
As a result, they formed alliances with the enemy.
Some did not even bother hiding this fact.
This however, was a decision made by a small group of people. There were still many Western practitioners who understood that the true powers lay with the East and thus chose to migrate to the East to be part of the alliance.
Some actually managed to make it to the Floating city!
The extra-terrestrial practitioner that Lin Shi and Little Moon were trying to kill had a large following of fanatics.
A bunch of traitors!
These group of fanatics had extremely low cultivation.
They were mostly of the Acupoint Charging stage and the Invigorated Meridian stage, only a few were in the King's Realm. Those capable of refining Nascent Souls were already considered to be powerful amongst them.

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After this extra-terrestrial practitioner had arrived, he managed to help many achieve the cultivation levels of True Lord and Divine Lord within the short span of one or two years.
They managed to transform from lowly cultivated practitioners to practitioners who had significant powers.
Thus, it was not difficult to see why they harboured such gratitude towards this extra-terrestrial practitioner.
In these circumstances, how could Lin Shi and Little Moon bear to kill the 'god' whom these people worshipped?
What happened next was tragic, yet laughable.
After Lin Shi and Little Moon defeated the extra-terrestrial practitioner, a group of Western practitioners flew towards them in joint attack. However, they were simply flying to their deaths.
Lin Shi was never a kindly spirit. Without hesitation, she attacked mercilessly.
Little Moon however, was more hesitation. They were, after all beings of Earth. Their lives were precious too.
As more and more practitioners flew towards them, even Lin Shi started to waver.
The extra-terrestrial practitioner shamelessly tried to grasp the opportunity to get away.
Lin Shi suddenly bellowed grandly, "Back off, you stubborn fools!"
Suddenly, a blinding glare of light emanated from her body, exploding outwards instantly towards the group of practitioners clamouring towards them.
It was the glorious light of Buddha!
The group of practitioners were stunned. They seemed to have regained a moment of lucidity.
They stood there, dazed.
The atmosphere fell silent.
All that was left, was the sneaky extra-terrestrial practitioner who was trying to escape into the depths of the earth.
Lin Shi pointed in the direction of the extra-terrestrial practitioner.
In a split second, the extra-terrestrial had been repressed by the figure of Buddha.
A chilling howl came from the depths of the earth.
Instantly, the practitioner's armour and protective equipment burst into smithereens!
The practitioner collapsed, utterly defeated.

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