
Chapter 567: The End of the Road?

The battle between the two armies was nearing its end.

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Even though there were many cultivators on the side of the extraterrestrials, this battle was over.
It was over when it began.
No one expected it to end like this, it was a delightful surprise for the solar system!
Over at Chu Yu's side, the three slivers of memory were just about to be vanquished.
This terrifying result rallied the army of the solar system.
If he can kill great Saints, what can we not do?
This was the mindset of the solar system warriors.
The prowess of the army of the eight cities was far too fearsome.
With all these behind them, they faced the extraterrestrial army with the utmost confidence.
The opposing army's morale was as low as it could get.
From their initial arrogance to watching Chu Yu kill the three great Saints, they were filled with anger and shame.
They were determined to kill all of the solar system's beings!
They wouldn't spare anyone!
From the army of the eight cities, 30,000 saints rushed out.
Fear, desolation, helplessness.
Faced with all these emotions in the brains, the extraterrestrial army's morale fell even further.
The appearance of the three great Saints had given them new hope, but they were all vanquished by Chu Yu!
The great Saints were gone, what could stop the solar system's warriors now?
Was all that awaited them defeat?
"Is this the result of our 60,000,000 year wait? There has to be more!" one of the extraterrestrial Saints bickered.
Many of them began tearing up.
This was far too disappointing!
At this moment, they heard the light voice from within the black hole.
Everyone was stunned!
A new ray of hope shone upon them.
There was still someone else?

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Was he powerful enough?
There was no sign of surprise on the side of the solar system cultivators.
Their Emperor was unrivalled!
The three great Saints were dead, who else could help them?
Kill them!
Kill them all!
Blood flowed into a river in space.
The powers of the laws were soaked in the blood as they floated through the galaxy.
Saintly corpses were all around.
The two sides clashed again.
Another flash of hope meant another battle, but this was the last shred of it.
They all wanted to survive!
The battle became intense again.
A fair skinned prince walked out of the black hole.
He looked harmless as he smiled at Chu Yu.
The dangerous energy around him however, suggested otherwise.
A great Saint's sliver of memory, another one!
This was a fiesta, 60,000,000 years ago, there were no such things as slivers of memory.
Their appearance now was all for Chu Yu.
The rumoured Son of the Emperor.
The great Emperor that was their target!
"Do you want to kill me?" Chu Yu asked calmly.
The boy's face did not have any signs of age.
Not a single wrinkle.
"Of course.".
He replied as he nodded his head.

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For beings at his level of cultivation, it wasn't their style to hide their intentions.
The truly strong ones did not need to have ambushes.
"Then, all of your men, they're actually here just for me right?" Chu Yu asked again.
"You're right, but not completely," the prince smiled.
"We want to obtain the greatest Qi and destiny of the solar system. All we know is that it belongs to you now!".
"Since that is the case, could you just come for me alone?" Chu Yu asked.
"You're begging for mercy for them?" the prince asked without any look of surprise.
He had waited till the last minute before showing himself, even the three great Saints before him did not know when he had come.
He just stood in the black hole, observing silently. He knew that Chu Yu had no strength to retaliate now.
Chu Yu had already achieved an incredible feat, but the prince did not believe that he had any strength left to fight him.
Otherwise, he never would have showed himself.
Without Yi, there was no one else, he was sure of that.
"Yes, these people are my kin and my friends, since you want my Qi, just take it, don't harm this world," Chu Yu said calmly.
He seemed resigned to fate.
He wanted to protect everyone.
The situation here had already caught the attention of some of the other people.
The cultivators of the eight cities did not believe that their Emperor could not solve this issue.
The people of the floating city understood Chu Yu's heart.
They were worried.
Their faces were all pale as they looked at the black hole.
Even though they could not hear what Chu Yu was saying, Xu Xiao Xian and Lin Shi could all tell that he was in danger.
They wanted to rush over immediately.
Even if they were to die, they had to die with him!
If he died, what would they do without him?
The two women looked at each other.
They were both at peace, there was no competition.

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After that, they all rushed towards him.
The prince laughed at this sight and said, "Back then the great Emperor had two ladies beside him as well. They shared a tight bond and were willing to die together. I never though that the same scenario would play out today.".
"Let them go. Let all of them go.".
Chu Yu sighed, "You can take whatever you want.".
"What a fool," the prince mocked. "Why do I have to agree to your demands? Can you fight me now? Even death is a gift to you at this moment.".
"I have some secrets that you do not know. Aren't you curious about why the Emperor did whatever he did in the past? Are you not the least bit curious as to how I became so powerful? I hold many more secrets that you think," Chu Yu replied.
He was calm, "If you don't care, you don't have to agree to my demands. I'll fade to nothing when I die anyway. My loved ones have tried their best, the outcome is out of my control.".
The prince smiled, "No matter what, you're a worthy foe, I respect you. I promise you, I'll only kill you alone.".
The battle in the galaxy raged on.
Xu Xiao Xian and Lin Shi drifted through the battle, flying towards Chu Yu.
The prince sighed, "It's a pity, the great formation of the past has been broken by a small fry like me. Tell me, what secrets do you hold? I'll make sure that the people around you are all treated nicely.".
"Thank you," Chu Yu nodded.
He proceeded to tell the prince everything.
This was not him giving up, it was him accepting the outcome of this battle!
The vertical eye? There was no movement at all.
The two swords could not cut through his defences.
The Immortal Crane Furnace? How long would it be able to protect Chu Yu?
The three realms technique? It was not at that power level yet!
The ancient runes had already collapsed.
Chu Yu was at his wits' end.
If there were no on else, he would have given up his life.
But he had to go with a bang.
There was nothing much to be said.
Chu Yu did not wholeheartedly believe the words of the prince, but he had no other choice.
One did not live for himself, no matter what, there was always something to live for.
All of a sudden, a divine sense drifted in from afar, "Little child, are you giving up now?".

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Chu Yu was shocked as he looked towards earth.
The tiny planet looked so small, but the divine sense was resounding.
The prince's face changed immediately, his eyes were no longer calm.
He could feel the divine sense as well.
At the next moment, both Chu Yu and him made their moves.
The prince reached out to grab Chu Yu, that was the first priority!
Chu Yu on the other hand, took out the Immortal Crane Furnace.
The prince's strike was blocked by the furnace!
Chu Yu spat out mouthfuls of blood within the furnace.
He almost died!
The attack was too vicious!
Even if he wanted him alive, he knew that he could not let up on his attacks.
If Chu Yu was any other Saint, he would have been engulfed in flames.
The prince let out a howl as he turned around in an attempt to return to the black hole!
He had no time for a second strike.
A figure emerged from earth.
An old man with long wavy hair and tall stature appeared, his body had a thick energy surrounding him.
He looked almighty and grand.
The prince, as if he had seen a ghost, sped up and attempted to escape.
"Haha, since you're here, why are you in a hurry to leave?".
The old man delivered a divine sense as he reached out.
He reached out towards the black hole as the black hole collapsed within seconds.
The prince was blasted out of the black hole in shame.
The scene was shocking!

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