
Chapter 568: Sunken Ship

The extraterrestrial cultivators, who had just received some hope, completely lost it after seeing this.

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We're doomed!
It's better to die a quick death!
This battle was a crushing defeat for them.
The ancient solar system's potential was not to be underestimated!
Since that was the case, why didn't they see their prowess 60,000,000 years ago?
Many of them raged at this thought before being cut down and killed.
Xu Xiao Xian and Lin Shi were advancing forward, they did not care about the old man, their eyes were only on Chu Yu.
Chu Yu stood there motionless, he looked almost dead.
"Chu Yu!" the two of them howled as they pounced at him.
The old man walked slowly across the space.
But his actual speed was tremendous!
In the blink of an eye, he had reached the prince as he grabbed him.
He began slapping him in the face.
"You never learn! Filthy beast!".
"Are you human? Where did all your knowledge go? What about the morals and principles of cultivation? You scum!" the old man berated.
The elegant prince was smacked to a pulp.
"Urgh…" he began squatting down as he cried!
He was crying!
A great Saint, crying in the middle of the galaxy.
If any of the extraterrestrial cultivators had survived, they surely would have been stunned by this sight.
Some would have even mocked him.
"What a joke!".
Some of the earthlings said.
Chu Yu was a little shocked by everything that had happened.
He looked at the prince and then turned to the old man.
The old man knew that the extraterrestrial prince had an ancestral imprint on him, but it was destroyed by the old man.
Chu Yu thought the old man was just a manifestation of the laws, but it seemed to e even more than that!
He must have had a complicated background.

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To be able to beat a great Saint till he cried… it wasn't easy.
Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian stood beside Chu Yu with a stunned expression.
"What are you crying for you useless thing?".
The old man looked at the prince with eyes of disdain.
But he did not kill him.
Chu Yu could tell what was going on.
Indeed, the prince kneeled down and begged, "Teacher…".
Boom! The old man kicked him aside.
It wasn't just any kick, it was powerful.
The prince's body was nearly ripped apart!
But his flesh soon recovered, his energy however, was a few times weaker!
It was nearly at the level of Chu Yu's energy now!
Chu Yu was shocked, he tried to feel the powers of the old man, but there was nothing!
This was even more stunning!
Even at his peak, Yi's powers could be clearly felt as they were controlled by the laws.
This old man however…
How was this possible?
In the eyes of the heavens, all beings were equal!
Why did this old man seem to defy that?
The prince was nearly killed by that kick, but he did not dare to escape, he continued kneeling there.
This time, the old man did not hit him, he looked on peacefully.
That expression was even more terrifying.
At least that was what Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian thought.
The prince probably felt that way as well.
Before he could finish, the old man interrupted him.
"You no longer have any cultivation because of me, do you hate me?".
"I wouldn't!" the prince said painfully as he kneeled there.
"You're still the same, the Saintly knowledge has been wasted all on you. If you hate me just say it, didn't you say back there that cultivators have nothing to hide?" the old man snapped.
"I've always remembered what teacher has said, but I'll never dare to hate you teacher!" the prince replied.

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"Finally a word of truth, you just don't dare to do so. Very well.".
"Your cultivation is similar to his now, go and fight to the death with him, I won't interfere," the old man said as he pointed at Chu Yu.
Xu Xiao Xian and Lin Shi frowned.
Xu Xiao Xian raged, "What's the matter with you old man? I thought you were the good guy, can't you see that Chu Yu is injured?".
Lin Shi furrowed her brows, "Chu Yu has given his all to protect this world, how can you ask him to fight someone else now?".
Chu Yu grabbed the two of them and smiled, "No worries.".
The old man rolled his eyes, "At least there's one with a brain.".
"What do you mean by that?" Xu Xiao Xian glared at him.
The old man was clearly on the side of the village of Dao, but why was he so harsh towards Chu Yu?
The first time he was here, he did not even greet any of them.
Now, he even asked the wounded prince to fight with Chu Yu till the death.
The prince's Dao, his powers, they all belonged to that of a great Saint.
How could Chu Yu be his match?
The old man looked at Xu Xiao Xian and said suddenly, "You little brat, you're just as mischievous as ever! Have you forgotten how I made you cry when you were little?".
A mental image appeared in her head.
A baby girl dressed in a flowery robe bawling and crying.
The image then disappeared.
Xu Xiao Xian raged, "Old man, are you using your superior powers to make fun of me?".
"So what if I am?" he teased.
Lin Shi was trying to find out who he was.
His powers were clearly extraordinary, and this great Saint was here kneeling in front of him
Could it be that this old man was a great figure from the previous era?
But none of the people from the eight cities recognised him, otherwise they would have flocked over to greet him.
The old man caught Lin Shi's gaze and said, "There's no use guessing who am I, you won't be able to.".
He looked over at the prince, "What are you waiting for?".
The prince sighed as he stood up, "Teacher, you're the same as always.".
"You fool!" the old man barked.
The prince looked at Chu Yu and said, "Come on, my… eldest senior! We're in a different time now, but I'm still me. You may have reincarnated as a different soul, but my teacher still favours you. But be careful, I'm much more powerful now!".

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Chu Yu was at a loss, what eldest senior?
He looked at the old man and wondered, "This is my teacher?".
The old man said emotionlessly, "Hurry up!".
As he said this, he pushed Xu Xiao Xian and Lin Shi a thousand miles away.
A terrifying explosion occurred at the black hole.
Xu Xiao Xian's face went pale, Chu Yu's cultivation was now at another level, she could do nothing to help.
The blow just now would have killed her if she was there.
"Foolish girl," the old man croaked.
She was worried about Chu Yu's safety.
The edges of the battle field were enveloped in a blinding light.
Even a Saint could not see through it.
The old man looked on, his expression did not change.
Within the light.
The prince looked at Chu Yu and said, "Back then you were great and undefeated! From your youth, you possessed everything, everything was given to you! Hahaha, I know, the rumours…".
"Shut up!" the old man said from afar.
The prince shut up immediately.
He shouted back at his teacher, "Teacher, what would happen if I kill him?".
The old man replied coldly, "That means he deserves to die, it's not like he hasn't died before.".
Xu Xiao Xian glared at him as Lin Shi held her back.
Xu Xiao Xian could feel that something was not right.
The prince laughed, "That's good, with your word I'm relieved!".
As he said this, his body began burning!
His energy and powers were elevated to a whole new level!
Although they were not as great as before, he wasn't far from his previous power level.
"Go to hell!".
His attack was filled with hatred, it seemed to almost destroy everything around.
Chu Yu was flying about with the Immortal Crane Furnace and his two swords.
He raised his hand and used the three realms technique as he directed a punch at the prince.

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The entire galaxy shook.
The shockwave that resulted from this strike was too shocking!
The feeling it gave one was that everything was crumbling.
Following this attack, Chu Yu finally realised what the old man was doing.
He wanted the prince to be Chu Yu's knife sharpener!
If he was not careful, he would hurt himself.
A battle at this level gave Chu Yu further enlightenment in the three realms technique.
Chu Yu had a feeling of refreshment.
The feeling of grandeur coursed through his entire body.
His body, which was reinforced by the drop of blood, suddenly increased in power vastly.
At that moment, the prince fired a punh.
Chu Yu did not bother dodging it, he faced it straight on.
The prince's fist was broken.
Chu Yu's body was formidable after being fortified by the three realms technique.
At the same time, Chu Yu landed a punch on the prince's nose.
His nose was shattered!
His brains were almost belted out!
It was unusual for a great Saint's body, fortified by the laws of the world, to be injured.
Chu Yu followed up his attacks as he landed a vicious kick on his chest.
The prince flew thousands of miles away.
A cold killer energy appeared in Chu Yu's eyes.
"That'll do.".
The old man suddenly appeared beside Chu Yu.
Far away, the battle between the two armies had long ended.
The 60,000,00 year old wait was just a joke.
The entire extraterrestrial army was sunk.

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