
Chapter 578

Chapter 578: Fatty's Inspection

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

Chu Yu left the wedding proceedings to his parents.

Although he was the great Emperor, he still had to respect his parents.

Chu Tian Bei and Song Yu happily agreed without hesitation.

The great Emperor was getting married, this was grand occasion.

After news of this got out, the quiet solar system erupted with jubilant cheers.

Even the Orion Constellation wanted to attend!

The battle at the village of Dao had become well known in many civilisations of this realm.

Many of them watched on silently.

Their victory shocked all of them.

Mao Fu and his clan were delighted for them!

He had once fought beside Chu Yu.

Because of this, the Ji Royalty at the Orion Constellation suddenly became more respectful towards the Mao Clan.

The Ji Royalty had almost worked hand in hand with the Heavenly Palace, they had even prepared a black hole.

But in the end, the Heavenly Palace crumbled!

They disappeared from the solar system.

This scared the people of the Orion Constellation from the upper echelons to the younger generations.

This caused unrest in their kingdom.

After the war, their uneasiness only deepened.

Chu Yu's meteoric rise and the village of Dao's victory showcased their prowess.

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The Ji Royalty were afraid that Chu Yu would come looking for revenge.

They still did not know what Chu Yu had taken from their ranks.

No matter, if Chu Yu came, they would offer whatever was left and beg for mercy…

Now that they have heard news of his impending marriage, they thought that this was a good opportunity to establish some rapport.

It wasn't just the Orion Constellation that felt this way.

There were many others who did not take part in the war who felt the same.

Many clans from other galaxies had already sent representatives to stream the wedding.

There were many more ambassadors sent as well.

They brought a multitude of gifts with them, the gifts almost flooded the floating city.

The floating city had to send a large group of cultivators to absorb them into their pocket dimension.

Within a night, the entire galaxy became lively and bustling because of this occasion.

"Why's everyone so worked up over a wedding?" Chu Yu was a little stunned.

"Of course they are! You're a god-like existence to the beings of the solar system!" Fatty exclaimed as he shook his leg sitting there.

"That includes me as well!".

Fatty continued, "I never thought you'll be able to make so much progress within this decade. Whether you're the Son of the Emperor or the Emperor, you're my brother!".

"The beings outside the solar system, they're all scared to death. Those who claimed to be the rulers of galaxies are all fearful of you, they want to strike solidarity. Isn't this the best chance to do that?".

Chu Yu shook his head and smiled, "Why would I care about them if they don't do anything to us?".

"The problem is that they're scared!" Fatty laughed.

He took out the Fu Xi Trigram Compass and said, "Come, let me see what's going on.".

Under normal circumstances, Fatty never liked to show Chu Yu the inspection of his future.

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The possible retaliation was not fun to deal with.

Fatty's ability to inspect and gain insight into the future was well developed, Chu Yu knew that.

He knew that Fatty was constantly pursuing greater powers.

Chu Yu nodded his head and smiled, "Alright, do what you want.".

Fatty smiled and began his work.

"I see… I see a grand feast. It's really grand, they're thousands of clans! There are phoenixes and gazelles! Oh? They're even Dragons! What the f*ck?!".

Fatty's eyes widened as he remained immersed in his projections.

"Do these creatures even belong to this universe? What's that light?".

Fatty mumbled to himself.

A charred smell suddenly came off his body.

Fatty's face began bubbling as if he was being burnt alive!

Fatty was still deep into his inspection, "I can't see what's in that light…".

Smoke began coming off his body!

Even though his cultivation was not low, the side effects were very abnormal.

Chu Yu coughed, "Wake up!".

Runic Engravings appeared around Fatty and cut him off.

Fatty trembled as he suddenly woke up, shrieking when he realised the strange signs on his body.

"You've ruined my handsome face!".

He began undoing the side effects.

Chu Yu did not say a word.

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After Fatty recovered, he asked Chu Yu, "What happened?".

"How would I know? You just said that you saw Phoenixes, Gazelles and Dragons, and a light that you couldn't see clearly. You already began experiencing a physical change at that time," Chu Yu replied.

Fatty remained silent as he frowned and checked his body.

After a short while, he said, "I almost died there, I would have died if you didn't intervene.".

"Oh?" Chu Yu said, a little surprised.

Fatty was not acting normally, for cultivators such as himself, inspect was an everyday task.

He had a strong understanding and control over it.

But there, he said that he almost died!

Chu Yu's face became extremely serious, there was no way that Fatty would lie about these things.

"What's the matter?" Chu Yu asked.

Fatty said, "This wedding… something unexpected will happen!".

He had a face of disbelief as he questioned himself, "How could this be? Why would there be an unexpected chance? This is the Mortal Realm…".

"The Bastion of Stars?".


He spat out a mouthful of blood.

Life force rapidly left his body.

Chu Yu immediately sealed him and took out a few pills, throwing them into Fatty's mouth,

Chu Yu began reciting chants as he sealed the floating city with a mental indication.

He released the seal on Fatty.

Fatty's face was pale as he said, "What the f*ck is this?".

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"Under normal circumstances, the beings at the Bastion of Stars can never appear here. But now that the laws have changed, things may have changed," Chu Yu said with a serious expression.

The Bastion of Stars separated the superior beings of the other galaxies from the village of Dao, it was rumoured to be the entrance to the Immortal Realm.

If the beings of the other galaxies found out of the massacre of the war, they would undoubtedly be furious.

Could this news have spread so quickly?

Fatty looked at Chu Yu and said, "This wedding is definitely happening, but we have to take the necessary precautions.".

Chu Yu nodded.

If it was true that the limitations on the Bastion of Stars were released, even if they did take the necessary precautions… would it be of any use?

Fatty's went back to rest after bidding goodbye.

Chu Yu thought about the whole incident and decided not to tell anyone about it.

First of all, this was not bound to happen. Even if it did, the superior beings may not come in hostility.

There were also beings from the village of Dao over there!

Thirdly… if news of this were to spread, it would destabilise the peace.

This was why Chu Yu decided to keep it hidden.

He waved to a few people and immediately left the solar system, rushing to the outskirts of the Bastion of Stars at an incredible speed.

If anything was wrong, he would be able to find out!

The wedding was set one month away.

In the vast universe, a large amount of vessels were headed to the solar system.

They have passed through various long and arduous black holes, weaving through space and time to make it for the wedding.

Chu Yu kept looking for clues.

But after half a month, he still could not find anything.

He found many new species of creatures but the wedding was near, he had to go back.

The wedding couldn't proceed without a groom, could it?

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