
Chapter 579

Chapter 579: Do You Have An Invitation?

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

The young Emperor was getting married, the entire solar system was in a celebratory mood.

This was great!

Flying machines filled the skies as big screens broadcasted the news across the universe.

In the floating city.

Song Yu asked Xu Xiao Xian with a face of worry, "Where's Chu Yu?".

She was going crazy over the wedding preparations, where was the groom?

In the beginning, people were less worried, but this was his marriage!

Song Yu frowned, "That boy is already so old! Why can't he be more reliable!".

Xu Xiao Xian smiled. Chu Yu didn't want to let his parents worry, which was why he often did not tell them about his whereabouts. In fact, this time, even Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian didn't know much,

Chu Yu just said that he was going to find some people.

His expression then was rather relaxed, the two girls didn't feel like something was wrong.

They did not inquire any further.

If they asked him about it, he definitely would have told them.

"Don't worry mother, he will definitely be back in time.". Xu Xiao Xian was a little worried as well, but in front of Song Yu, she had to be reassuring.

Shortly after Song Yu left, Chu Yu returned.

The first thing he did was to call for a meeting with the upper echelons of the floating city.

"Someone may come to cause trouble," Chu Yu said directly.

"How could that happen? Who would dare to?" Da Jia Zei flapped his feathers.

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The other didn't seem to believe him either.

Some of the older Saints however, immediately thought of the Bastion of Stars.

The war had just ended, no one would have the manpower to cause any damage.

But if the elders at the Bastion of Stars found out, they would definitely be enraged.

The laws of this realm had changed!

Great Saints have begun to appear.

The village of Dao did not have any significant enemies in this universe anymore.

But there were more terrifying existences in their backyard!

Chu Yu smiled, "Don't worry, do you remember the old man that kept hitting Zhou Gan?".

After hearing Zhou Gan's name, everyone began laughing.

That man was a comedic treasure.

His powers, however, were supreme, only Chu Yu could suppress him.

In the beginning, he lashed out at many people, including Chu Yu.

But after a few days, many people began to realise that this man was actually very innocent.

He was no longer Chu Yu's match, but he kept finding ways to catch up.

Slowly, everyone began accepting him.

The denominations of the floating city were complicated to begin with.

There were humans and demons.

There were also ancient cultivators and warriors from other eras.

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Under the leadership of Chu Yu, they had banded together.

They had very good camaraderie.

Ming Hui spoke, "That Elder is too secretive, no one knows his cultivation level!".

Everyone nodded.

If it was not Chu Yu that begun the conversation, none of them would have wanted to talk about it.

The cultivators below the Saint realm did not even know that such a man existed.

"When the time comes, just be careful, nothing big will happen," Chu Yu said.

That old man… will he appear again?

Zhou Gan called him his teacher.

Twice now he has appeared at crucial moments.

But he never interacted much with Chu Yu, this left him extremely perturbed.

Was there something that he was hiding?

Chu Yu then delivered a message to Zhou Gan.

The two men communicated via divine sense.

Zhou Gan said, "What do you want? Stop disturbing me!".

"If a powerful become comes and I can't be his match, will the old man appear?" Chu Yu cut him short.

Zhou Gan paused before asking suspiciously, "What do you mean someone powerful comes? Who? Are you referring to the beings at the Bastion of Stars? Have they gotten bored of fighting? If they really do come, do you know how much powers they will lose?".

"The laws have already changed drastically," Chu Yu said.

"But that's impossible! The Bastion of Stars is basically a realm of its own. It's easy to go in but it's almost impossible to leave. Moreover, the battle between them and the Immortal Realm is ongoing. Who's gonna care about mortal matters?" Zhou Gan sounded very certain.

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"Is your real body there?" Chu Yu asked.

"Yes, the real Bastion of Stars is far different from what you think it is. Don't worry about it. Let's put it this way, the Bastion of Stars today is labelled as the Evil Immortal Realm," Zhou Gan answered.

"The Evil Immortal Realm? Why do all of you have different explanations?" Chu Yu frowned.

"My description is the most accurate, the rest are either outdated or superficial," Zhou Gan said with confidence.

"The Tai Ji map?" Chu Yu teased.

"That's not counted!" Zhou Gan retaliated.

"Alright, you haven't answered my question yet," Chu Yu said.

"How would I be able to guess what the old man is thinking about? Back then, when you went to reincarnate yourself, he didn't even care! But I feel that he's pretty satisfied with how you turned out," Zhou Gan laughed.

Chu Yu felt an unexplainable uneasiness.

Fatty's inspections have never been wrong.

The day of the wedding.

The floating city was bustling, things were all prepared.

It was hard for cultivators below the Saint realm to enter.

Cameras were set up by the media to broadcast the wedding to every corner of the world.

An excited expression hung on the many faces of television reporters.

"These are the inhabitants of the floating city. How lucky they are to be able to live with the Great Emperor!".

Each broadcast station had their own style of presentation.

The Chu Clan was adorned in celebratory clothes.

Even though nothing was said, everyone seemed to treat them like royalty.

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The interesting thing was that the Chu Ji clan, the branch family of the Chu clan, had begun sending people in hopes of reconciliation after seeing the meteoric rise of the Chu Clan.

After the leaders of the two clans discussed about it, the Chu clan decided against it.

They did not want to bring Chu Yu any trouble.

If they were given any influential positions, who knew how that power might have been abused?

But for Chu Yu's big day, they were bound to send many men over.

These men were there to establish their relationship with the Chu Clan and the great Emperor.

Perhaps they were here for more.

A young man from the Chu Ji Clan walked up to an interviewer.

"Hello there! What's your name? Where are you from?" the interviewer enthusiastically asked.

The young man stared at the interviewer and snapped, "Do you have a personal invitation?".

"What?" the interviewer was stunned.

"The invitation. How did you come here if you don't have it?" the young man repeated rudely.

"What invitation? We're here to attend…".

He was cut short.

"Everyone here needs an invitation, if you don't have it, you don't deserve to be here. Did you come here to cause trouble?".

His voice wasn't loud, but it caught the attention of a few people.

Some of them came over to see what had happened.

"He has no invitation, he snuck in," the young man said.

"What is this ridiculous accusation?" the interviewer raged.

The young man from the Chu Ji clan had a look of panic on his face as he shouted, "You lowlife, show your true form!".

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