
Chapter 580

Chapter 580: Disruption

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

It was apparent for all to see that this young man from the Chu ji branch was terrified. His face was pale, and his hands trembled slightly. But his pure gaze was incredibly determined.

Eyes never leaving the interviewer, he said loudly, "You cursed beast, you don't have an invitation! Besides, you're in disguise now!"

By this time, many other people had come over, and they quickly found out who this young man from the Chu ji branch was.

There were a few who knew about the past unhappiness between the Ji branch and the northern branch of the Chu family. As such, they couldn't help but mock this young man.

"Ah, he is young after all. Even if you want to stand out but are too young, you shouldn't be resorting to this, young friend. You're just stirring up trouble!"

"Yeah, you're a Chu too, you're also part of the family. There isn't really a need for you to be doing all this at the Great Emperor's wedding now, is there?"

"Demanding that the real form be revealed…...these words are infuriating. I'm also a demon taking on a human form. Is every single demon supposed to reveal their true form today then?"

The young man from the Chu Ji Branch reddened and quickly explained, "No, I don't mean to stir up trouble at the wedding, I..."

"Alright, Chu Xiao Bai! Don't embarrass yourself even further here! What did I tell you before we came here? Have you forgotten it all?" From where the Chu ji branch family was, an elder rose and barked at this young man called Chu Xiao Bai, frowning. He was in his sixties and appeared calm and collected.

At the same time, he was signalling at Chu Xiao Bai with his gaze.

What kind of situation is this? What right do you have to speak?

Do you think everyone who has come today are fools? And that you're the only smart one around?

Or do you think you're better than everyone here?

Of course, the elder was aware that Chu Xiao Bai was brilliant. Chu Xiao Bai was one of the most brilliant young people the Chu ji branch family has had in recent years.

He also had quite a few divine talents, and his eyes could see through many things.

So what?

Of all the guests who had come for today's wedding, just which one of them was not remarkable?

Pick anyone and one would probably find that they were a powerful figure whose name resonated throughout the starry skies.

If they really were to anger someone they shouldn't have, the Chu family would be completely unable to withstand that fury, given the current power of the Chu ji branch family.

Even if the other party were to let things go in consideration of the northern branch, what would be the point of disgracing themselves?

Chu Xiao Bai pressed his lips together, and he was a little indignant. Staring at The interviewer, whose eyes revealed cold mirth, he could not help but retort, "You are the one who has really come to stir up trouble at this wedding!"

"Boy, you can't just say things without any basis." The interviewer replied coldly, his expression indifferent. "Even if I don't have an invitation, what's so wrong about having always admired the Great Emperor and wanting to come witness the emperor in all his glory? You, however, calling me a cursed beast so casually. What about it? Just because I'm a demon, am I supposed to just take your insults lying down?"

It was obvious to everyone that his words were intentionally provocative.

But many of the demon tribe were still angered anyway.

They glared furiously at Chu Xiao Bai. There was nothing they would have liked better than to eat him up.

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The elder from the Chu ji branch family walked over and began to pull Chu Xiao Bai away.

If he were to remain here, there was no telling just what else this stubborn young fellow could spout.

"Wait." This time, it was the interviewer who refused to back down. He said coldly, "Are you just going to walk away after hurting others with your malicious words?"

"I'm just telling the truth about you being a..." Chu Xiao Bai flew into a rage, but before he could finish speaking, his mouth was covered by his elder and he was stopped from speaking further.

Chu Xiao Bai was squirming in anger, but he did not writhe against his elder's grip with all his might either. However, his eyes were filled with indignation.

At this moment, a person walked over from the other side, and said calmly, "If you don't have an invitation, that means you've invited yourself where you weren't wanted. You have the cultivations of the Great Saint Realm, yet you've disguised yourself as a cultivator of the Saint Realm. If it hadn't been for this young friend here who exposed you, who knows what you might have done later."

That person who had come was Zhou Gan.

He was way more powerful than Chu Xiao Bai. Looking sideways at the interviewer, he spoke, "We don't welcome people like you who have things to hide. If you understand the situation, leave this place on your own."

The interviewer guffawed, "I was thinking that the current Great Emperor would be a magnificent fellow, who knew that he would be so petty and ungracious. Whatever…...Since there's no place for me here, I'll leave!"

As he spoke, he turned to leave.

Step by step, he walked towards the void.

Zhou Gan watched his retreating back solemnly, a frown on his face.

Very soon, this man called the interviewer had already stepped into the void. Afterwards, he stood in the void, and with a condescending smile he spoke calmly, "I was wondering just how powerful he was to dare to name himself emperor in the human realm. Turns out he only has a cultivator with half the cultivation of a Great Saint keeping order here. I guess without a truly powerful ruler around, small fry like him can call themselves emperor. What a joke!"

After he spoke, The interviewer separated the void with a wave of his arms, and in that instant a few blindingly radiant figures rushed in!

There was a phoenix, a kirin and even a massively long five-clawed golden dragon!

An impressive earth-shaking pressure was being released from their bodies.

And from the moment they had appeared here, they had immediately launched an attack on the Floating city.

They had attacked from the bottom of the Floating city, right here.

Everyone was shocked into a daze.

For those whose cultivations were weaker, they even felt as though their bodies were about to crumble.

That impressive pressure seemed as though it was about to crush these skies into pieces.

Chu Xiao Bai's fists were clenched, and the veins in his forehead were throbbing. With great difficulty, he raised his head and looked at those few blindingly bright figures high up in the sky.

Gritting his teeth, he spat, "These scoundrels! At it again! One day, I will rise up and crush all of these things under my feet!"


Two figures flew straight up into the sky.

The wedding had not begun officially yet.

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From the moment Chu Xiao Bai realised something was not right with the interviewer, Chu Yu had begun paying attention to this place.

But he had not made a move against the interviewer.

He had been afraid that he might injure the wedding guests.

Chu Yu had also already long seen that the interviewer's true form was a large black bear.

Chu Xiao Bai had felt that there was something amiss with the interviewer because The interviewer's true form had been endlessly emanating a cold, unearthly energy.

That energy had been completely different from that of the other cultivators.

Chu Yu charged towards the skies. An intense rage was bubbling in his chest.

So, you demon bastards think that you can come along and wreak havoc again now that the heavenly laws of this human realm had been restored?

You think with a few monsters of the Great Saint Realm, you'll be able to do whatever you want?

Continue dreaming!

Activating the three realms technique, Chu Yu raised his arm to strike!

He struck directly at the interviewer.

The interviewer roared and swung his palm mercilessly towards Chu Yu.

The black bear spirit of the Great Saint Realm was striking out mercilessly!

From within the spirit light, one could clearly see a giant black bear standing erect within this universe, swiping mercilessly towards Chu Yu.

A slap like this could destroy countless starry skies.

It could even destroy an entire galaxy!

The energy it contained was shocking!

The phoenix, kirin and five-clawed golden dragon let out divine transmissions of unabashed laughter from where they were in the sky.

"Someone is actually going up against Old Black in terms of power?" The phoenix guffawed. "That's a first!"

"Old Black! Get him good with one slap." The kirin clamoured from aside.

The five-clawed golden dragon laughed coldly, "He thought he could call himself king of the human realm just after entering the Great Saint Realm. How naive and childish of him. Kill him, and we'll share the core of his Great Saint cultivations between us.

None of them took Chu Yu seriously at all.

Their mission here was to follow orders and eliminate this strange being from the human realm.

To some ancient unmatched higher beings, the appearance of people like Chu Yu in the human realm was unacceptable.

Chu Yu did not make any attempt to avoid the blow. He only activated the three realms technique to the maximum.

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His fist collided directly with the interviewer's palm!

"You dare to come disrupt my wedding? Die!"


An intense rumbling came from within the solar system.

A violent ripple spread through the endless ancient magic formations.

The entire solar system was covered by a web of light from these magic formations.

Many of them had been put in place by Zhou Gan and Chu Yu themselves, in fear that a great war might break out again here.

No one thought that these would come in handy so quickly.

A crisp sound of bones breaking came from The interviewer's palm.

Then, he let out a shout of agony.

"My hand!"

The gigantic spirit light of the black bear illuminated the entire void of the universe, but one of its front paws had already disappeared!

Chu Yu had destroyed with one punch the core energy of one of The interviewer's hands!

Chu Yu activated the Gluttonous Sacred Art, and directly swallowed the Great Saint core energy that had been dispersed into the void.

The energy he had expended just now was immediately replenished!

Afterwards, he swung the Zhu Xian Blade in his hand at The interviewer's head. He was going to behead him!

It was only then that The interviewer understood that this Great Saint of the human realm was definitely not a weak newbie in the Great Saint Realm that he could bully, as he had previously imagined.

At the sight of the blade swinging at him, he roared and struck out with his other arm.

This arm instantaneously become an arm of steel!

It was an indestructible arm!

This had been an ultimate skill from the kirins. But he had learnt a bit of its core workings from his friendship with the kirin.

He attempted to deflect Chu Yu's blade.


The Zhu Xian blade landed on this other arm of The interviewer's, and the power of the three realms technique cascaded out.

It was as if Chu Yu was cutting through tofu with a sharp knife.

He had cleanly sliced off The interviewer's arm from the shoulder, and the wound was smooth and even as a mirror!

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The blood of this Great Saint creature spurted out.

Rotating his sword sideways, Chu Yu swiped the blade horizontally at The interviewer's neck.

The interviewer screamed for help.

"Help me quickly!"

It was unfair to say that the speed at which the phoenix, kirin and five-clawed golden dragon had acted was slow.

In fact, they had already begun moving the moment Chu Yu had struck at The interviewer's arm.

They were all beings of the Great Saint Realm - there was no need to elaborate too much on the extent of their divine skills and magic.

They could easily suppress a universe in this human realm.

Yet they had still moved just a beat too slowly.

The Zhu Xian blade in Chu Yu's hand hit The interviewer's head directly.

The interviewer had been beheaded instantly, and the power of the three realms technique surged straight into The interviewer's body, crazily disintegrating his core energy and cultivations!

There was no way for The interviewer's divine spirit to break free at all!

Before the three realms technique, he was like a poor insect that had fallen into a swamp - there was no escape.

Chu Yu kept activating the Gluttonous Sacred Art.

After entering the Great Saint Realm, Chu Yu's energy requirements had become overly vast.

Normally, he didn't even dare to cultivate within the solar system. If he did, the spiritual energy of the entire galaxy would not be able to hold out for long.

Now, with someone giving themselves up to him as a wedding gift, Chu Yu was definitely going to accept it with a happy smile.

By this time, the phoenix, kirin and five-clawed golden dragon had come right up to Chu Yu as well.

Chu Yu roared, "Get lost!"

A three-legged vessel appeared above his head all of a sudden!

A vast energy spilled out from this vessel and formed three arrows.

The arrows shot straight towards the phoenix, kirin and five-clawed golden dragon respectively.

The moment these three beings of the Great Saint realm had seen the three-legged vessel, they had been frightened out of their wits.

When the three arrows were shot, they had scattered in a frantic attempt to escape!

"The Great Emperor has been reborn!"

The five-clawed golden dragon was escaping faster than anyone else. Its spiritual transmissions were filled with endless fear.

That arrow appeared near the underside of its seven-inch scale in an instant, peerless and sharp to a point. Just a little further…...and it would pierce through.

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