
Chapter 581

Chapter 581: The Grand Wedding

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

The Five-Clawed Golden Dragon was shaken to its core, he strained his voice, "I am just joining the hype, please spare me your majesty!".


The arrow had buried itself into the dragon's scales.

The Golden Dragon let out a miserable yelp and its body was transforming.

It had morphed into an icy cold black dragon.

This, was its original form!

Like the big ole bear, it was radiating an eerie aura.

The Three Realms technique took its effect and exploded from within its body.

The dragon's gut was immediately corroded and destroyed.

Then, it body began to crack and shatter.

Energy in its rawest form was released into the surrounding as misty balls.

Chu Yu used his art of gluttony and swallowed all of them greedily.

The True Phoenix and the Unicorn had also revealed their true colors after getting shot by the arrows.

Their brilliant colours were replaced with a dark piano black.

Through and through.

They were both emitting an eerie vibe as well!

The aura was astonishing, it was so icy cold they could almost freeze the entire universe!

One could feel the powers no matter how far away they were.

Zhou Gan began to channel a large amount of cultivation power to protect himself against the harsh coldness.

The energy was like ripples in a still lake,

He looked grim and stoic, channeling such great amounts of energy required intense concentration.

"Your majesty… there's no use killing us. We're just the small pawns in the big game, we are merely scouts savaging for information…" the dragon was pleading as his body disintegrated into ashes.

All that was left of it was a giant head.

He was still relentless pleading for mercy.


His head was blown up in the virtual space.

Completely blown up!

Even Chu Yu shuddered at the powers of the Three Realms technique.

It was the epitome of scriptures.

The origin of all things.

It could counteract all the great Dao techniques in the universe!

Theoretically, Chu Yu could take down an Ancestral being with the help of the Three Realms technique.

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That's how powerful it was!

He could completely destroy an Ancestral's divine will.

It wasn't some kind of dark magic or dirty trick.

It was the real original magic.

Chu Yu felt the coldness of the powers he had just swallowed; a normal man would have frozen to death if he attempted the same feat.

With the reinforcements of the Three Realms technique, Chu Yu collated the residual energy with ease.

The black phoenix and the unicorn looked over in horror, their bodies were shattering into pieces as well.

They were sprits of the Great Saint realm, they had the rights to overlook all of life itself.

Now, they were lambs for slaughter.

Helpless in the face of Chu Yu!

They were all at the same cultivation level, why was the difference so apparent?

It was a tough pill to swallow as they watched themselves disintegrate.

The phoenix could tell that there was no way Chu Yu was going to show them any mercy.

It began to burn brilliantly, ferociously.

It surrounded itself with a dark flame hoping to be able to reborn from its own ashes.

It was shrieking with determination!

It was going to burn itself into nothingness!

It was a drastic tactic.

The Nirvana Rebirth Technique.

Like how the Feline Tribe has their Nine Lives Magic.

It was hard for spirits like them to die.

Too bad they bumped into Chu Yu.

The Three Realms technique trumps all magic!

No form of magic is worthy enough to pit itself against the Three Realms technique.

Unless someone could attack Chu Yu before he could even utilize it.

Perhaps there was someone like that out there.

But not these bunch.

The Bear and the Dragon were goners.

The phoenix was just struggling in futility.

The ashy unicorn was emitting a benevolent vibe, but it was laced with icy intentions as well!

It was trying to meld the destructive forces of the Three Realms technique.

"I know what Sacred Art this is… this is what I've always wanted! I don't care if you are the Yellow Emperor! I can already see into the future; terrible things are going to befall upon this land there's no escaping for you too!"

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The unicorn's body had exploded.

It's dark benevolent aura wasn't enough to save itself.

Balls of energy were hovering in the virtual space.

Engulfed by Chu Yu.

The Black Phoenix was the most powerful spirit amongst the four of them.

Its flames were formidable.

Although it couldn't break through the attacks of the Three Realms technique, it could prevent it from doing further damage.

Its physical body was engulfed in raging fire but its divine soul was being extracted!

Once it manages to extract its divine soul completely, it'll be able to scurry away and escape.

What would be cremated would just be one of its bodies.

A Great Saint spirit could easily regenerate itself with its divine soul.

No costs whatsoever!

Chu Yu had swallowed a large amount of raw energy in a short amount of time, his entire body was gleaming!

He was glowing from within.

It was a gorgeous light!

He was casting his light onto the dark stars as he enveloped the entire space.

Fatty was standing on high ground as he stared at the light, he seemed like he was in a trance, "So… the light was him!".

The Black Phoenix was getting anxious as it nearly completely its extraction. It was filled with anger and rage.

At the same time, it was fearful.

The rebirth of the Yellow Emperor!

This was breaking news!

If it relayed the message back, the entire ghost realm would be shaken. Even the superiors would find it hard to settle down.

It had to bring the message back!

The phoenix was determined.

Chu Yu charged toward it with a mighty growl.

Far away, the spectators of the mortal realm were watching with their eyes wide open.

It was originally meant to be the live broadcast of the Emperor's royal wedding.

Although the visuals weren't of high resolution, they could sense the clash of great powers across the screen.

Chu Yu raised his sword.

"Little fowl, trying to run?"


The phoenix's divine soul was sliced into two by Chu Yu's slash.

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It was letting out a high-pitched shout.

Its shriek could shatter glass!

Chu Yu was firm and he continued to wave his sword around

The Divine Punisher Blade was glowing with a menacing vibe; the powers of the Great Saint realm had been nourishing the sword.

The other Yellow Emperor sword was like a flying dragon parked across the virtual space emitting a respectable aura.

It was the Phoenix's downfall!

Its face was downcast and it appeared weak and vulnerable. It was still screaming as it made its last attempt to reassemble and escape.


Eventually, it was slayed by Chu Yu.

Without any interrogations!

None was needed, this sort of icy coldness originated from one place in the universe.

The ghost realm.

He had thought that they might have come from the Bastion of Stars or the Deity realm.

He figured it out once he exchanged blows with them.

The energy he had swallowed also contained large amounts of information.

The divine soul of the phoenix was gone with the wind.

The four great terrifying spirits ended their journey here.

Without achieving anything.

But Chu Yu was looking up towards the heaven.

The great expanse of the universe was empty.

There was nothing above him.

But Chu Yu looked worried.

The fight that had just taken place had caused some dangerous vibration in this area.

But the sky was intact.

The great laws defining the mortal realm had drastically changed.

Even a fight between Great Saints didn't leave any substantial damage to the world.

It was a good thing, it meant that the loopholes of the laws were being patched up. This was an updated version.

But it was also bad news!

It meant that spirits from the Deity realm and the Ghost realm, those really powerful ones, could walk the mortal realm with ease again.

The world was recovering too quickly!

The spirits here however, were still weak.

There were still residual quakes in the area.

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No one of the saint realm could even approach him.

Zhou Gan flew towards Chu Yu and asked seriously, "The Ghost Realm?".

"Yeah," he nodded his head.

Zhou Gan couldn't help but let out a sigh, "What did they want?".

Chu Yu merely shook his head and kept his silence.

What did they want?

Either they were coming for him, or… coming for this treasure trove of a land.

Either way, it was unforgivable.

"Finish the wedding ceremony and then go to the Bastion of Stars," Zhou Gan suggested.

Chu Yu nodded his head.

The battle was short but the impact tremendous!

After all, there were numerous guests at the wedding, all of considerable status.

The news spread quickly.

The spirits from the other planes weren't as alarmed.

The ghost realm was history to them, something that belonged to the previous era. It held little relevance and it was distant for them.

Although news of the fight sparked heaty discussions, it didn't leave a huge impact on them.

But the people from the eight ancient cities were sensitive to news of the Ghost Realm.

They had witnessed their prowess before!

In person!

To them, it was as if yesterday when the Ghost realm invaded them.

They were shaken.

The discussions were animated and captivating.

Thank goodness, they had Chu Yu.

Chu Yu was the source of their comfort and security.

The Great Emperor was invincible!

This belief was solidified in their minds.


Back at the floating city, the disrupted ceremony was being carried out.

All the guests had momentarily forgotten the recent incidents as they immersed themselves in the celebratory occasion.

It wasn't hard to be distracted by the appearance of the two beautiful brides.

It was the highlight of the wedding when Lin Shi and Xu Fairy appeared down the aisle.

There were cheers and claps everywhere.

The two women hooked they arms around Chu Yu on either side as they walked down the path blissfully.

Ming Hui was the emcee for the ceremony and the crowd went crazy when he pronounced them husband and wives.

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