
Chapter 582

Chapter 582: To The Nether World

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

Many people were relieved when the wedding continued on without a further hitch.

During the ceremony, Chu Yu's solemn and serious promise had caused many to tear up.

Little Moon was smiling gently, but her eyes betrayed a flash of loneliness.

In the end, fate was important when it came to human relationships.

Zhao Man Tian stood by her side and lightly patted her head.

Little Moon rolled her eyes at him and then smiled warmly, "I'm alright."

"I know." Zhao Man Tian whispered.

Ji Jian Jia, Li Xiao Xiao, Chai Xue and the others all had congratulatory expressions on their faces.

"How enviable!" Li Xiao Xiao had commented candidly, "It's a pity that I don't have the guts."

"Even if you did, the other party probably might not like you either." Ji Jian Jia teased her with a soft smile.

"Yeah…...How long has it only been, who would have known that someone who had been so plain at the start would have such great abilities and opportunities now. He might have become a bit more handsome, but it really is hard to tell that he is that kind of person now." Li Xiao Xiao pouted, "If I knew this would happen, I would have fought tooth and nail to bed him at least once."

"Hahaha..." Chai Xue could not help but burst out laughing.

But in her heart, she could not help but think as well, "Actually, did I not have a better chance than all of you? Yes…...He was so plain at that time, who would have known that this day would come?"

Drizzle Shen sat alone at a table by the corner, eating heartily. She looked at these women with some distaste.

She thought to herself, "Is this such a big deal? Getting married is just a spectacle to evoke sentimental feelings! Look at me…...I'm not afraid to love or hate. If he doesn't like me, then I won't like him any longer either! But why do I still feel a little sad?"

Nearby, her parents watched her rather helplessly and shook their heads sighing as their daughter ate voraciously.

Fate was mysterious beyond measure and it hurt exactly because it had no form to pinpoint.

There was no way for anyone to interfere with it, they could only watch helplessly as the workings of fate unfolded.

Flower Chu, clad in a red dress, sat quietly in another corner.

From time to time, she raised her head to observe Chu Yu from a distance. Then the corners of her mouth lifted gently and she smiled, seemingly happy for Chu Yu.

Da Jia Zei, Old Huang and Fatty were drinking toast after toast to each other in no time.

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They were Chu Yu's oldest and dearest friends.

Now that Chu Yu was getting married, other than Chu Yu's family, these were the people who were the happiest for him.

Chu Yu was going around with Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian giving toasts.

When they came to the Chu family, everyone stood up.

Everyone was looking at Chu Yu nervously.

Chu Yu had once been pushed to become a monk in the north by the Chu family as a way to find a path.

He had not been very valued in his family.

Even though it could still be somewhat said that Chu Yu was from the direct line of descent, he had not been treated that well either.

But in any case, families like the Chu family were…...honestly considered small, normal families now that the Earth had been restored.

In comparison to the secular human realm, the Chus had been a colossal unit with great influence.

But in the world of cultivation, small families like them were nothing.

And in the restored world of cultivation, there was an abundance of small families like them.

That was exactly why Chu Yu had been looked down upon by countless people back in the day.

To put it plainly, Chu Yu was nothing more than a country bumpkin to them at that point of time.

Even the Chu family in the north had no idea that Chu Yu would be where he was today.

In the few years that Chu Yu had been "erased", there were…...but a few people who genuinely treated Chu Yu well in the inner circles of the Chu family.

He had been treated like air by family members of the same generation, and there had been many who had looked down upon him behind his back.

When Chu Yu had risen up, these people had changed their attitudes towards him in a flash as well.

Chu Yu had not taken their actions to heart as well.

They were family after all.

As such, Chu Yu would not be too calculative with these Chu family members at this present moment.

This was because they were family!

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"You are all too kind, there are many of you here who are my elders still. Please, sit down." Chu Yu smiled and greeted them.

Many of the elders teared up.

They felt ashamed, but they were touched as well.

Chu Yu looked at Chu Xiao Bai, "Brother, thank you for just now! You did well!"

The faces of Chu elders all reddened, but promptly darkened.

That was because Chu Xiao Bai had stood there weakly and replied cautiously, "Going by the hierarchy, I'm from the same generation as Brother Tianbei..."

Some chaos broke out amongst the large group of Chu elders. They were thinking: You've been a distant relative since a good eight hundred years ago, and you still dare to talk about hierarchy before the Great Emperor when he has addressed you as 'Brother'?

A few elders wanted to speak out in rebuke, only to hear Chu Yu's soft laugh.

"I'm sorry, uncle."

Xu Xiao Xian and Lin Shi were laughing delicately at the side.

The faces of the Chu family members were glowing with immense joy.

Their nervousness was finally dispelled!

With Chu Yu calling Chu Xiao Bai "uncle", the latter would have no worries in the future!

But Chu Xiao Bai's lack of understanding showed in his expression, along with some embarrassment. He said softly, "But that really is the hierarchy..."

Chu Yu held up his wine cup and laughed, "We're all family, so we'll go by the family hierarchy!"

After that, he looked at Chu Xiao Bai and said, "If you have time in the future, drop by the City in the Sky more, you have good potential!"

Even if Chu Yu's judgement was unforgiving, Chu Xiao Bai really was a brilliant young man.

It would be going too far to say that he had the makings of a Great Saint, but at the very least, it would not be a problem for him to enter the Saint Realm.

To the Chu family, having a descendant from the younger generation who could enter the Saint Realm was already incredibly good fortune.

Afterwards, Chu Yu took the two ladies along with him to give toasts.

Where the Chu family was, everyone had looks of excitement on their faces.

Many people were looking at Chu Xiao Bai with envy.

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"Xiao Bai, make sure to heed the Great Emperor's words and visit the City in the Sky more often! Or rather, you should just stay here for good!" A direct elder of Chu Xiao Bai's advised him seriously.

"But, I still want to explore the human world..." Chu Xiao Bai protested softly.

"Explore the human world my foot, you just can't let go of those girls there!" A young man from the same generation as Chu Xiao Bai couldn't help but retort from a side.

"You fool!" Chu Xiao Bai's direct elder spoke again expectantly, "Don't limit your future like that, do you understand? Don't fool around with those people from the secular world! You're just doing yourself an injustice!"

"Okay." Chu Xiao Bai shot a dirty look at that relative of the same generation, then weakly mumbled, "That was what you all said about the Chu family in the north as well..."

"..." His direct elder rolled his eyes in anger.

This little bastard definitely knew what he was doing, bringing up topics that everyone was intentionally avoiding.

When Chu Yu came to the table the Lin family was seated at, everyone stood up. Other than Lin Shi's parents, everyone looked a bit embarrassed.

This was the problem with starting off too lowly. In the beginning, almost no one had thought he would amount to anything.

Chu Yu didn't mind at all, and he clinked glasses with them cheerfully.

After a round of toasts, even Chu Yu felt a little lightheaded despite how surprisingly well he held his alcohol.

At the wedding banquet, he had not activated any techniques to dispel the effects of the alcohol. There were only so many times one could get drunk in life, if he was going to stay that sober while drinking, he might as well not drink at all.

However, when he turned to look at Xu Xiao Xian, he discovered a faint trace of disappointment in her eyes.

Chu Yu instantly understood, and transmitted his voice to her to whisper, "When we're done here, we'll go look for your parents! I believe they're still alive."

"Really?" Xu Xiao Xian's eyes brightened briefly before they darkened again, and she transmitted her voice in reply, "You don't have to console me, it's just that I kind of miss them. If they are still in this world, why have they not come to find me? As of today our names probably are known across all corners of this human world, aren't they?"

"That might not be true." Chu Yu said. "This universe is vast, and there definitely are more unknown areas than known ones! I've been doing a few rough deductions these days, and every time I'm pointed towards this human realm. Besides, even though their chances of living are uncertain, there still is hope of tracking them down."

Xu Xiao Xian's eyes grew brighter and brighter, and as she looked into Chu Yu's eyes, her gaze softened as well.

"You've been doing all this in secret, are you trying to get into my good books?"

"Even this you can tell?"

Lin Shi was watching the duo from aside, and she pouted, "That's about enough from the two of you. Flirting right in front me, don't you think that's too much?"

Xu Xiao Xian glanced at her, "That mental frequency we were on just now included you as well."

Lin Shi rolled her eyes, "I know, that's why I said that. Should you two really be all lovey dovey right in front of me?"

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Then, Da Jia Zei, Old Huang and Fatty came over to toast them.

Chu Yu had taken the opportunity to run off.

But not before he was shot dirty looks by Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian.

The wedding festivities had gone on for about a month already.

Really, it was because there were too many guests from all over the universe!

Especially after the video of Chu Yu slaying four beings of the Great Saint Realm in a short amount of time had spread across the lands, the people who came…...increased in number too!

The number of gifts they had received in the City in the Sky alone was enough to last them for thousands of years!

Some had come bearing gifts, but naturally others had come with requests.

These ranged from requests for techniques to requests for medicines to requests to not be attacked.

Alright, those who came with the last request had trespassed. These were the people who were afraid of being killed by Chu Yu and had come for the sole purpose of kneeling before him.

They were willing to become vassals of the solar system, or even Chu Yu's personal slaves.

In any case they only sought one promise -- that Chu Yu would not kill them!

Chu Yu was not especially vengeful towards these people, but he was not overly kind and generous as well.

He sent people to placate them, but never bothered appearing before them.

There was no need to care too much about these people, nor was there a need to become involved with them. As long as he could subjugate them, they would never be a problem. The moment he lost the power to subdue them, they would retaliate immediately.

These were only a bunch of contemptuous people after all.

Chu Yu left most of these things to his family members.

Then he had let Elder Ming Hui, Song Qing, Yue Ying and Zhao Man Tian, among others take charge. And Zhou Gan was to assume command of the solar system.

Afterwards, he had brought Xu Xiao Xian and Lin Shi back to Earth with him.

Alongside them was the old beggar.

The two Great Saint Realm beings from the nether world had arrived too suddenly. Even if the laws of heavenly Dao of the human realm were undergoing change, without a pathway, they could not have entered that easily.

Chu Yu had already suspected then that the problem could lie in that passageway at the Red Lady's Cave.

After all, it was how the old beggar had come over from the fringes of the nether world.

If that really was the place, then they had to think of a way to seal off that passageway!

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