
Chapter 583

Chapter 583: The Changing Mortal Realm

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

The Jing Po Glaciers, the cluster of mountainous ranges, the ancient tree. From time to time, one could hear the howls of wild animals and other creatures.

If one didn't visit for a period of time, these places would change drastically.

This was the place where Xu Xiao Xian and Chu Yu first met, it was a nostalgic place.

Jian Zhuang said with a shred of regret, "If this continues, in less than a hundred years, this place will become a real prosperous cavern.".

The old beggar nodded and said, "Of course, if only it wasn't connected to the Nether World.".

He reassured, "The situation isn't all that bad either. The beings of the Nether World have always liked to work in groups. If that passage way was discovered, it wouldn't be just a few creatures that come through.".

Lin Shi said softly, "Four Great Saints at once, isn't that enough?".

The old beggar shook his head as he said awkwardly, "That is quite a bit actually.".

They followed the passage way and entered the Daoist field of the Red Lady. This time, the old beggar brought the three of them directly to a place.

A look of fear was on his face, "This is it, are we going in?">

Chu Yu looked at him, "There's no we, it's just me.".

"We're going too," Xu Xiao Xian said.

Lin Shi nodded in agreement.

The old beggar teased, "The two girls aren't afraid, what are you afraid of?".

"Alright," Chu Yu said after some thought.

His cultivation level now was advanced beyond measure.

The Immortal Crane Furnace had grown with him as well.

Perhaps it could not be called that anymore, it was the Heavenly Cauldron!

There was no splitting of it into nine pieces.

This was the true form of the original Cauldron.

Chu Yu did not want to admit that he had ties to the Great Emperor from the previous era, but facts were facts.

People all thought that the Emperor vanished with the disappearance of the Cauldron.

Chu Yu did not know whether the Emperor disappeared or not, but he knew that the Immortal Crane Furnace was the Cauldron.

With the increase in his level of cultivation, the Cauldron constantly advanced as well.

There would be no problem if he used it to protect everyone here.

If they wanted to escape, even Ancestral beings could not stop them.

The old beggar undid the seal as a dark and cold energy rushed out.

Xu Xiao Xian and Lin Shi coughed as Chu Yu looked at them.

"How is that?" he asked.

Xu Xiao Xian said, "That's some good stuff.".

After which, the group stepped into the cold passage way.

This passage way was like the bottom of a valley, the four of them felt extremely small.

"There have been creatures who have walked here before," Chu Yu said suddenly.

He recited an incantation as an image appeared in front of them

A few figures hurriedly walked past this area in the images.

Even though their faces couldn't be seen, one could tell that they knew heir way.

"They did find this place indeed," the old beggar sighed.

"Maybe they knew about it long ago," Lin Shi added.

Chu Yu nodded, "It certainly feels that way.".

"Could it be that they didn't dare to come over when the laws were still incomplete?" the old beggar pondered.

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The passage way was very long, after a long walk, the felt a cold and powerful energy ahead.

Chu Yu was not affected much, but the other three were having some trouble.

The old beggar croaked, "Was it this cold back then? The temperature seems to have plummeted!".

Chu Yu moved in a flash!

His body disappeared from the sights of the other three.

A loud boom could be heard!


A terrifying energy wave rushed over them, but it was blocked by Chu Yu.

The other three could feel that the entire place was shaking!

Far away, a large figure appeared as it charged forward.

A monstrous energy surrounded it, even Saintly beings could not see through it.

Chu Yu was battling that figure.

"This is the land of the Nether World, outsiders are not allowed to enter!".

A powerful divine sense was emanated.

"Didn't you guys trespass into the Mortal Realm as well?" Chu Yu responded.

"How insolent! How dare you kill beings of the Nether World!".

The figure raised a palm and aimed it at Chu Yu.

"F*ck you, get lost!" raged Chu Yu as he charged forward with his fists.

What Nether World? This man was there to receive the four creatures of the Nether World.


A series of explosions could be heard

It was as if the entire world was crumbling.

This large figure was smashed by Chu Yu's fist as it rolled to a thousand miles away, knocking against the edges of the passageway.

But he soon came back.

A cold energy morphed into an arrow and fired straight at Chu Yu's forehead!

The speed of the arrow was way too fast!

The powers of the laws on it were ferocious!

This was just like an attack of a great Saint!

Chu Yu used the three realms technique to counter this attack.

An invisible barrier appeared in front of Chu Yu and blocked the attack.

A loud screeching sound could be heard, but the barrier stood firm.

Chu Yu flew up and landed a kick on the figure's face!


A bone cracking sound could be heard after the blast.

The figure's face was broken by Chu Yu's kick.

It let out a piercing scream as it let out a rallying cry for help at the same time.

The old beggar, Xu Xiao Xian and Lin Shi just stood there, shell shocked by the battle.

This was a battle between great Saints, it was a once in a lifetime battle.

The old beggar said, "This place never housed such powerful existences before!".

Xu Xiao Xian looked at him and said, "Even if there were, you wouldn't have discovered them. Moreover, they wouldn't have cared about you either."

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The old beggar awkwardly replied, "Come on, stop making fun of me…".


Another blast could be heard.

The figure was sent flying by Chu Yu again!

This kick was full of power and strength.

The figure disappeared into the sky, far far away, as its screams could be heard, "I will never let you off, I will return!".


A giant foot rained down from the sky towards Chu Yu!

The pressure that it emanated was so huge that it felt like it could crush the space here.

An ancestral cultivator?

Chu Yu was shocked, could it be that he had lured on out?

But this passage way should not be the home of such powerful beings.

In the next moment, the cultivator's cultivation level was clear.

He was at the peaks of the great Saint realm!

A truly powerful existence.

But he was not an ancestral being, and that was a good thing.

Chu Yu gave a cold laugh as he polymorphed himself into a razor-sharp blade.

The blade was made of two steels, one from the Yellow Emperor's Sword and one from the Heavenly Immortal Sword.

Chu Yu aimed it at the descending foot.

The being could not retreat.


The foot landed on the tip of the blade as the blade pierced through its skin.

The blood of the great Saint flowed like a river from the bottom of the foot.

Up in the sky, a terrifying scream could be heard.

That must have hurt.

The foot retracted immediately in an attempt to escape.

"If you had the guts to stamp your foot down, you have to suffer the consequences," Chu Yu gave off an icy divine sense.

He used his hand as a blade as a light shone and cut the foot.


The toes on the foot were severed by this ligh!

A large toe dropped down!


Earth shaking tremors could be felt.

Blood gushed down from above.

This blood was forged from the most concentrated energy, within it lay unimaginable powers of the laws.  

Five separate toes landed on the ground and dissipated into five lakes of blood.

The energy alone made the old beggar feel as if his body was cracking.

The great Saint realm was too terrifying, the difference between that and the Saint realm was too great.

An enraged howl came down from above.

"The beings of the Mortal Realm are here…".


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Another loud blast could be heard as unquantifiable power rushed over.

Chu Yu's face changed.

His reaction time was incredible.

He brought the other three and vanished from this place.

It was just a second, but if had hesitated, the four of them would have been buried inside.

"How vicious!" Chu Yu sniggered.

That seemed to be the moves of an Ancestral being.

Nothing else could seal off the passage way like that.

If Chu Yu had moved one second later, things would have been bad.

Chu Yu frowned.

He let the other three out of the Immortal Crane Furnace.

They did not seem to realise what had happened.

They looked at the familiar surroundings as the old beggar asked, "Oh? Why are we back?".

This was the Red Lady's Daoist field.

Chu Yu gave a wry smile, "We almost died there.".

"That cold dark energy is gone?" the old beggar asked with some suspicion.  

This place felt normal, but the passage way had vanished.

He gave a weird expression as he looked at Chu Yu, "This…".

Chu Yu smiled, "This place is clearly some after measure of a powerful being of the Nether World. Just now, I suspect an Ancestral being tried to seal us inside.".

The old beggar gave a face of disbelief, "What did they want to do?".

Chu Yu shrugged, "How would I know?".  

The old beggar had a face of suspicion, "You're the reincarnation of the Great Emperor, following you will bring me great danger!".

Chu Yu smiled, "You've only realised that now?".

Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian laughed as the group left this place.

The old beggar said with a worried expression, "Even though the passage way is now sealed, I still feel that something isn't quite right.".

"In the short term, things should be fine," Chu Yu reassured him.

"Why do you say that?" the old beggar replied.

"The sky is going to change," Chu Yu gave a cryptic reply.

The Bastion of Stars.

Some said this was the land of Saints, others said this was the field of cultivation.

The cultivators of the village of Dao treat it as a fortress to defend against the enemy. The other people of the universe treat it as the final stage to Immortality.

The creatures of the Immortal realm hated this place, they had been trying to destroy it since day one.

The creatures of the Nether World didn't like this place either. The energy here threatened them.

The Bastion of Stars was also the prime reason as to why they did not invade the Mortal Realm.

The Bastion of stars was high in the heavens.

Because the universe was too large, few people ever saw how it looked like as a whole.

In reality, it was like a giant maze!

A giant maze that was placed on the top of this realm!

This place was a mystery in itself!

The Bastion of Stars held the greatest Qi in the entire realm as well/

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Even Ancestral beings were dwarfed in comparison.

The Bastion of Stars constantly changed, there was no repeated path in this maze.

Rumour has it that if someone managed to abolish the laws of this maze and stop these changes, one would ascend to Immortality.

And become an immortal!

The temptation of the prospect of immortality was great.

Legend had it that the Immortal realm and the Mortal realm were vastly different.

Once one entered the Immortal realm, one would be invanquishable.

Of course, it was all just a legend.

No one actually believed it.

But there had to be some benefits to becoming an Immortal, there was no doubt.

Even Ancestral beings seeked immortality.

So, the Bastion of Stars was rightfully named the pinnacle of cultivation.

But those from the village of Dao had an advantage.

The other creatures needed to pass through various tests and obstacles before they could enter the inner area of the village of Dao.

War was strife and grudges were common, even within the village of Dao.

As time passed by, the Bastion of Stars became like an outsider of the Mortal Realm.

Many of the beings there were desensitized to whatever happened on earth.

They still paid attention, but they just watched on.

Many of them could not bear to see their homes destroyed, but the laws of the mortal realm were flawed.

They managed to escape that, why would they want to return?

Moreover, it was said that the Great Emperor had left some things behind there to protect the place.

The other extraterrestrial beings heard of such rumours too, but they did not believe it before.

Naturally, at the Bastion of Stars, they were ancient beings of the oldest ancestry.

But they were deep in seclusion, no one could find them.

Occasionally, someone would stumble upon the remnants of one of them and receive divine guidance.

With all these facts, it seemed as if the Great Emperor was nothing more than a legend to the extraterrestrials.

The power houses of the previous era, if they were still alive today, would have reached unimaginable levels of cultivation.

Since that was the case, why did the Great Emperor need reincarnation?

Moreover, those beings who have survived till today from the previous era were all averse to the name the Great Emperor.

They didn't like to talk about it.

When the Great Emperor ruled the three realms, many of the extraterrestrial plains were in chaos.

Those that managed to become Immortals back then seemed to all belong to the village of dao!

The golden age of the extraterrestrials only came at the end of the collapse of the three realms.

This was why they severely underestimated the village of Dao.

From that point in history, they looked down on them and didn't consider them in their plans.

They did not understand before, but now they did.

Facts had been proven, their beliefs were thrown out of the window.

The village of Dao was protected by a terrifying ancient being, also, the rumoured Great Emperor was powerful enough to restore the laws of that place!

He managed to revert 60,000,000 years of sealing!

In the face of such power, one could only kneel down.

"The laws of the Mortal Realm has undergone huge change. I can finally go there now! If this grudge is not resolved now, when will it ever be? Since he's the reincarnated Emperor, it's not considered bullying if I take him on, am I right?".

Said a young and pristine looking man as he sat in front of a stone structure as he faced a group of people.

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