
Chapter 606

Chapter 606: The Nine-Toothed Harrow

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

He entered the Bastion of Stars just like that!


What was he doing?

Zhou Gan was so confused.

At this moment, a rolling divine sense came raging, "You b*stard! Have you teamed up with him to ambush me?".

The Rat's divine sense was as loud as it could be.

It would take some time before his body got here.

Zhou Gan was furious as well.

He only agreed to stop Chu Yu if he was headed for the Eastern realm.

Now, Chu Yu had entered the Bastion of Stars without any hesitation.

This was the Rat's own problem!

But the Rat wanted Chu Yu to go to the Bastion of Stars from the beginning.

He can capture him there and refine him again.

What did this have to do with Zhou Gan?

Zhou Gan raged, "He's already inside, if you want to catch him, you can go ahead!".

The angry divine sense came rushing back, "What did he mean by whatever he said then?".

"How the f*ck would I know? F*ck! Big Ratty, you're a god from the barren era, why are you so insecure?".

"You really think that boy is stupid? He's even more witty than the Monkey!" Zhou Gan ranted.

He continued, "He's clearly trying to rile you up, and yet you can't tell. Are you dumb?".

"If you want to capture him that badly, go ahead, don't blame your failure on me later!".


"No wonder your reputation is so bad.".


"Rat Shit!".

"Rat scum!".

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The rolling divine sense was nearly angered to the point of insanity as it howled, "Shut up! How much better is your reputation? You're just a greedy little pig!".

"I'm only not eating you because you're gross!" Zhou Gan retaliated.

The divine sense finally took on a physical form beside Zhou Gan as he began his rant.

"You pig!".

"You rat scum!".

"You pig sty!".

"You rat scum!".

"You dirty fat*ss!".

"You rat scum, you rat scum, you rat scum!".

The two interchanged verbal blows.

Zhou Gan had his hands on his hips, he could barely catch his breath.

The Rat was in no better shape.

The physical body that appeared was that of the young man from before.


From the distant universe, a crackling burst of energy could be heard.

There was an aura of suppression within it.

The entire realm was shaking.

The Rat's real body was coming!

The young man who Zhou Gan was arguing with spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Hey! Rat scum! Let me tell you one last time, that little son of a b*tch is trapping me! Why would I team up with him?".

The young man sniggered, "There's no use saying this now, be gone!".

Zhou Gan peered over to see a huge wave of energy coming over, he fled immediately.


The entire place was sealed, Zhou Gan knocked into the limits of the seal like a brick wall.

The outer space was torn to shreds by this seal, and Zhou Gan was trapped within as well.

"You think you can do whatever you want just because this is your realm? Old Rat! Remember, you still owe me one!".

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Boom, boom, boom!

A series of loud explosions occurred at where Zhou Gan had disappeared.

The entire space was split apart.

The mortal realm couldn't withstand the old man's strike.

"Ahh, how infuriating!" the old man howled.

His body flickered and he left this realm.

After Chu Yu entered the Mirror Dimension, he did not stop at all, he did not even pause to start activating the three realms technique.

He constantly used the killing heart days technique to blemish his tracks, making him hard to trace.

He was not running away, he was just hiding in a lake within 30,000 miles of the original position.

Using the vertical eye, he gave off a gentle energy that separated his aura and Qi from the water.

This lake was huge!

His body continued to sink like a corpse.

There were no ripples or waves.

The fearsome creatures in the lake swam past him, they paid no attention.

Everything was as per normal.

Soon, Zhou Gan's figure appeared.

As soon as he appeared, a grand Daoist Qi erupted from his body.

A huge change occurred in his body.

A field of Daoist energy suddenly shrouded him.

"Want to screw that little Rat over?" Zhou Gan sniggered.

Zhou Gan reprimanded Chu Yu, "Aren't you naïve! You might as well run to the eastern realms! That way, even if you want to mask and hide yourself, it would be safer. He wouldn't even dare to head to the eastern realms, but you just HAD to come here and seek your own death. Wait, what? You're not…?".

Zhou Gan stopped as a look of amusement appeared in his eyes, "This might just work! You're a genius!".

He thought he could easily trace Chu Yu's footsteps.

A great Saint coming over to a place where the laws were the same as the Nether World and the Immortal Realm, how could he escape the assault of a god from the barren era?

It was not an exaggeration to say that it would have been no use even if the old man gave Chu Yu a year's worth of head start.

This was also the reason as to why the old man wanted to lure Chu Yu to the Bastion of Stars.

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In reality, if Chu Yu had remained in the mortal realm the old man could never have touched him.

Because once he did, Feng Jian would appear.

It was a pity that Chu Yu didn't know this.

Feng Jian didn't tell Chu Yu either…

From Zhou Gan's point of view, Chu Yu had fallen into a trap laid out perfectly!

No one understood the Bastion of Stars like these ancient beings of the barren era.

Since that era, gods and demons had already chose this place as their hiding grounds.

This had been a chaotic place since then.

Back in those years, when the enemy retreated and the leaders of the barren era split the realms, they all avoided this place!


Because this place wasn't at the command of anyone!

No one could control it!

Moreover, if the power houses of the barren era were to fight here, the war would go on and this world would crumble.

From Zhou Gan's point of view, Chu Yu had to be sick in the head to have come here.

But now, what surprised him was that Chu Yu's tracks were completely erased!

Even inspection wouldn't locate him!

He had been interacting with Chu Yu since he was the Emperor in his previous life.

The connection was strong.

But when he tried his inspection… there was nothing.

It was like Chu Yu had vanished from this world.

Not a trace at all!  

"This is a little interesting," Zhou Gan smiled strangely.

A loud bang erupted in the sky.

The old man emerged.

His eyes fell upon Zhou Gan.

They were full of rage.

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He wanted to utter a Chinese insult: "You're no better than a dog!".

But he held himself back, because this place was connected to the Immortal realm.

Perhaps the Dog was here.

"Hahahaha!" Zhou Gan laughed.

He looked at the old man, "Why are you holding yourself back?".

The old man looked at him and began inspecting.

As one of the twelve original gods, the powers of his inspection were supreme.

In the next moment, his face changed.

"Where did you hide him?".

"In your mother!" Zhou Gan scoffed, he was enraged.

"Are you dumb?" he asked the old man.

"Spill the beans!". The old man was certain that Zhou Gan had hid him.

Only he had the ability to do so, that was the only logical reason.

Never in his wildest dreams would he imagine that Chu Yu could escape his inspection.

"I hid him in your sister!" Zhou Gan mocked again.

Over here, he had no fear of the old man.

If he wanted a fight, a fight he would get!

The old man was breathing heavily, he began huffing and puffing as a thick energy left and entered his lungs.

"Apart from you, who can save him?".

"Who will be willing save him?".

Zhou Gan raged, "Can't he run away by himself? If I saved him, why would I stay here? So that you can find me?".

"When it comes to tracking and tracing, is there anyone better than me in this world? You're not running because you know you can't escape," the old man laughed coldly.

"Alright, enough, let's just fight! If you win, I'll tell you where he is.".

Zhou Gan took out his weapon.

The Nine-Toothed Harrow.

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